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1、材料成型与控制工程毕业论文镁合金铸轧区温度场仿真及组织研究单 位 名 称:材料与冶金学院专 业 名 称:材料成型与控制工程镁合金铸轧区温度场仿真及组织研究镁合金是最轻的金属结构材料,其比强度和比刚度高,阻尼性及机加工性好,具有防震、屏蔽电磁波等优异性能,近年来得到极大重视,在国防、航空航天以及3C、汽车等民用工业部门得到了广泛地应用。镁合金的双辊薄带连续铸轧技术是当今有色行业主要研究的课题之一,具有短流程、低能耗及节省投资等优点。应用模拟软件,进行镁合金双辊薄带连续铸轧过程的数值模拟,寻求最佳工艺参数,为镁合金的连续铸轧提供理论基础。本文通过大型模拟软件ANSYS研究了不同的浇注温度、不同的铸
3、固终点位置向咬入端偏移。铸轧区中部的两个漩涡也向咬入端偏移。(4)铸轧区的凝固组织,靠近轧辊边部的晶粒比中间部位的细小且等轴化程度更高;边部的晶粒则是越靠近轧制出口端越细小。关键词:数值模拟,镁合金,铸轧,温度场,流场 Numerical Simulation on Temperature Field and the Study on Microstructure of Cast-rolling Zone of Magnesium AlloyMagnesium alloys are the lightest constructional metal materials. Due to thei
4、r excellent properties such as high specific strength and stiffness, good damping and machinability, shock resistance, electromagnetic shielding, magnesium alloys are deemed as one of the most potential materials, and have received more and more attention. Magnesium alloys are rapidly applied to nat
5、ional defence, aeroplane, 3C, automobile and so on. The technique of twin-roll strip continuous cast-rolling of magnesium alloys is one of the main research tasks in nonferrous industry now, it possesses the advantages such as short procedure, low energy consumption, less investment. Simulative soft
6、ware can simulate the process of twin-roll strip continuous cast-rolling of magnesium alloys to get the proper processing parameters, and provide theoretical basis for continuous cast-rolling of magnesium alloys.In this paper, the effect of point of pouring, cast-rolling speed and heat convection co
7、efficient was studied on the temperature and flow field of magnesium melt in the cast-rolling zone by ANSYS; also solid sample was obtained by experiment to study the solid microstructure in the cast-rolling zone, and the conclusions were obtained as follow:(1)With the increment of point of pouring,
8、 the flow tendency in the cast-rolling zone is hardly changed, the temperature everywhere in the cast-rolling zone increases more or less, the length of the liquid cave increases, the semi-solid region enlarges, the semi-solid shell around the nip point thins, freezing point is near to outlet and th
9、e temperature of strip in outlet also increases.(2)With the increment of cast-rolling speed, the length of the liquid cave increases, the semi-solid region enlarges, the surface temperature of strip increases, the semi-solid shell thins, freezing point is near to outlet and the two eddies in the mid
10、dle of the cast-rolling zone shift to outlet appreciably.(3)with the increment of heat convection coefficient, the length of the liquid cave reduces, the semi-solid region diminishes and the semi-solid shell thickens appreciably. The freezing point and the two eddies in the middle of the cast-rollin
11、g zone are near to the nip point.(4)For the solid microstructure of the cast-rolling zone, the grains around the rolls are finer and more equiaxial than those in the middle of the cast-rolling zone. For those grains around the rolls, the nearer they are to outlet , the finer they are. Key words: num
12、erical simulation,magnesium alloy,cast-rolling,temperature field,flow field 目 录任务书i中文摘要iiABSTRACTiii第1章 绪论11.1 金属镁及其合金11.1.1 镁的基本性质及特点11.1.2镁合金的合金成分、牌号标记及其分类31.1.3镁合金的应用及国内外发展现状51.2 板带铸轧技术的提出与发展现状2071.2.1 国外简况71.2.2 国内简况81.3 铸轧技术的数值模拟现状81.4 本文研究的意义和主要内容91.4.1本文研究的意义101.4.2本文研究的主要内容11第2章 铸轧过程数值模拟的基本理
13、论122.1流场计算的基本理论122.1.1流场的基本控制方程122.1.2流场湍流模型142.1.3通用微分方程的离散化182.2温度场计算的基本理论202.2.1热量传递的基本方式202.2.2传热中的能量守恒222.2.3传热中的微分方程232.2.4传热中的边界条件23第3章 镁合金铸轧区温度场的数值计算253.1模型的假设条件253.2物理模型及网格划分.253.3计算的工艺参数263.4计算的物理性能参数273.5初始条件和边界条件283.6求解策略28第4章 数值模拟的计算结果与分析304.1浇注温度对温度场和流场的影响304.2铸轧速度对温度场和流场的影响344.3辊带间对流换
14、热系数对温度场和流场的影响394.4上下辊径的不同对流场的影响42第5章 铸轧区凝固组织研究43第6章 结论45参考文献46结束语47第1章 绪论1.1 金属镁及其合金1.1.1 镁的基本性质及特点镁在地壳中是继铝、铁、钙和钾元素之后分布最广泛的元素,占地壳重量2.5%。在海水中,镁的含量仅次于氯元素和钠元素,约占0.13%。镁及其合金是常用金属结构材料中最轻的一种。纯镁的熔点651,比重1.74g/cm3 (是钢的1/4,铝的2/3),常见镁合金密度从1.31.9g/cm3不等。镁的原子序数为12,相对原子质量为24.32,电子结构为1S22S22P63S2,位于周期表中第3周期第2族。镁的
15、晶体结构为密排六方,在25时的晶格常数为:a=0.3202nm,c=0.5199nm;晶胞的轴比为c/a=1.6237,配位数等于12,原子半径为0.612nm。这种晶体结构滑移系少,有脆化倾向,使得普通商业镁合金的力学性能较差,但镁的比重小,合金化能力强,可与其他金属构成力学性能优异,化学稳定性高,抗腐蚀能力强的轻合金。镁的其他一些重要的物理及化学参数见表1.11,2和表1.23,4。表1.1 镁的物理性质和化学性质Table 1.1 Physical and chemical properties of pure magnesium性质量 纲量 值原子性质原子序数12轨道电子状态1s22s
16、22p63s2原子量24.305原子体积cm3mol-114.0质量性质密度kgm-31738(20C);650C 时:1650(固态),1580(液态)体积收缩%4.2(液体凝固),5(固体冷却:65020C)热性质熔点C6501沸点C1090开始再结晶温度C150固态线膨胀系数mmm-1C-129.9(20500C)液态体膨胀系数C-138010-6(651800C)热导率Wm-1K-1156(27)Wm-1K-1146(527)比热kJkg-1K-11.025(20C)熔化潜热kJkg-1360377升华热kJkg-161136238(25C)汽化潜热kJkg-151505400燃点C6
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