1、分类号UDC 学位密级论文PYD2200 破碎机产能提升方法研究与实践作 者 姓 名 :指 导 教 师 :教授东北大学机械工程与自动化学院申请学位级别:硕士学科专业名称:机械工程论文提交日期: 2008 年 4 月学 科 类 别 : 专业学位论文答辩日期: 2008 年 6 月学位授予日期:评阅人:年月日答辩委员会主席:东北大学2008 年 7 月A Dissertation in Mechanical Engineering StudyofImprovementandItsApplicationofOverweightType PYD2200ConeCrusher By Lee wenSup
2、ervisor: Professor Yan yunhuiNortheastern UniversityJuly. 2008独创声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下完成的。论文中取得的研究成果除加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括本人为获得其他学位而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示诚挚的谢意。学位论文作者签名:签字日期:学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者和指导教师完全了解东北大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定:即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人同
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4、。如何改变原有破碎机设计,采用国外先进破碎机的设计思想,利用国内现有的加工能力,开发生产出新的破碎机,逐步缩小与国外先进破碎设备的差距的工作就显得十分重要。宝钢集团上海梅山矿业有限公司破碎机系统实行闭路破碎,出料粒度为小于14mm,设计年处理铁矿石 250 万吨,从 1970 年投产就使用了 4 台沈阳重型厂生产的PYD2200 圆锥破碎机。这种破碎机从 1970 年开始投入生产后,由于破碎效率较低,随着产量的不断提高,破碎机的故障不断增多,检修工作十分繁重,到 1996 年基本达到一期设计目标时破碎机实际作业率只有 36%,破碎机这时已经成为整个生产系统的瓶颈。从 1997 年起,梅山铁矿开
5、始进行二期扩建,要求选矿系统达到年处理铁矿石 400万吨规模,其中细破碎机系统在厂房上要求维持原状,主要原因是厂地限制厂房没有扩大的余地,就必须要求破碎机作业率达到 60%以上,而生产的现实状况是破碎机频繁的故障、事故,根本无法达到这么高的作业率。因此,对现有破碎机的研究、改造就提到议事日程上来。考虑到梅山选矿特点,由于设现有厂房周围是没有扩建的场地的,另一方面,选用高性能的进口破碎机,初步估算总共要花费超过 2044 万,生产、资金都不允许。所以,就必须要通过对老的圆锥破碎机进行研究、改造,提高圆锥破碎机的生产能力,达到既不扩建厂房、也不动土建基础;既不影响现行的生产,又能满足二期建II东北
6、大学硕士学位论文 摘要 成后年处理 400 万吨铁矿石的要求。在本文中,通过针对梅山选矿使用2200 普通重型圆锥破碎机的结构进行分析以及它在以往的生产过程中暴露的缺陷进行研究,有针对性地对2200 普通型圆锥破碎机进行改造。通过优化普通重型圆锥破碎机主要技术参数,增加机架壁厚,改变碗形瓦架与机架联接方式,改变传动轴联接方式,比较彻底解决了圆锥破碎机在已往的生产中暴露出来的问题。同时,通过对保险系统、锁紧系统进行改造,达到增大破碎力,提高破碎效率的目的,消除了普通重型圆锥破碎机由于保险力、锁紧力不足而造成的生产效率低,设备运行振动大、故障多、检修工作量大的矛盾。改造以后,经过试验证明可以提高破
7、碎机的运行可靠性,降低设备故障率和备件消耗,减少能源消耗,提高破碎效率与处理量,满足了梅山矿业公司二期生产建设的需要,对促进梅山矿业公司的稳步发展和经济效益目标的顺利实现,打造了坚实的基础平台。同时, 由于梅山矿业公司的矿石硬度比较大,难破碎,2200 超重型圆锥破碎机在梅山矿业公司使用成功,说明它具有较好适应性,具有一定的推广价值,也为国内进一步生产和研究超重型圆锥破碎机提供实物资料。同时,2200 超重型圆锥破碎机的改造成功,为国内相关的制造、使用单位对设备共同进行产学研联合攻关提供了经验,可以使他们少花学费,少走弯路。关键词:破碎,圆锥破碎机,超重型,技术改造III东北大学硕士学位论文
8、ABSTRACT Study of Improvement and Its Application ofOverweight Type PYD2200 ConeCrusher AbstractCrushing of material is a necessary technical process for country economy of manydepartments. Many scholars on crushing studying are putting forward new process called “more crushing and few milling” or “
9、crushing instead of milling”, i.e., the granularity ofcrushing production is mainly made by crushing instead of milling to improve the ability and to save its milling energy of milling machine. Studying and developing high efficiencyand energy saving crashing machine will satisfy the demand of “more
10、 crushing and fewmilling”.Since 80s the project of crushing have been an independence subject which isnecessity result of science and technology development. Crusher, as one of main crushingmachine in crushing engineering, has been pain more and more attention by studying、designing department and us
11、ing enterprises. Changing or improving still used crusher byadopting advanced design thought abroad and existing machining ability in the nation is also an important task, which can fast reduce the difference with advanced equipmentabroad and is helpful to develop new crusher. Along with several dec
12、ades, most of crushing enterprises are all taken much count ofthe cone crusher made in our country. But because of lacking larger machine tools it ismore difficult to repair used crusher in crushing workshop. Furthermore, the equipment enterprises are still lacking more efficient sold service. Many
13、problems on used crusher arestill not been solved or improved.It analyses the structure of the conventional type cone crusher and the flaw exposingin the past production, then pointedly transforms the conventional type2200 conecrusher . Several technical improvements for a used cone crusher in our e
14、nterprise havebeen made, including optimization of most technical parameters, increasing the thick offrame, changing the link manner between the frame of bowl bearing and the frame of machine, changing the link manner of transmission shaft, etc . Through the transform ofinsurance and locking system,
15、we can increase the crush power and the crush efficiency,eliminate the conventional type cone crushers flaw of inefficiency resulting from inadequate of insurance and locking systems power and big vibration, much trouble andworking capacity while running. Also some problems found in process have bee
16、nIV东北大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT completely solved. Crushing tests and machine running results show that the improved conecrusher can increase the reliability of equipment running, reduce the failure ratio and spareparts of the equipment, and increase the efficiency of crushing and its production ability. It
17、satisfies the second period producing need of the Meishan Mining Company. It canaccelerate development steadily and kilter realize aim of economy to the Meishan Mining Company. Success forimprovement of overweight type2200 cone crusher, it can offer studying and improving experience for making compa
18、ny and using factory in our country,and making them cost few money and time。Because of the hardness and more difficultcrushing of ore in the Meishan Mining Company,it can prove that overweight type2200cone crusher has better adaptability and value of extending. at the same time, it can offermore pra
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- 机械工程 硕士论文 PYD 2200 破碎 产能 提升 方法 研究 实践