1、 网络与继续教育学院毕 业 论 文 论文题目: 企业竞争力评价研究 学 校: 武汉理工大学 专 业: 工商管理学 姓 名: 许立新 指导老师: 秦丽华老师 完成时间: 2014年2月20日 目 录摘 要7Abstract 9引言11第一章 竞争、竞争力与企业竞争力141.1 竞争与竞争力141.2企业竞争力范畴的界定141.2.1企业竞争力的内涵及特征141.2.2企业竞争力的层次分析16第二章 企业竞争力的来源172.1波特的竞争优势理论182.1.1波特竞争力来源的思想182.1.2波特竞争力思想评价192.2企业核心能力理论192.2.1企业核心能力理论的主要观点192.2.2企业核心能
2、力理论评价202.3企业竞争力的来源分析202.3.1企业竞争力的来源界定202.3.2企业竞争力的决定因素21第三章 企业竞争力指标体系研究243.1企业竞争力评价指标体系设计的原则243.2企业竞争力评价指标体系的设计243.2.1显性竞争力指标的设计243.2.2潜在竞争力指标的设计25第四章 企业竞争力评价方法研究264.1企业竞争力评价方法的探讨284.2熵权法294.2.1熵权法的基本原理294.2.2基于熵权法的综合评价294.3加权平方和法29第五章 企业竞争力评价的实证分析305.1研究样本及数据的处理305.2目标评价企业的竞争力状况分析30注释32参考文献 34结束语36
3、摘 要经过20多年的改革开放,中国经济的市场化程度日益深化,竞争日益成为企业生存和发展的主体环境;竞争力日益成为企业生存和发展的基础和前提。尤其是加入WTO后,我国企业在与国内企业竞争的同时,还面临着国际实力强大企业的挑战。而当前我国企业竞争能力虽已有较大提高,但总体说来仍相对薄弱。来自企业的信息反馈中,最为困扰企业,也是企业最想获得的就是竞争力。在这种态势下,定位于企业竞争力评价,准确地界定企业竞争力,探讨企业竞争力的来源,构建切实可行的企业竞争力评价指标体系和评价方法,对于我国企业改善管理工作、提高自身竞争能力具有十分重大的现实意义。企业竞争力评价研究需要一个较为完善的理论体系框架。而当前
8、的评价结果,得到企业竞争力最后的评价结果。接着笔者采用聚类分析对被评价企业的竞争力状况进行分类,分类结果与竞争力最后的评价结果高度一致,从而验证了本文提出的企业竞争力评价方法体系的可靠性。最后,根据上述实证分析结果及竞争力数据,笔者对目标评价企业的竞争力状况进行了个寨分析。提出了提升该企业竞争能力的几点措施关键词:企业竞争力 指标体系 综合评价方法 实证分析AbstractThrough the Reformation and Opening that has passed by more than 20 years,the marketing degree of Chinese econom
9、y has increasingly deepenedCompetition increasingly becomes the corpus environment for enterprise to exist and develop;Competitiveness increasingly becomes the foundation and premise for enterprise to exist and developParticularly since China joined the WTO,Chinese enterprises have not only faced th
10、e competition with local enterprises,but also faced the challenge of the international enterprisesAlthough the competitiveness of our enterprises has already had a big exaltation,totally speaking,it is still weakIn the information back from enterprises,lack of enterprise competitiveness is the most
11、puzzling thingUnder this kind of situation,it has important realistic meaning for our enterprises to improve management work and increase theirs competitiveness,which we accurately define enterprise competitiveness,study on the source of enterprise competitiveness,set up viable index system to appra
12、ise enterprise competitiveness,explore methods to appraise enterprise competitivenessStudying on the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness needs a perfect theory system frameBut now many scholars stay around setting up the appraisal index system of enterprise competitivenessIt is not much seen tha
13、t people synthetically study this subject from that three aspects,which contains the theories of enterprise competitiveness,the appraisal index system and appraisal methodsAt the same time,the appraisal methods are simple,or need to use deep mathematics knowledge,which results in difficulty of actua
14、l applicationOwing to the above reasons,this text study on the appraisal of enterprise competitivenessWe follow this logic way of thinking,which research from the theories of enterprise competitiveness,to the appraisal index system,to the appraisal methods and to empirical researchWe introduce some
15、scientific methods into the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness There are five parts in the whole article,as following:1Competition,Competitiveness and Enterprise CompetitivenessResearch on the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness firstly needs a distinct recognition of enterprise competitive
16、nessFirstly we define competition and competitiveness,and innate theirs characterThen,according to the research purpose,drawing lessons from the definition of enterprise competitiveness by domestic and international scholars,we bring up the meaning of enterprise competitiveness.Finally,we proceed to
17、 analyze characteristics of enterprise competitiveness and bring up that it should been divided into two levels:apparent competitiveness and latent competitivenessThis division for enterprises competitiveness provides theoretical direction for the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness2The Source o
18、f Enterprise CompetitivenessIt is the premise of delineating latent competitiveness and studying the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness,which we research on the source of enterprise competitiveness and which factors decide enterprise competitivenessBased on the source analysis of enterprise com
19、petitiveness by Porters Competitive Advantage theory and the Core Competence theory,We bring up the Source of enterprise competitivenessWe think that four factors decide enterprise competitiveness,which are management,technique innovation,manpower capital and enterprise culturesThen we continue to a
20、nalyze how these factors affect enterprise competitiveness3Research on the Appraisal Index System of Enterprise CompetitivenessAt first,we bring up that we should follow four basic principles in setting up appraisal index system of enterprise competitivenessAccording to these principles and the thou
21、ght that the appraisal of enterprise competitiveness should contain the appraisal of apparent competitiveness and latent competition,we respectively design indexes of apparent competitiveness and latent competitiveness4Research on the Appraisal Methods of Enterprise CompetitivenessThis chapter is th
22、e key part of the whole textThe appraisal of enterprise competitiveness needs some reasonable and viable methodsWe put forward adopting three appraisal methods,which are principal component analysis&information entropy method and weighted square sum methodThen we introduce basic principles and opera
23、tion of these methods and point out theirs advantage and disadvantageFinally we suggest using KENDALL consistency exam to synthetically make use of the appraisal results of these three methods5Empirical Research on the Appraisal of Enterprise CompetitivenessAt fast,we introduce research sample and m
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- 工商管理 毕业论文 企业竞争力 评价 研究 37921
