1、硕士学位论文大型TSP问题的蚁群优化规则研究Research On Ant Colony Optimization Rules Of Large TSP Problem作者姓名: 专 业:管理科学与工程研究方向:管理科学指导教师: 培养单位:商学院摘要大型TSP问题的蚁群优化规则研究旅行商(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP)问题,是一个古老并且典型的NP-hard组合优化问题。当TSP问题的规模较小时,通过很多方法都能够快速高效的求出问题的解,但是随着问题规模的不断扩大,所求解的数量也以指数的形式快速增加,因此想要获得理想的解集必然要付出巨大的时间代价或是在短时间内
4、理、模型和特征进行了详细的介绍,并针对其优缺点研究展望了它的发展前景与方向。(3)对传统蚁群算法的规则进行优化更新,通过对传统的蚁群算法中的概率选择模型和蚁群的分类规则进行了改进,提出了一种新的算法-分段多功能蚁群算法,并对算法中各个参数的设置做了研究讨论。然后分别选取了小规模TSP问题和大规模TSP问题进行仿真实验。实验结果表明,改进后的算法能够在合理的运行时间内获得较好的全局最优解。(4)对本文的研究工作进行了总结,指出了本文研究的缺点和不足,并展望了蚁群算法今后的研究内容与方向以及改进的蚁群算法在其他领域的应用。关键词:TSP问题,蚁群算法,规则优化AbstractResearch On
5、 Ant Colony Optimization Rules Of Large TSP ProblemThe traveling salesman problem (the Traveling salesman problem, TSP), is an old and typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. If TSPs scale is smaller, many ways are able to quickly and efficiently find the solution of the problem, but as
6、 the expanding of the problems scale , the number of solution also increase rapidly in the form of index, so getting a ideal solution set is bound to spend huge time or in a short period of time there could hardly be a desirable outcome. TSP problem especially for large TSP, its effective problem so
7、lving, not only has an extremely important theoretical value and academic value ,but also of more help to solve many practical problems in social life, its usefulness is very high. Therefore, this problem has been a hot issue for the numerous Chinese and foreign scholars to research. In order to rea
8、lize new breakthroughs in the TSP, people began to think from some new angles and propose new ideas to solve the problem. With the arrival of swarm intelligence, a series of intelligent optimization algorithms which based on the study TSP problem have appeared, such as neural networks, genetic algor
9、ithms, simulated annealing, linear programming algorithm, ant colony algorithm and so on. In solving the TSP problem, these algorithms are certain advantages, but also defective. Because the theoretical principles of ant colony algorithm and TSP problem solving process has a certain similarity, comp
10、ared to other algorithms , ant colony algorithm could deal with the TSP problem with better results. The goal of the people is far more than it, any study that can make the algorithm more optimization has been continued. Although the ant colony algorithm has demonstrated good performance in solving
11、TSP problem, but with the enlarged scale of the problem, the drawbacks of the algorithm were revealed. When we are dealing with large amount of data from large-scale TSP problem, the basic ant colony algorithm, or a variety of improved algorithm still have some shortcomings,like the solution ineffic
12、iency, solving accuracy is small, easy to fall into local optimum, and so on. In allusion to this phenomenon, by optimizing the calculation rules of the ant colony algorithm, this paper proposes an improved Segmentation and multi-function ant colony algorithm, and around the large TSP problem the fo
13、llowing questions are discussed in this paper:(1)Introduction and describes the computational complexity of TSP problem and large scale TSP problem, the existing TSP problem solutions were compared to analyzing their problems. (2)Carried out a detailed introduction to the ant colony algorithm for th
14、e background, principles, models and features, and studying for the development of direction and outlook for its advantages and disadvantages.(3)Optimize and update the rules of traditional ant colony algorithm, With the improving of the probability select model and the classification rules of the a
15、nt colony in traditional ant colony algorithm,put forward a new sectional multifunctional ant colony algorithm. Research and discuss the settings of various parameter in ant colony algorithm. Then selected small-scale TSP problems and large-scale TSP problem doing simulation experiment. The experime
16、ntal results show that the improved algorithm can obtain better global optimal solution within a reasonable run time. (4)Summarize the main research work, pointing out the shortcomings and deficiencies of this study ,and prospect the content and area that ant colony algorithm will be further studied
17、 and the application of improved ant colony algorithm in other fields.Keywords:TSP problem, ant colony algorithm, optimization rules目 录第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究内容21.3 论文的组织结构3第2章TSP问题52.1 TSP问题概述52.2 TSP问题的定义和数学模型62.3 TSP问题的已知算法及存在的问题72.3.1精确求解方法72.3.2 近似求解方法92.4 TSP问题的应用122.5 本章小结13第3章 蚁群算法153.1 蚁群算法产
18、生背景153.2 蚁群算法的原理153.3 蚁群算法的模型193.4 蚁群算法的特征233.5 蚁群算法的前景展望243.6 本章小结25第4章 蚁群算法规则优化-分段多功能蚁群算法274.1 对基本蚁群算法的认知274.2 分段多功能蚁群算法294.2.1 多功能搜索策略294.2.2 信息素的设置294.2.3 转移概率与分段搜索策略304.2.4 信息素的更新规则324.2.5 改进算法的流程324.3 蚁群算法参数分析354.3.1 信息素残留因子1-的选择354.3.2 信息素启发因子的选择374.3.3信息素自启发因子的选择394.3.4 对与的组合选择414.3.5 蚂蚁数目的选
19、择424.4 仿真实验464.4.1 对小规模TSP问题的仿真实验464.4.2 对一类大规模TSP问题的仿真实验504.5 本章小结51第5章 总结与展望525.1 研究工作总结525.2 研究展望52参考文献54致谢60第1章 绪论1.1 研究背景由于计算机的发明与普及,使得优化理论有了坚实的发展后盾,优化理论与方法开始成为一门十分活跃的学科并被并开始受到广泛的关注与研究。他在经济计划、航天航空、生产管理、工程设计等各行各业都得到了十分广泛的应用。近几十年来,优化学术领域发生了重大的变化与改革,人工智能和人工生命技术的发展为该领域注入了新的力量。基于仿生学原理、通过模拟自然现象或过程的各种
20、优化方法如雨后春笋般相继被提出,如遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)、神经网络算法(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)、模拟退火(Simulated Annealing,SA)、蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization, ACO)等,他们对于经典的优化算法不能或者难以解决的复杂问题有较好的适用性,显示了无法比拟的优势,并且取得了令人瞩目的成就。旅行商(TSP)问题既是计算机科学中的一个典型问题,也是组合数学中的经典问题。TSP问题从1932年产生发展以来就一直受到各个领域众多学者们的研究与追捧。历经80年的研究,虽然获得了大量的研究
22、法研究自然而然的成为当前炙手可热的话题。虽然我们对于TSP问题已经做了大量的研究,但较好的研究成果仅限于小型TSP问题中,一旦遇到庞大的数据量,其运算结果往往不如人意。由此可见,大型TSP问题的研究仍是一项亟需处理而又艰巨无比的任务。蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization, ACO),又称蚂蚁算法, 是由意大利科学家Marco Dorigo等人在20世纪90年代初提出来的3,它一种受到自然界蚂蚁觅食行为过程中通过信息素的沟通来找到蚁穴到食物的最短路径的启发而提出的一种生物优化算法。蚂蚁通过自身释放的信息素来进行信息交流和相互的沟通,并能够以此来找到一条通往食物地的最短路径,蚁
23、群算法理论思想正是借鉴了蚁群的这种群体性能。由于蚁群算法模拟设计了正反馈机制与蚂蚁间的交互协作机制,利用了蚁群单个个体之间的简单信息传递来完成寻找最短路径搜索食物的特点来实现算法,使得该过程与TSP问题求解具有较大的的相似性,从而能够对具有NP难度的TSP问题给出较优的解答。蚁群算法在问题的快速求解基础上,又使全局优化特征以及较短时间内计算结果的合理性得到了保证(这只是同其他算法的比较而言),因此,蚁群算法成为了求解TSP问题最常见的算法之一。同时,该算法还被用于求解背包问题、车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP)等,显示了他在组合优化类问题求解中的优越性。蚁
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- 关 键 词:
- 大型 TSP 问题 优化 规则 研究
