1、国家管制下彩票购买倾向及营销模式探讨 专业硕士学位论文 THESIS OF PROFESSIONAL MASTER DEGREE论文题目:国家管制下彩票购买倾向及营销模式探讨(英文):The Discuss abuot the Lottery Purchasing Tendency and Distribution Model under the State Control 作 者:方 浩 帆指导教师:刘凤军教授二 OO 八年五月五日论文题目: (中文)国家管制下彩票购买倾向及营销模式探讨 The Discuss abuot the Lottery (外文)Purchasing Tendenc
2、y and Distribution Model under the State Control所在院、系、所 : 商学院 专 业 名 称:工商管理硕士 指 导 教 师 姓 名、职 称 : 刘凤军教授 论 文 主 题 词 : 国家管制;彩票;购买倾向 学 习 期 限 : 2006 年 9月至 2008 年 6月 论文提交时间: 2008 年 5月2 独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的
3、材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献已在论文中作了明确地说明并表示了谢意。签名: 方浩帆 日期: 2008.05.04关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名:方浩帆导师签名:刘凤军 日期:2008.05.053 摘 要 近年来,我国彩票业发展迅猛,当前正步入新的发展阶段。彩票业作为一门新兴产业,它突飞猛进的发展势头在带动社会就业、印刷、广告、公益事业、体育事业等多个方面的发展,对经济建设和社会发展产生了积极影响。
4、彩票业是特殊行业,彩票产品是特殊产品,虽然是在政府管制下的垄断产品,仍具有其社会性和公益性的共同特征,本文通过对彩民购彩倾向的研究,并结合彩票行业本身的特点及营销管理理论和知识希望建立一套符合彩票行业特性的营销模式,从而为彩票行业的发展提供有意义的借鉴和启示。 彩票在我国由于其赌博性质,曾一度受到禁止。直到20世纪80年代末90年代初才开始尝试发行彩票,并开始为社会公益事业和后来的体育事业的发展募集资金。经过二十年的发展,随着人民生活水平的不断提高和彩票品种的不断发展,使得今天的彩票已经成为推动国家发展社会公益事业和体育事业的重要经济动力。从我国彩票的发展来看,分别经过了彩票的萌芽阶段,部门彩
6、整公益金分配政策扩大公益金适用范围等一系列措施大大提高了彩票的发行量及其影响,从而也标志着我国彩票行业黄金时期的到来。 应该说彩票业下一的发展步伐将在很大一个程度上取决于国家对彩票行业的管制态度。因为彩票作为一个特殊的行业在世界各国都受到不同程度的管制;我们通过对世界各发达国家或地区对彩票的管制经验来看,不同的管制程度和4 管制模式对彩票发展的影响将是巨大的。而回头看我国对彩票的国家管制意识也在不断的加强,对彩票的管制模式也在不断的探索和尝试。并昀终将通过立法等方式将彩票行业的发展进行有效的引导和规范,以达到驱避用利的目的,相信不久的将来彩票行业的发展将为中国社会福利公益事业和体育事业的发展发
7、挥出更大的能量。 彩票作为一项特殊的大众娱乐消费品,行业的发展除了因其特殊性受到国家政策的管制外,对自身彩票品种的营销和消费倾向的把握程度同样也深深的影响了彩票业发展的步伐。为此笔者通过参与对网上彩民的购彩倾向分析可以发现,单从彩票本身的营销来看,我们有做得好的地方,比如彩票销售网点的服务,好的彩票品种等等,但是更多的是做的不够的地方,比如从彩票的品种的偏好度来看,彩票品种过多,但是受欢迎的和销量大的就集中在少有的几个品种上,而造成营销资源的浪费,更不用说针对不同的人群开发针对性的玩法和彩票品种了。还比如说营销网点分布不均,特别是农村的营销网点缺乏、布点潜力巨大等等。这些不足的存在都说明我们的
8、彩票营销还存在着改进巨大的空间,这些改进空间的存在对彩票营销而言既是危机同时也将是巨大的发展机遇。 我们该如何面对这种危机和挑战呢?虽然说彩票业在我国来说是一个新兴的行业,但是对于发达国家来说已经是个成熟的行业了,从彩票业的起源和发展历程来看,全球各发达国家和地区的彩票营销和发展都各具特色。能够给我们的营销实践提供一些借鉴的价值,但是毕竟发达国家和地区的国情不同、社会体制不同,彩票的性质也有所差异,所以我国彩票的营销之路,必然是一条符合中国国情的特色之路。 笔者通过对彩票行业的多方调研和研究后,认为良好的彩票营销模式的设计一定是建立在提高彩民综合价值体验的基础上,因此笔者提出了让渡价值的理论,
9、 “即彩民让渡价值是彩民总价值与彩民总成本之间的差额”。因为只有提高了让渡价值,才能真正提高彩民的整体感受,而其营销模式的设计也将为绕着这个核心通过对彩票的宣传管理、对其传播媒体的架构管理、培训管理等方面全面进行提升以形成营销模式的主体组成部分。 为了保证营销模式的有效实施,笔者建议将从两个方面来实现营销目标的有效“落地”。第一方面利用营销的标杆管理策略来比照营销管理的昀佳实践5 以明确其赶超目标,找出其具体的赶超路径和距离;第二方面通过销售目标管理体系来层层落实营销体系的各个环节和岗位的业绩目标,并昀终通过建立和各岗位相挂钩的业绩管理体系和薪酬管理体系来保证营销目标的昀终达成。关键词:国家管
10、制;彩票;购买倾向;营销模式6 Abstract The development of Chinas lottery industry is very rapid in recent years and is entering a new stage. Lottery industry, an emerging industry, is pushing the development of employment, printing, advertising, public welfare and sportsMeanwhile, it has a positive impact on econ
11、omic construction and social development. Although lottery products, under the control of government, are niche products, they have common characteristics of social welfare. This paper focuses on the study of the tendency of purchasing lottery, in conjunction with features of lottery industry itself
12、 and marketing management theory to set up a marketing mode in conformity with lottery industry , in the hope of providing meaningful reference and enlightenment to the development of lottery industryLottery was once prohibited in China because of its gambling nature. Until late 1980s and early 1990
13、s, lottery tickets were issued and began to raise funds for social welfare and sports. Experiencing 20 years of development, with the continuous improvement of peoples living standards and the continuous development of lottery varieties, lottery has been a major economic driving force of promoting t
14、he development of social welfare as well as sportsChinas lottery experiences three stages, including, the embryonic stage, the department lottery stage and high-speed development stage. In the embryonic stage, we can then understand that our country made various exploration of raising social funds a
15、nd experienced chaos. In the second stage, the Civil Affairs Bureau and the State Sports Commission now the State Sports Office are stipulated to two major lottery distributors and the Peoples Bank of China is the administrative organizationThis time on the lottery industry rationalize work for the
16、good of the lottery industry into the third phase of rapid development stage has laid a solid foundation for the third development. The rapid development period was from 2000. The Ministry of Finance take over the management of the lottery from the Peoples Bank of China fully. Its circulation and im
17、pact has improved through identifying the existing lottery7 management system, establishing and perfecting the management of lottery system, improving distribution sales and adjusting the Community Chest distribution policy to a larger scope. These measures indicate that the golden period Chinas lot
18、tery industry is coming nearThe future development of lottery will in a large extent depend on the states attitude to lottery industry, because lottery, a special industry in the world, is administrated differently. Different levels of control and control mode has an enormous impact on the developme
19、nt of Lottery. Our country attaches more importance on the administration of lottery and tries several regulations. Eventually, legislation guides and regulates the lottery industry effectively to achieve a good purpose. It is believed that the lottery industry makes contribution to the development
20、of Chinas social welfare and sports in the near futureThe development of lottery, as a special public entertainment consumer goods, is restricted not only by the State policy control but also by marketing channels and consumption tendency. The author comes to the following conclusions from the resea
21、rch on people online purchasing trends. On one hand, the service and lottery categories are our strengths. On the other hand, the lottery species preferences and more lottery varieties causing waste of marketing resources are our weaknesses because there are only limited popular varieties, not to me
22、ntion the customerizedproducts pinned to special consumer. In addition, outlets are unevenly distributed, especially in rural areas. These deficiencies indicate that there is still tremendous room for improvement in lottery maketingHowever, improvement is not only crisis but also opportunitiesHow to
23、 face such crises and challenges is an important question. Although the lottery industry in our country is an emerging industry, it is mature in developed countries who have their own unique charateristics of lottery marketing and development in aspects of the origin of the lottery industry and the
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 国家 管制 彩票 购买 倾向 营销 模式 探讨
