2、石,在充分发挥社区群众的力量,推进经济社会共同进步方面起着十分重要和不可替代的作用。完善的社区管理也有助于构建和谐舒适的生活气氛,进一步提高人们的生活水平和质量。因此,通过提高社区管理水平来加强和改善城市的现代化管理,正日益成为一个重要的手段。 自从中国改革开放以来,社区管理越来越受到重视和关注,已经是城市现代化管理的一个基本特征。 因此,在进一步推进城市现代化的过程中,我们必须积极转变中心城市的管理方式,依照城市和地区的现代化水平分解城市管理的一些功能,通过社区管理这个平台来提高城市的现代化管理水平。所以,如何改革旧的城市社区管理体制,建立一个新型的社区管理系统以满足社会经济发展的需要,使社
5、出来,加上基础设施发展的不健全,没有形成一个完整的体系。社区管理普遍存在着服务功能劣质、地址布局不合理和不便于民的问题。上述提及的一些问题已经变成中国城市社区管理发展的障碍了。 三、中国城市社区管理发展的对策中央政府已经为城市社区管理设定了相应的目标。要求如下:(1)符合城市现代化的需要,加强社区党的建设和居民自治组织的建设,基于情感的归属,构建新的社区组织体系。(2)为了满足社区居民日益增长的物质文化需要,以社区服务的扩展为突破点,促进社区服务的网络化和现代化。(3)从根本上改革城市管理体制,建立符合社会主义市场经济体制的社区管理体制和运行机制。(4)坚持政府的指导和公民参与的结合,充分发挥
7、过谈判议程,民主监督,提出意见和建议,它能影响重大决策和管理活动;另外,社区也应该设置一些详细的规章制度来保障处理事务的公开性、服务的可信性、公众的支持度等等。当条件成熟的时候,社区自治规则也应该保证社区依法自治的健康运行。3.2完善社区组织管理的法律体系(1) 建立具有法人资格的机构,比如按照法律法规成立的社区管理委员会,并给与它相应的权利和义务,明确划分它的行为与政府的界限。(2) 通过法律法规成立各种各样的委员会或社区的行政机构,为了让社区充分发挥其有效作用,使相应的功能性组织行使权管理、检查、监督、惩罚的权力。(3)设置相应组织的最大权限,通过法规使社区的各种组织相互牵制,并建工作的内
8、部和外部的监控体系以确保维护大多数居民的利益。3.3 提高居民的自我管理意识的方法政府应该尊重像居民委员会这样的具有法律地位的基层自治组织,支持和保障居民他们的自治活动权力,引导代表居民讨论社区居民关心的主题,并加强民主决策的权利。关于住宅区的建设等重大问题,应该提交给居民委员会或居民会议进行讨论和执行实施。此外,政府应该提高和加强社区的职责,并逐渐将这些职责转移给社区。这不仅能增强社区成员对社区事务的注意力程度,也能减少政府不必要的负担。3.4积极促进社会福利的社会化和培养社区的服务行业(1)实现投资主体的多元化。采取国家,集体和个人的多渠道投资,建立一套拥有多种所有权形式的发展模式。(2)
10、人员的专业培训;而另一方面,我们也可以通过引进人才来调整社区管理团队,从而确保社区管理与城市的社会经济发展相符合。 四、结论伴随着中国整个社会经济的稳步发展,城市的现代化水平不断提高。根据民主原则,城市社区的管理在政府在采取综合协调的基础上,会逐渐形成一种自助和自我管理的模式。这种模式在未来的中国城市社区管理将是一个必然的发展趋势。参考文献1 Study on Current Situation of Chinas Urban Community Management,Baoding, P.R.China,2005 International Conference on Public Admi
11、nistration2Facilitating Community, Enabling Democracy: New Roles for Local Government Managers .John Nalbandian.Public Administration Review.Vol. 59, No. 3 (May - Jun., 1999), pp. 187-1973David. H. The Future Role and Organization of Local Government. Birmingham: The Institute of Birmingham Universi
12、ty, 1986: 89-904Mite Ethicon. The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsibilities, and the Communitarian Agenda. New York: Crown Publishers Inc, 1993: 77-795Urban Aging Community Building Problems, Causes and Countermeasures: A Case Study of Beibei District, Chongqing, China,2011 International Confere
13、nce on Public AdministrationStudy on Current Situation of Chinas Urban Community ManagementAbstract :It is an inevitable demand for actively advancing community management when Chinas urban social economy enters certain stage. At present, while Chinas social economy is all-round developing, there ar
14、e still some urgent problems to be solved in urban communitys management. Based on the analysis of current problems faced by Chinas urban communities, this paper proposes some relevant countermeasures in order to strengthen and perfect the urban community management in China. The suggestions may be
15、of certain reference value to the urban community management practice in China.Key words : Community, Urban community management, Countermeasure1 IntroductionA community is a cell and an important component of the city. With further deepening of the reform of urban economic system and the fast devel
16、opment of market economy of China, community, as a social autonomy organization at the basic level, its unique social function is becoming more and more prominent. Community management, the foundation of city management, plays an extremely important and irreplaceable function to give full play to th
17、e strength of the community masses, advancing the economic society to progress together, building harmonious and comfortable atmosphere and raising life quality of the people undoubtedly. Hence, the strengthening of urban modernization management that relies on community management is becoming an im
18、portant means to improve the level of urban modernization management. Since Chinas reform and opening-up, the community management was being more and more regarded as the important and basic characteristic of urban modernization management. So,we must shift down the center of city management progres
19、sively while continuing advancing city modernization, separate some functions of city management from city and district level in order to raise the level of modernization management of cities based on community management. So how to reform the old urban community management system and set up a new-t
20、ype community management system in order to meet the developing needs of social economy and make the community give full play to its peculiar social function and establish a solid foundation for the further development of the cities, has already become an urgent task presently.2 Main problems existe
21、d in current urban community management of ChinaAt present, the reform of urban community management system of China has already had preliminary effect, but from the practice of constructing new-type community management system, we could still find some problems in urban community management. They a
22、re mainly shown in the following aspects:(1) As system of unit fades, large quantities of urban workers or residents have already been transited to social people or freemen and the urban mobility is strengthened, the population from other places increases, the urban population structure is more and
23、more complicated and the difficulty of community management is increased day by day.(2) The risk of unemployment brought by free employment led to the fact that in some communities, “under-privileged stratum” is appearing and expanding constantly. Their social security and social welfares like unemp
24、loyment compensation, medical treatment subsidiary, aids for education of poor familys children and social pension could not be assured efficiently.(3) Peoples consciousness of community is faint. They especially lack the understanding of community building and it is still insufficient for them to p

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