1、国内图书分类号: F294.1 国际图书分类号: 硕士学位论文公租房融资多元化及PPP模式风险管理研究硕士研究生: 杨冠楠 导师姓名: 王建波 教授 申请学位级别: 管理学硕士 学科、专业: 管理科学与工程 所在单位: 管理学院 答辩日期: 2012年12月 学位授予单位: 青岛理工大学 Classified Index: F294.1 U.D.C: Dissertation for the Master Degree in Management RESEARCH ON FINANCIAL DIVERSIFICATION AND PPP MODELSRISK MANAGEMENT OF PUB
2、LIC-RENT HOUSINGCandidate:Yang GuannanSupervisor:Prof. Wang JianboAcademic Degree Applied for:Master of ManagementSpecialty:Management Sciences and EngineeringDate of Oral Examination:December 2012University:Qingdao Technological University硕士学位论文公租房融资多元化及PPP模式风险管理研究学位论文答辩日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩委员会成员签字: 青岛理工大
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5、房的概念172.1.2 公租房的基本特征172.2 公租房融资模式概念182.3 公租房融资模式的相关理论基础18第3章 公租房融资模式多元化研究203.1 公租房PPP模式适用性研究分析203.1.1 PPP模式的概念203.1.2 PPP模式的特点203.1.3 公租房引入PPP模式的可行性分析213.1.4 公租房PPP模式运作机制223.2 公租房REITs模式适用性研究分析243.2.1 REITs的概念243.2.2 REITs的特点253.2.3 公租房引入REITs的可行性分析263.2.4 公租房REITs的运作机制263.3 公租房融资其他模式27第4章 公租房PPP项目融
6、资风险的识别与评估284.1 公租房PPP项目风险识别284.1.1 风险检查表法284.1.2 RBS法294.1.3 公租房PPP项目融资风险因素识别结果294.2 公租房PPP项目风险评估314.2.1 项目风险评估的主要内容314.2.2 风险评估方法的选取324.2.3 模糊综合评估法的原理与步骤324.2.4 因子分析法相关性分析的原理与步骤34第5章 公租房PPP项目融资风险分配与应对415.1 公租房PPP项目的相关利益主体415.2 公租房PPP项目风险分配的原则和过程445.2.1 PPP项目风险分配的原则445.2.2 公租房PPP项目风险分配过程455.3 基于马科维茨
7、模型的公租房PPP项目融资风险分配的研究465.3.1 马科维茨模型的原理与模型构建465.3.2 公租房PPP项目马科维茨模型的构建495.3.3 公租房PPP项目主要风险的分配处理495.4 基于模糊灰色综合评价的公租房PPP项目风险应对考评54第6章 案例分析基于X市公租房PPP项目融资风险管理的实证研究566.1 X市公租房项目概况566.2 X市公租房PPP项目融资风险评估576.2.1 模糊综合评估法在公租房PPP项目融资风险评估中的应用576.2.2 基于公租房PPP项目风险因素的因子分析606.3 X市公租房PPP项目融资风险分配与应对636.3.1 X市公租房PPP项目风险分
8、配636.3.2 X市公租房PPP项目风险应对63第7章 结论与展望687.1 结论687.2 展望69参考文献71攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文及科研工作73致 谢74摘 要随着中国城镇化进程的逐步加快,城镇居民数量呈现递增趋势,紧随其后的是城市居民住宅需求量也出现了前所未有的紧张态势。尤其是2007年以来,商品住房价格一路飙升,住房消费与居民实际收入出现了严重失衡现象。针对这些问题,我国政府从1998年开始就推出了廉租房、经济适用房等保障性住房措施,特别是近些年来大力推行了公租房保障措施,对于解决中低收入群体的住房问题起到了一定的作用。然而公租房建设过程中首先要解决的就是资金问题,2011
12、了相关数学模型和方法对这些风险因素进行了风险评估、分担、应对的研究分析,得出了相应科学的结论。不仅对于X市公租房融资多元化进行了一定的研究,更多的是为城市公租房PPP项目参与方进行风险管理提供了理论支撑和方法参考,同时对于将PPP模式运用于更多的公租房项目具有一定的理论指导和现实价值。关键词 公租房;PPP模式;REITs;融资风险管理;风险检查表法;RBS;模糊综合评价;因子分析法;马科维茨模型;模糊灰色理论 AbstractAs the step of Chinese urbanization process is speeding largely, the quantity of cit
13、y residents is increasing by degree, too. With that the demand quantity of residence for residents has been more intense than before. Especially from 2007s, the gap between housing consumption and actual income has been in a state of imbalance as the price of commercial houses is growing all the way
14、. Chinese government has implemented the measurements including low-rent housing and economical housing to resolve the problems. Particularly recent years the public-rent housing regulations have solved the housing problems for the middle and low income by a degree. First of all the difficult proble
15、m for public-rent housing is huge capital. In 2011s, the state council required 227 billion public-rent housing in the last five years, the capital for which is more than 2000 billions. Single governmental financial budget can not satisfy the fund demand. The difficulty should be resolved by scienti
16、fic and advanced finance means. The finance models such as PPP and REITs have been applied in city fundamental facilities、water conservancy project and education field,and those models hace achieved results.Whats more, these models have been beneficial means to resolve the capital problems. This pap
17、er will try to put these finance models into the construction of public-rent housing. However, PPP model hides a series of risk factors because of more participants and hard coordination. So it is critical to discuss the risk management on PPP model.Firstly, this paper presents the definition and ex
18、planation about public-rent housing as well as expounds the basic conception of public-rent housings finance model and the relevant method of financing model. It puts forward several finance means such as PPP and REITs so as to resolve the finance difficulty, analyzing the trait and applicability of
19、 these models and establishing relevant operation mechanism of finance models.Secondly, this paper puts total systematic finance risk management by relative mathematic model and methods.However, risk identification and assess are the foundation and permise that guarantee PPPs success. Then it carrie
20、s on the risk identification by risk examination method and RBS,setting up the risk gradation structure. Due to different risk factors effect degree to PPP projects, this paper makes ration analysis on risk factors by fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation to adopt respective measures to guard. After th
21、at this paper analyses the relevance of risk factors with factor analysis method by SPSS software,getting the relativity betweeen the risk factors.Rational risk distribution mechanism and effective treatment are the core and key guaranty for public-rent housings success. This paper distributes the r
22、isks among the relative participants who participate in the public-rent housing PPP projects and composes specific risk distribution program based on Markowitzs model.Then based on the distribution program, it weights the treatment ability of distinct participants by fuzzy grey method.Finally, this
23、paper sets City X s public-rent housing PPP project as an example of case to discuss the feasibility and amplification of PPP model. Then it identifies the risk factors and researches the risk s evaluation、distribution and treatment by several mathematic molds and methods. In the end it gets relevan
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- 关 键 词:
- 租房 融资 多元化 PPP 模式 风向 管理 研究 毕业论文
