1、 毕业设计(论文)数字式脉搏血氧仪设计系 别自动化工程系专 业生物医学工程班 级50616姓 名常衍春指导教师贺忠海2010 年 6 月 10 日摘 要 脉搏血氧仪是一种可连续、无创、方便地检测动脉血氧饱和度的仪器。由于其在系统设计和信号处理方法上存在的缺陷,使它在测量的精度、重复性、稳定性等方面还存在需要探讨和完善的地方。本课题提出了基于动态光谱的脉搏血氧测量原理,并且在该原理的指导下,设计了一套数字化脉搏血氧检测系统。系统采用纯数字芯片设计,提高了系统稳定性和重复性。系统采用数字滤波和数字解调的方法,用软件提取光电脉搏波信号。并在动态光谱原理基础上,根据推导出的算法,获得了高精度的脉搏血氧
3、软件提取光电脉搏波。在动态光谱理论的基础上,对光电脉搏波信号进行时域频域转换,所得到基波分量用于血氧饱和度计算,获得了高精度的脉搏血氧饱和度测量值。 本系统在硬件方面设计了以MSP430为核心的信号检测和采集系统,并结合了双波长频分法和过采样技术,在提高分辨率和信噪比的同时,大大简化了硬件电路。并利用数字滤波和数字解调的数据处理方法,完成双路信号分离。研究了容积脉搏波的软件提取和检出,并在通过傅立叶变换得到光电脉搏波的基波分量,用于血氧饱和度计算。关键词:血氧饱和度,脉搏血氧测定法,动态光谱,硬件设计,软件设计Digital pulse oximeter designAuthor:Chang
4、YanchunTutor:He ZhonghaiABSTRACTPulse oximetry is a reliable, arterial, noninvasive easy continuously determining oxygen saturation to use means in virtually of any setting. Because there are still several drawbacks in the design of the pulse oximetry system and its signal processing, the system nee
5、ds improving in accuracy, repetition and stability. This system is proposed based on dynamic spectroscopy measuring principle, and in this principle, under the guidance of a set of digital pulse oximetry test system. System adopts digital chip design to improve the system stability and repeatability
6、. System using digital filter and digital demodulation method, using photoelectric pulse wave signal extracted by software. And with dynamic spectroscopy, based on the principle of the algorithm is deduced, the pulse of the high-precision measurements oxygen saturation. This subject mainly embodies
7、the innovation and work in the following respects:First, the measuring principle of the pulse oximeter is based on traditional test method. Its accuracy is not gratifying due to various factors influencing the measurement result, such as the principle, measuring condition and individual discrepancy.
8、 In this system a new pulse oximetry based on dynamic spectroscopy (DS) is introduced, it can promote the accuracy of the pulse oximeter evidently. The dynamic spectroscopy method is able to eliminate the interference of the individual discrepancy and measuring condition in principle. This new metho
9、d can eliminate the measurement error of pulse oximetry theoretically.Secondly the pulse of the traditional testing system of oxygen saturation because of complex analog caused poor stability of the system, this system puts forward the design thought according to the digitization of dynamic spectros
10、copy measurement principle adopts modern microprocessor, integrated circuit technology, the design of the pulse wave signal detection and collection system. We use the microprocessor driven directly by certain wavelengths of light emitting diode; receiving tube will receive light signals into electr
11、ical signals, high frequency converter by the direct current, pulse wave signal carry photoelectric instead of digital signal, the hardware circuit and AC drive circuit source separation circuit. Reuse digital filter to replace filter circuits, analog circuits to save a part of signal and system thi
12、s filter system stability and repeatability, reduced due to the instability of analog circuit is caused by the measurement error of the system. Finally, using digital demodulation method to sample signal demodulation of digital signal, the dual light for extracting photoelectric pulse wave by softwa
13、re. On the basis of the theory of dynamic spectroscopy, conversing photoelectric pulse wave signal from frequency to division and the component be used in the blood oxygen saturation calculation. In this system, the hardware design MSP430 as the core to signal detection and collection system, combin
14、ing with the dual wavelength frequency division method of sampling technology and in improving the resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, greatly simplified the hardware circuit. Use digital filter and digital demodulation of the data processing method to double signal separation. Study the volume of
15、 pulse wave extraction from the software, and through a Fourier transform of photoelectric pulse wave get component for the blood oxygen saturation.KEY WORDS: Oxygen saturation, pulse oximetry, dynamic spectroscopy, hardware design, software design目 录1 绪 论11.1 血氧饱和度的概念及其生理意义11.2 脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪的发展历程21.3
16、脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪的现状31.4 本系统的研究意义及主要内容42 脉搏血氧饱和度的测量理论基础及动态光谱理论62.1 光电容积脉搏波的产生原理62.1.1 脉搏波的产生原理62.1.2 光电容积脉搏波描记法(PPG)原理72. 2 脉搏血氧饱和度测量的理论基础与算法82.2.1 郎伯比尔(Lambert-Beer)定律及应用82.2.2 离体血氧饱和度测量原理92.2.3 传统脉搏血氧测定法122.3 基于动态光谱的脉搏血氧检测原理132.3.1 修正的朗伯比尔定律132.3.2 动态光谱理论132.3.3 基于DS的脉搏血氧测量原理142.3.4 基于DS的脉搏血氧算法与传统算法精度比较1
17、53 基于DS的脉搏血氧检测系统的数字化实现方法173.1 传统脉搏血氧仪测量系统回顾173.2 基于DS的脉搏血氧测量系统的系统硬件组成183.2.1 总体设计思想与系统构成183.2.2 基于MSP430系统平台的外围电路设计193.2.2.1 光源及其驱动电路的设计193.2.2.2 电路板及各芯片的电源设计223.2.2.3 串口设计及外USB座的设计233.2.2.4 外接存储设备设计及锂电池充电管理设计243.2.2.5 液晶模块及其驱动电路设计263.2.3 基于MSP430平台系统的设计263.3 基于DS的脉搏血氧仪的数字化测量方法313.3.1 双波长频分测量法及信号的数字
18、解调314 系统软件设计344.1 Embedded Workbench开发平台和调试器C-SPY的简单介绍344.2 初始化程序354.3 主程序设计374.4 按键和显示程序设计394.5 系统误差分析41总结43致谢44参考文献45附录46附录A:英文翻译46附录B:系统整体原理图设计501 绪 论1.1 血氧饱和度的概念及其生理意义 足够的氧是所有生命活动的物质基础。生命的基本过程就是机体细胞摄入氧排出二氧化碳产生能量的过程。人体吸入氧气,在肺部的肺泡内与毛细血管进行气体交换。氧分子和血红蛋白分子能进行可逆的结合,血红蛋白由氧合血红蛋白(HbO2)和还原血红蛋白(Hb)组成。当组织得不
19、到充足的氧,或不能充分利用氧时,组织的代谢、机能、甚至形态结构都可能发生异常变化,这一病理过程称为缺氧。就整体而言,成年人体需氧量约为250ml/min,而体内贮存的氧仅1.5L。一旦呼吸心跳停止,数分钟内就可能死于缺氧。缺氧是临床极常见的病理过程,是多种疾病引起死亡的最重要的直接原因。常用的血氧指标有: 氧分压:为溶解于血液的氧所产生的张力。动脉血氧分压正常约为100mmHg,取决于吸入气体的氧分压和肺的呼吸功能,静脉血氧分压正常40mmHg,它可反映内呼吸状况。 氧容量:为l00ml血液中血红蛋白(Hb)为氧充分饱和时的最大带氧量,应等于l.34mL/gHb(g%),它取决于血液中Hb的质
20、(与氧结合的能力)和量。血氧容量正常约为20ml%。 氧含量:为l00ml血液中血红蛋白实际的带氧量。主要是血红蛋白实际结合的氧,极小量溶解于血浆的氧(仅有0.3ml%)。与氧结合的血红蛋白称为氧合血红蛋白(HbO2),与氧离解的血红蛋白称为还原血红蛋白。血氧饱和度(SaO2)是指血液中血红蛋白实际结合的氧气氧含量占血液中血红蛋白所能结合氧气的最大量(氧容量)的百分比。因此,血氧饱和度的定义可表示为: (1-1)式中CHbO2和CHb分别表示组织中氧合血红蛋白和脱氧血红蛋白的浓度,SaO2表示血氧饱和度值,之后采用的SPO2表示利用脉搏血氧仪所测得的血氧饱和度的值。脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪己经在临
22、无损伤性血氧测量仪对新生儿的监测非常有用,通过调整氧疗,可避免对脑、肺、眼的损害。现代脉搏血氧测量仪可按不同病情设置不同的报警限,任何因素所致的呼吸暂停、心率减慢或心率加快以及氧合改变均可以及时发现,是极有用的监测医疗设备。1.2 脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪的发展历程脉搏血氧测量仪是一种不需要穿透血管的情况下,连续测量人体内动脉血氧饱和度的光电测量仪器。脉搏血氧饱和度测量仪的发展己有很长的历史。基于Lambert-Beer定律的血氧饱和度测量的研制可以追溯到十九世纪。Lambert-Beer定律描述了光的传播与光密度的关系。Bunsen和Kirchhoff于1860年改进分光光度计和随后不久Stok
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- 优秀 毕业设计 论文 数字式 脉搏 血氧仪 设计
