3、简单和灵活性大等优点,而且可以大幅度提高被控制量的技术指标,从而能够大大提高产品的质量和数量。因此,单片机对交通灯的控制问题是一个工业生产中经常会遇到的问题。在工业生产中,有很多行业有大量的交通灯设备,在现行系统中,大多数的交通控制信号都是用继电器来完成的,但继电器响应时间长,灵敏度低,长期使用之后,故障机会大大增加,而采用单片机控制,其精度远远大于继电器,响应时间短,软件可靠性高,不会因为工作时间缘故而降低其性能,相比而言,本方案具有很高的可行性。关于AT89C51(1)功能特征描述:AT89C51是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K 在系统可编程Flash 存储器。使用Atm
4、el 公司高密度非易失性存储器技术制造,与工业80S51 产品指令和引脚完全兼容。片上Flash允许程序存储器在系统可编程,亦适于常规编程器。在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程Flash,使得AT89C51为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。AT89C51具有以下标准功能: 8k字节Flash,256字节RAM,32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,2 个数据指针,三个16 位定时器/计数器,一个6向量2级中断结构,全双工串行口,片内晶振及时钟电路。另外,AT89C51 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2种软件可选择节电模式。空闲模式下,CPU停止工作,允许RA
5、M、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。掉电保护方式下,RAM内容被保存,振荡器被冻结,单片机一切工作停止,直到下一个中断或硬件复位为止。如图1为8051引脚分配图。图1 8051引脚分配图(2)中断介绍AT89C51有6个中断源:两个外部中断( 和),三个定时中断(定时器0、1、2)和一个串行中断。每个中断源都可以通过置位或清除特殊寄存器IE 中的相关中断允许控制位分别使得中断源有效或无效。IE还包括一个中断允许总控制位EA,它能一次禁止所有中断。IE.6位是不可用的。对于AT89C51,IE.5位也是不能用的。用户软件不应给这些位写1。它们为AT89系列新产品预留。定时器2可以被寄存器T2
6、CON中的TF2和EXF2的或逻辑触发。程序进入中断服务后,这些标志位都可以由硬件清0。实际上,中断服务程序必须判定是否是TF2 或EXF2激活中断,标志位也必须由软件清0。定时器0和定时器1标志位TF0 和TF1在计数溢出的那个周期的S5P2被置位。它们的值一直到下一个周期被电路捕捉下来。然而,定时器2的标志位TF2 在计数溢出的那个周期的S2P2被置位,在同一个周期被电路捕捉下来。(3)外部时钟驱动特性符号参数最小值最大值单位1/TCLCL时钟震荡频率024MHzTCLCL时钟周期41.6nsTCHCX 高电压时间15nsTCLCX低电压时间15nsTCLCH上升时间20nsTCHCL下降
7、时间20ns表1(4)空闲和掉电模式外部引脚状态模式程序存储器ALEPSENPORT0 PORT1PORT2PORT3空闲模式内部11数据数据数据数据空闲模式外部11浮空数据数据数据掉电模式内部00数据数据数据数据掉电模式外部00浮空数据数据数据表2关于8255芯片1. 8255特性:(1) 一个并行输入/输出的LSI芯片,多功效的I/O器件,可作为CPU总线与外围的接口.(2) 具有24个可编程设置的I/O口,即使3组8位的I/O口为PA口,PB口和PC口.它们又可分为两组12位的I/O口,A组包括A口及C口(高4位,PC4PC7),B组包括B口及C口(低4位,PC0PC3).A组可设置为基
8、本的I/O口,闪控(STROBE)的I/O闪控式,双向I/O3种模式;B组只能设置为基本I/O或闪控式I/O两种模式,而这些操作模式完全由控制寄存器的控制字决定.2. 8255引脚功效:(1).RESET:复位输入线,当该输入端外于高电平时,所有内部寄存器(包括控制寄存器)均被清除,所有I/O口均被置成输入方式。(2).CS:芯片选择旌旗灯号线,当这个输入引脚为低电平时,即/CS=0时,表示芯片被选中,允许8255与CPU进行通讯;/CS=1时,8255无法与CPU做数据传输。(3).RD:读旌旗灯号线,当这个输入引脚为低电平时,即/RD=0且/CS=0时,允许8255通过数据总线向CPU发送
11、、矩阵管、电平显示器管等等。通常把数码管、符号管、米字管共称笔画显示器,而把笔画显示器和矩阵管统称为字符显示器。1. LED显示器分类(1)按字高分:笔画显示器字高最小有1mm(单片集成式多位数码管字高一般在23mm)。其他类型笔画显示器最高可达12.7mm(0.5英寸)甚至达数百mm。(2)按颜色分有红、橙、黄、绿等数种。 (3)按结构分,有反射罩式、单条七段式及单片集成式。 (4)从各发光段电极连接方式分有共阳极和共阴极两种。2. LED显示器的参数由于LED显示器是以LED为基础的,所以它的光、电特性及极限参数意义大部分与发光二极管的相同。但由于LED显示器内含多个发光二极管,所以需有如
12、下特殊参数: (1) 发光强度比 由于数码管各段在同样的驱动电压时,各段正向电流不相同,所以各段发光强度不同。所有段的发光强度值中最大值与最小值之比为发光强度比。比值可以在1.52.3间,最大不能超过2.5。 (2) 脉冲正向电流 待添加的隐藏文字内容2若笔画显示器每段典型正向直流工作电流为IF,则在脉冲下,正向电流可以远大于IF。脉冲占空比越小,脉冲正向电流可以越大。交通信号控制类型交通信号控制的目的有三点:第一,在时间上和空间上分隔交叉口不同方向的车流,控制车流的运行秩序;第二,使在平面交叉的道路网络上人和物的运输达到最高效率;第三,为道路使用者提供必要的信息,帮助他们有效地使用交通设施。
14、门狗监控等功能。其封装和引脚说明如图2所示。图2 MAX692封装和引脚看门狗电路的应用,使单片机可以在无人状态下实现连续工作,其工作原理是:看门狗芯片和单片机的一个I/O引脚相连,该I/O引脚通过程序控制它定时地往看门狗的这个引脚上送入高电平(或低电平),这一程序语句是分散地放在单片机其他控制语句中间的,一旦单片机由于干扰造成程序跑飞后而陷入某一程序段 进入死循环状态时,写看门狗引脚的程序便不能被执行,这个时候,看门狗电路就会由于得不到单片机送来的信号,便在它和单片机复位引脚相连的引脚上送出一个复位信号,使单片机发生复位,即程序从程序存储器的起始位置开始执行,这样便实现了单片机的自动复位。红
15、外检测电路红外辐射光子在半导体材料中激发非平衡载流子(电子或空穴),引起电学性能变化。因为载流子不逸出体外,所以称内光电效应。量子光电效应灵敏度高,响应速度比热探测器快得多,是选择性探测器。为了达到最佳性能,一般都需要在低温下工作。光电探测器可分为:(1) 光导型:又称光敏电阻。入射光子激发均匀半导体中的价带电子越过禁带进入导带并在价带留下空穴,引起电导增加,为本征光电导。从禁带中的杂质能级也可激发光生载流子进入导带或价带,为杂质光电导。截止波长由杂质电离能决定。量子效率低于本征光导,而且要求更低的工作温度。 (2) 光伏型:主要是pn结的光生伏特效应。能量大于禁带宽度的红外光子在结区及其附近
16、激发电子空穴对。存在的结电场使空穴进入p区,电子进入 n 区,两部分出现电位差。外电路就有电压或电流信号。与光导探测器比较,光伏探测器背影限探测率大于40;不需要外加偏置电场和负载电阻,不消耗功率,有高的阻抗。这些特性给制备和使用焦平面阵列带来很大好处。 (3) 光发射Schottky势垒探测器:金属和半导体接触,典型的有PtSi/Si结构,形成Schott ky势垒,红外光子透过Si层为PtSi吸收,电子获得能量跃上 Fermi能级,留下空穴越过势垒进入Si衬底,PtSi层的电子被收集,完成红外探测。充分利用Si集成技术,便于制作,具有成本低、均匀性好等优势,可做成大规模(10241024甚
17、至更大)焦平面阵列来弥补量子效率低的缺陷。有严格的低温要求。用这类探测器,国内外已生产出具有像质良好的热像仪。Pt Si/Si结构FPA是最早制成的IRFPA。定时计数与车流量的计算利用MCS-51内部的定时器/计数器进行定时,配合软件延时实现到计时。该方法节省硬件成本,切能够使读者在定时器/计数器的使用、中断及程序设计方面得到锻炼与提高。计算公式如下:TC=M-C式中,M为计数器摸值,该值和计数器工作方式有关。对于一个交通路口来说,能在最短的时间内达到最大的车流量,就算是达到了最佳的性能,我们称在单位时间内多能达到的最大车流为车流量。用公式:(车流量= 车流 / 时间)来表示。十字路口交通灯
19、随机的,还经常受认为因素的影响。采用定时控制经常造成道路有效应用时间的浪费,出现绿灯方向车辆较少,红灯方向车辆积压。它不顾当前道路上交通车辆数的实际情况变化,其最大的缺陷就在于当路况发生变化时,不能满足司机与路人的实际需要,轻者造成时间上的浪费,重者直接导致交通堵塞,导致城市交通效率的下降。目前,有一种使用“模糊控制”技术控制交通灯的方法。能够根据十字路口两个方向上车辆动态状况,自动判断红绿灯时间间隔,以保证最大车流量,减少道口的交通堵塞。但是却不像定时控制,能用数字显示器显示当前灯色剩余时间,以便于驾驶员随时掌握自己的驾驶动作,及时停车或启动。图3 十字路口车道形状图图4为直方图,上边为北路
20、口灯,右边为东路口灯,下边为南路口灯,左边为西路口灯。图5所示为一种红绿灯规则的状态图,分别设定为S1、S2、S3、S4,交通灯以这四种状态为一个周期,循环执行。图4 车辆行驶直方图请注意图S2状态和S4状态,它们在一个时间段中四个方向都可以通车,这种状态能在一定的时间内达到较大的车流量,效率特别高。外圈是北方为前进方向的状态循环,内圈是东方为前进方向的状态循环。图5 车辆行驶状态图依据上述的车辆行驶的状态图,可以列出各个路口灯的逻辑表,由于相向的灯的状态图是一样的,所以只需写出相邻路口的灯的逻辑表;根据行驶状态图可以看出,相邻路口的灯它们的状态在相位上相差180。因此最终只需写出一组S1、S
21、2、S3、S4的逻辑状态表。如表3所示:表3 交通灯的循环逻辑表S1的状态A(P17)BCDEFGH(P10)逻辑值00101000显示状态南北通行S2的状态ABCDEFGH逻辑值00011000显示状态南北路口左转通行S3的状态ABCDEFGH逻辑值10000010显示状态东西通行S4的状态ABCDEFGH逻辑值10000001显示状态 东西路口左转通行表中的“1”代表灯亮(也代表逻辑上的1),“0”代表灯灭(也代表逻辑上的0),依上表,就可以向相应的端口送逻辑值。附件2:外文原文(复印件)BASED ON MCU INTERSECTION TRAFFIC LIGHTS THE CONTRO
22、LLER DESIGNBecause of the rapid development of our economy resulting in the car number of large and medium-sized cities surged and the urban traffic, is facing serious test, leading to the traffic problem increasingly serious, its basically are behaved as follows: traffic accident frequency, to the
23、human life safety enormous threat, Traffic congestion, resulting in serious travel time increases, energy consumption increase; Air pollution and noise pollution degree of deepening, etc. Daily traffic jams become people commonplace and had to endure. In this context, in combination with the actual
24、situation of urban road traffic, develop truly suitable for our own characteristics of intelligent signal control system has become the main task.PrefaceIn practical application at home and abroad, according to the actual traffic signal control application inspection, planar independent intersection
25、 signal control basic using set cycle, much time set cycle, half induction, whole sensor etc in several ways. The former two control mode is completely based on planar intersection always traffic flow data of statistical investigation, due to traffic flow the existence of variable sex and randomicit
26、y, the two methods have traffic efficiency is low, the scheme, the defects of aging and half inductive and all the inductive the two methods are in the former two ways based on increased vehicle detector and according to the information provided to adjust cycle is long and green letter of vehicle, i
27、t than random arrived adaptability bigger, can make vehicles in the parking cord before as few parking, achieve traffic flowing effectIn modern industrial production,current,voltage,temperature, pressure, and flow rate, velocity, and switch quantity are common mainly controlled parameter. For exampl
28、e: in metallurgical industry, chemical production, power engineering, the papermaking industry, machinery and food processing and so on many domains, people need to transport the orderly control. By single chip microcomputer to control of traffic, not only has the convenient control, configuration s
29、imple and flexible wait for an advantage, but also can greatly improve the technical index by control quantity, thus greatly improve product quality and quantity. Therefore, the monolithic integrated circuit to the traffic light control problem is an industrial production we often encounter problems
30、.In the course of industrial production, there are many industries have lots of traffic equipment, in the current system, most of the traffic control signal is accomplished by relays, but relays response time is long, sensitivity low, long-term after use, fault opportunity increases greatly, and ado
31、pts single-chip microcomputer control, the accuracy of far greater than relays, short response time, software reliability, not because working time reduced its performance sake, compared with, this solution has the high feasibility.About AT89C51(1) function characteristics description:AT89C51 is a l
32、ow power consumption, high performance CMOS8 bit micro-controller, has the 8K in system programmable Flash memory. Use high-density Atmel company the beltpassword nonvolatile storage technology and manufacturing, and industrial 80S51 product instructions and pin fully compatible. Chip Flash allow pr
33、ogram memory in system programmable, also suitable for conventional programmer. In a single chip, have dexterous 8 bits CPU and in system programmable Flash, make AT89C51 for many embedded control application system provides the high flexible, super efficient solution. AT89C51 has the following stan
34、dard function: 8k bytes Flash, 256 bytes RAM, 32-bit I/O mouth line, the watchdog timer, two data pointer, three 16 timer/counter, a 6 vector level 2 interrupt structure, full-duplex serial port, piece inside crystals timely clock circuit. In addition, AT89C51 can drop to 0Hz static logic operation,
35、 support two software can choose power saving mode. Idle mode, the CPU to stop working, allowing the RAM, timer/counter, serial ports, interruption continue to work. Power lost protection mode, RAM content being saved, has been frozen, microcontroller all work stop, until the next interruption or ha
36、rdware reset so far. As shown in figure 1 for the AT89C51 pins allotment.Figure 1 the AT89C51 pins allotment(2) interrupt introductionAT89C51 has six interrupt sources: two external interruption, (and), three timer interrupt (timer 0, 1, 2) and a serial interrupts. Each interrupt source can be passe
37、d buy bits or remove IE the relevant special register interrupt allow control bit respectively make effective or invalid interrupt source. IE also includes an interrupt allow total control bit EA, it can be a ban all interrupts. IE. Six is not available. For AT89C51, IE. 5 bits are also not be used.
38、 User software should not give these bits write 1. They AT89 series for new product reserved. Timer 2 can be TF2 and the T2CON registers EXF2 or logical triggered. Program into an interrupt service, the sign bit can be improved by hardware qing 0. In fact, the interrupt service routine must determin
39、e whether TF2 or EXF2 activation disruption, the sign bit must also by software qing 0. Timer 0 and 1 mark a timer TF0 and TF1 has been presented in the cycle count overflow S5P2 074 bits. Their value until the next cycle was circuit capture down. However, the timer 2 marks a TF2 in count overflow o
40、f the cycle of S2P2 074 bits, in the same cycle was circuit capture down(3) external clock driving characteristicssymbolsparametersminimumThe maximumunit1/TCLCLOscillatorFrequency024MHzTCLCLClock Period41.6nsTCHCX High Time15nsTCLCX Low Time15nsTCLCHRise Time20nsTCHCLFall Time20nsTable 1(4) leisure
41、and power lost pattern external pins statemodeProgram memoryALEpsenPort0 Port1Port2Port3idleinternal11datadatadataDataIdleExternal11floatDatadataDataPower downInternal00DataDataDataDataPower downExternal 00floatdataDatadataTable 2 About 8255 chip1.8255 features:(1)A parallel input/output LSI chips,
42、efficacy of I/O devices, but as CPU bus and peripheral interface.(2)It has 24 programmable Settings of I/O mouth, even three groups of 8 bits I/O mouth to mouth, PB mouth and PA PC mouth. They are divided into two groups 12 I/O mouth, A group including port A and C mouth (high four, PC4 PC7), includ
43、ing group B and C port B mouth (low four, PC0 PC3). A group can be set to give basic I/O mouth, flash control (STROBE) I/O flash controlled, two-way I/O3 modes, Group B can only set to basic I/O or flash controlled the I/O, and these two modes of operation mode entirely by controlling registers cont
44、rol word decision.2. 8255 pins efficacy: (1). RESET: RESET input lines, when the input outside at high levels, all internal registers (including control registers) were removed, all I/O ports are denoting input methods. (2). CS: chip choose a standard lamp line 1, when the input pins for low levels,
45、 namely/CS = 0, said chip is selected, allow 8255 and CPU for communications, / CS = 1, 8255 cannot with CPU do data transmission.(3). RD: read a standard lamp line 1, when the input pins for low levels, namely/RD = 0 and/CS = 0, allow 8255 through the data bus to the CPU to send data or state infor
46、mation, namely the CPU 8255 read from the information or data. (4). The WR: write a standard lights, when the input pins for low levels, namely/WR = 0 and/CS = 0, allows the CPU will data or control word write 8255. (5). D7: three states D0 two-way data bus, 8255 and CPU data transmission channel, w
47、hen the CPU execution input/output instruction, through its realization 8 bits of data read/write operation, control characters and status information transmitted through the data bus.(6). PA0 PA7: port A input and output lines, A 8 bits of data output latches/buffers, an 8 bits of data input latches.(7). PB0 PB7: port B input and output lines, a 8 bits of I/O latches, an 8 bits of input and output buffer. (8). PC0 PC7: port C input and output lines, a 8 bits o