1、 摘 要倒立摆稳定控制是一个经典的控制问题。作为典型的快速、多变量、非线性、绝对不稳定系统,一直是控制理论与应用的热点问题,不但是验证现代控制理论方法的典型实验装置,而且其控制方法和思路在一般工业过程亦有广泛的用途,因此倒立摆系统的研究具有重要的理论研究和实际应用价值。许多抽象的控制概念如控制系统的稳定性、可控性、系统收敛速度和系统抗干扰能力等,都可以通过倒立摆系统直观的表现出来。倒立摆系统的高阶次、不稳定、多变量、非线性和强耦合等特性使得许多现代控制理论的研究人员一直将它视为研究对象。他们不断从研究倒立摆控制方法中发掘出新的控制方法,并将其应用于航天科技和机器人学等各种高新科技领域。本文以利
3、的效果。本文提出了基于卡尔曼滤波的传感器数据融合方法,弥补了电位器在倾角测量时的不足。通过建立一个实验平台来检验这个算法的有效性,实际测试中该算法取得了不错的效果。本文主要研究自平衡运动的动态控制,利用PID控制,使系统的各项性能指标均满足预期的要求。关键词:倒立摆;自平衡;数据融合;PID控制ABSTRACTInverted pendulum stability control is a classic control problem。As a complex, time-varying, nonlinear, strong coupling, natural unstable and hi
4、gher order system, its stability control is a typical problem of the theory and application of control. The control method of Inverted Pendulum has been used in the military, aerospace, general industrial robots and industry process control Therefore, the research on mathematical model of work rolls
5、 thermal crown has important value of the theory and practice. Many abstract concepts such as the stability of the control system, the control of controllability, system convergence speed and anti-interference ability, etc., can be intuitive show by inverted pendulum system. Inverted pendulum system
6、 of high order, unstable, multivariable, nonlinear and strong FGC feature makes many researchers in modern control theory have been see it as the research object. They have been unearthed from the inverted pendulum control method of new control method, and applied to all kinds of new and high techno
7、logy fields such as aerospace science and technology and robotics.In this paper using potentiometer detection Angle of the first-order inverted pendulum system as the research object, studied the angular signal contains large noise under the condition of equilibrium stability control problem, this t
8、o solve relevant problems in the actual project to have certain guiding significance. This article first first-order model of annular inverted pendulum is designed. Using potentiometer as attitude measuring sensor measuring constantly swinging rod posture information, By converting the analog inform
9、ation transmitted to 8-bit single chip microcomputer as control core, After data processing, In order to tracking, one piece microcomputer control step motor by way of identification and judgment of sensing signal to operate mechanical drive system.SCM through the drive circuit on the basis of the d
10、esign, by Newtonian mechanics to mathematical modeling of the system, the system state space equation is obtained.Through the modeling process, we can see that this system is an unstable nonlinear system, lays the foundation for the back of the control theory analysis control signal to drive motor w
11、ith PWM way.This paper mainly studies the dynamic balance movement control, using PID control, the system of various performance indicators meet the expected requirementKEYWORDS: Inverted pendulum; Self-balancing; Data fusion; PID control目 录第一章 绪论11.1 课题研究的目的和意义11.2 发展历史与研究现状21.3 本文研究的主要内容3第二章 倒立摆系统
12、建模和定性分析42.1 倒立摆系统特性分析42.2 环形一级倒立摆系统数学模型5第三章 倒立摆的硬件设计83.1 整体电路框图83.2 单片机最小系统电路83.2.1 单片机介绍93.2.2 单片机最小系统103.3姿态传感器电路113.3.1 角位移传感器113.3.2 姿态传感器电路123.4 电机驱动电路133.5 电源电路14第四章 倒立摆的软件设计154.1 软件功能与框架154.2 单片机的资源配置154.3 主函数功能184.4主要算法及实现184.4.1 角度函数184.4.2 倒立控制函数19第五章 上位机修改参数215.1 串口猎人使用方法215.1.1 基本收码发码215
13、.1.2 高级发码215.1.3 高级收码225.1.4 波形显示235.2 下位机程序设计235.2.1 下位机的高级发码程序设计235.2.2 下位机的高级收码程序设计255.3 上位机修改参数25第六章 系统调试276.1 初步调试286.1.1 上电检查286.1.2 单片机程序下载和通信286.1.3 测试PWM输出286.1.4 姿态传感器采集286.2倒立控制调试296.2.1 测量传感器零点偏移量296.2.2 标定角位移传感器比例值296.3 倒立控制参数整定306.4 电机死区常数整定30第七章 总结与展望317.1 工作总结317.2 不足与展望317.2.1 不足317
14、.2.2 展望32附录一 电路原理图33附录二 程序代码36参考文献43致 谢44第一章 绪论1.1 课题研究的目的和意义20世纪50年代,控制理论专家开始了对倒立摆系统的研究。第一台一级倒立摆系统的实验装置是根据火箭发射助推器的原理设计的。此后研究人员参照双足机器人的控制系统设计出了二级倒立摆,随着控制策略研究的深入,依次出现了三级摆、四级摆。依据基座的运动形式,倒立摆系统主要分为三大类:直线倒立摆、环形倒立摆和平面倒立摆,其中平面倒立摆是倒立摆系统中最复杂的一类。2005年7月,北京师范大学复杂系统智能控制实验室在李洪兴教授的带领下采用“变论域自适应模糊控制理论”成功实现了对平面三级倒立摆
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