1、本科毕业设计(论文)NSGAII的改进算法研究2013年6月 本科毕业设计(论文)NSGAII的改进算法研究学 院: 专 业: 自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 答辩日期: 2013年6月 学院:电气工程学院 系级教学单位:自动化系 学号091203011076学生姓名专 业班 级过控09-2题目题目名称NSGA-的改进算法研究题目性质1.理工类:工程设计 ( );工程技术实验研究型( );理论研究型( );计算机软件型( );综合型( )。2.文管类( );3.外语类( );4.艺术类( )。题目类型1.毕业设计( ) 2.论文( )题目来源科研课题( ) 生产实际( )自选题目(
2、) 主要内容1 学习多目标优化求解算法;2掌握NSGA-算法的原理,对其缺陷进行改进;3 利用遗传算法完成多目标优化求解。基本要求1 按电气工程学院本科生学位论文撰写规范的要求完成设计说明书一份。2 说明书及插图一律打印,要求条理清晰、文笔流畅、图形及文字符号符合国家现行标准。3查阅文献,翻译与课题有关的外文资料。参考资料1史峰,王辉,胡斐,等.MATLAB智能算法30个案例分析(第1版).北京航空航天大学出版社,2011.72王宇平.进化计算的理论和方法.科学出版社.2011,4周 次14周58周911周1215周1617周应完成的内容查阅并消化理解资料完成主要内容项目1完成主要内容项目2、
3、3完成主要内容项目4整理论文思路和仿真结果,总结结论并撰写论文,准备答辩;指导教师: 职称: 2012年12月6日系级教学单位审批: 年 月 日摘要在实际工程中领域中,不可避免地存在着与材料性质、几何特性、边界条件、测量偏差等有关的误差或不确定性,这些误差或不确定性使得目标函数或者约束函数也具有不确定性,所以传统的优化方法已经不能适用。为此,本文将针对多目标区间数优化展开系统的研究,力求通过改进多目标确定数优化问题来解决多目标区间数优化问题。首先,对于区间数多目标优化问题,本文给出了一种利用区间数学来把不确定多目标优化转化为确定性多目标优化的数学模型。具体来讲就是利用区间序关系,将不确定的目标
5、性和鲁棒性好,对多目标优化问题具有良好的优化效果。最后,本论文给出利用MATLAB仿真程序求解区间数多目标优化问题的最终结果,并利用二个区间数多目标函数来调试程序中的关键参数(如约束可能度水平,多目标权系数,正则化因子等),根据参数在不同取值下的仿真结果,分析并说明参数设置对最后优化结果的影响。关键词多目标区间数优化;NSGA-II;Pareto解集;区间序关系;区间可能度AbstractIn the actual project, there is inevitably material properties, geometry, boundary conditions, initial c
6、onditions, measurement error and other related errors or uncertainty, these errors or uncertainties on the objective or constraints function also has uncertainty. Therefore, the conventional optimization methods have not apply for that. This article will focus on multi-objective interval number opti
7、mization and carry out a systematic study, and solve multi-objective interval number optimization problem by improving multi-objective exact number optimization problem.Firstly, in terms of multi-objective interval number optimization problem, this paper presents a mathematical model where take adva
8、ntage of interval mathematics to transfer uncertain multi-objective optimization into certain multi-objective optimization. Specifically, transfer the uncertain objective function into the certain objective function by using interval order relation, and transfer the uncertain constraint functions in
9、to certain constraint functions by using interval possible degree. At the end of the method, taking advantage of the linear weighting method and penalty functions handle the objective and constraint functions. The constrained multi-objective optimization problem of uncertainty are transformed into u
10、nconstrained multi-objective optimization problem of certainty. Thus, the conventional optimization method can be used.Secondly, in multi-objective exact number optimization problem, it is impossible to make each goal has an optimal solution, so the solutions of multi-objective optimization is often
11、 a set of non-dominated solutions- Pareto set. Because of the presence of multiple Pareto solution set, and there is if no more further explanation, it is difficult to decide which solution is more important. Thus, finding the Pateto optimal solution as much as possible is crucial. A fast Elitist No
12、n-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGS-II) in this paper is a multi-objective genetic algorithm, which obtain the Pareto optimal with good distribution, convergence and robustness and has a good optimization results for multi-objective optimization problem.Finally, the paper presents the final
13、result of multi-objective interval number optimization through the MATLAB simulation program. And using multi-objective interval number functions debug the key parameters.(such as constraints possible degree level, multi-objective weights, regularization factor, etc.) .According to the different val
14、ues about the parameters in the simulation results, analyze and explain optimal parameter settings that how to impcet on the final results.Keywords multi-objective interval number optimization, NSGA-II, Pareto set, interval order relation, interval possible degree目 录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1多目标区间数优化研究
15、的目的和意义11.2 多目标区间数优化国内外研究现状及分析21.3 多目标区间数优化发展趋势和存在问题31.4 本文的研究目标和主要研究内容3第2章 多目标区间数优化的数学转换模型52.1 多目标优化的基本概念52.1.1 多目标优化的数学描述52.1.2 多目标优化的目标占优和Pareto占优72.1.3 多目标优化问题的解72.2区间数介绍82.3 不确定性区间结构分析102.4 区间可能度和不确定约束的转换102.4.1 改进的区间可能度方法112.4.2 基于区间可能度的不确定约束的转换162.5 区间序关系转换模型172.5.1 区间序关系172.5.2 不确定目标函数的转换192.
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- 关 键 词:
- NSGA II 改进 算法 研究 本科 毕业设计
