《FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、Fifth EditionFIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONSJoseph C. PalaisProfessor of Electrical EngineeringArizona State UniversityPRENTICE HALL INTERNATIONAL, Inc.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataPalais, Joseph, C. Fiber Optic Communication 5th Ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and ind
2、ex. PHIPE ISBN: 0-13-919895-4CIP Data availableAcquisition Editor: ALICE DWORKINProduction editor: EDWARD DEFELIPPISEditor-in-chief: MARCIA HORTONManaging editor: BAYANI MENDOZA DE LEONAssistant Vice President of Production and Manufacturing: DAVID W. RICCARDICover director: JAYNE CONTECover designe
3、r: BRUCE KENSELAARCopy editor: BOB LENTZManufacturing buyer: JULIA MEEHANEditorial Assistant: NANCY GARCIA Dedicated to my wife Sandra, my children Michael and Barbara, and my grandchildren Joshua and Logan2004, 1998, 1992, 1988, 1984, by Prentice-Hall, Inc. Simon & Schuster / A Viacom Company Upper
4、 Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced, in any form or by any means,without permission in writing from the publisher.The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include thedevelopment, res
5、earch, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The author andpublisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentationcontained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incide
6、ntal or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs. Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1ISBN: 0-13-895442-9Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, LondonPrentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, SydneyPre
7、ntice-Hall Canada Inc., TorontoPrentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A., MexicoPrentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New DelhiPrentice-Hall of Japan, Inc., TokyoSimon & Schuster Asia Pte. Ltd., SingaporeEditora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Ltda., Rio de JaneiroContentsPREFACEXI1FIBEROPTIC COMMUNICATIONS S
8、YSTEMS11-1Historical Perspective,11-2The Basic Communications Systems,1-3Nature of Light,1-4Advantages of Fibers,1-5Applications of Fiber Optic Communications, 1-6Summary and Discussion,Problems,References,2OPTICSREVIEWXX2-1Ray Theory and Applications,XX2-2Lenses,XX2-3Imaging,XX2-4Numerical Aperture
9、,XX2-5Diffraction,XX2-6Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX3LIGHTWAVE FUNDAMENTALSXX3-1Electromagnetic Waves,XX3-2Dispersion, Pulse Distortion, and Information Rate,XX3-3Polarization,XX3-4Resonant Cavities,XX3-5Reflection at a Plane Boundary,XX3-6Critical-Angle Reflections,XX3-7Summary,
10、XXProblems,XXReferences,XX4INTEGRATEDOPTICWAVEGUIDESXX4-1Dielectric Slab Waveguide,XX4-2Modes in the Symmetric Slab Waveguide,XX4-3Modes in the Asymmetric Slab Waveguide,XX4-4Coupling to the Waveguide,XX4-5Dispersion and Distortion in the Slab Waveguide,XX4-6Integrated Optic Components,XX4-7Summary
11、and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX5OPTICFIBERWAVEGUIDESXX5-1Step-Index Fiber,XX5-2Graded-Index Fiber,XX5-3Attenuation,XX5-4Modes and Fields in Step-Index Fibers,XX5-5Modes and Fields in Graded-Index Fibers,XX5-6Pulse Distortion and Information Rate in Optic Fibers,XX5-7Construction of Optic F
12、ibers,XX5-8Optic Fiber Cables,XX5-9Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX6OPTICALSOURCES AND AMPLIFIERSXX6-1Light-Emitting Diodes,XX6-2Light-Emitting-Diode Operating Characteristics,XX6-3Laser Principles,XX6-4Laser Diodes,XX6-5Laser-Diode Operating Characteristics,XX6-6Narrow Spectral Wid
13、th and Tunable Laser Diodes,XX6-7Optical Amplifiers,XX6-8Fiber Lasers,XX6-9Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Diodes,XX6-10Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX7LIGHTDETECTORSXX7-1Principles of Photodetection,XX7-2Photomultiplier,XX7-3Semiconductor Photodiode,XX7-4PIN Photodiode,XX7-
14、5Avalanche Photodiode,XX7-6Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX8COUPLERSAND CONNECTORSXX8-1Connector Principles,XX8-2Fiber End Preparation,XX8-3Splices,XX8-4Connectors,XX8-5Source Coupling,XX8-6Summary and Discussion, XXProblems,XXReferences,XX9DISTRIBUTIONNETWORKS ANDFIBERCOMPONENTSXX9
15、-1Distribution Networks,XX9-2Directional Couplers,XX9-3Star Couplers,XX9-4Switches,XX9-5Fiber Optical Isolator,XX9-6Wavelength-Division Multiplexing,XX9-7Fiber Bragg Gratings,XX 9-8Arrayed-Waveguide Gratings, XX9-9MEMS Switches, XX9-10Other Components: Attenuator, Circulator, and Polarization Contro
16、ller,XX9-11Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX10MODULATIONXX10-1Light-Emitting-Diode Modulation and Circuits,XX10-2Laser-Diode Modulation and Circuits,XX10-3Analog-Modulation Formats,XX10-4Digital-Modulation Formats,XX10-5Electroabsorption Modulator10-6Optic Heterodyne Receivers,XX10-7
17、Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX11NOISEANDDETECTIONXX11-1Thermal and Shot Noise,XX11-2Signal-to-Noise Ratio,XX11-3Error Rates,XX11-4Modal Noise, Mode-Partition Noise, Amplifier Noise, Laser Noise, and Jitter,XX11-5Additional Noise Contributors,XX11-6Receiver Circuit Design,XX11-7Sum
18、mary and Discussion,XXProblems,XXReferences,XX12SYSTEMDESIGNXX12-1Analog System Design,XX12-2Digital System Design,XX12-3Summary and Discussion,XXProblems,322References,323BIBLIOGRAPHYXXANSWERSXXINDEXXXPrefaceFiber optic communications developed very quickly after the first low-loss fibers were prod
19、uced in 1970. Operational fiber systems are now common, and new installations and applications appear continually. Communication by fibers has taken over many of the functions previously performed by copper-based systems and extended them significantly. Fibers have become an enabling technology in t
20、he information society in which we live. They work together with the remaining copper applications and the growing wireless infrastructure to meet our expanding communications needs.Fiber technology has matured sufficiently so that many books have been written on the subject. Some of these books are
21、 quite detailed in terms of theoretical and mathematical content, and the beginner may find the level difficult.This text is intended to be less difficult, while still bringing to the reader the information necessary to understand the design, operation, and capabilities of fiber systems. Important t
22、heoretical and mathematical results are given without the accompanying lengthy proofs. However, results are explained in physical terms when possible and appropriate, and extensive tables and figures are used to make those results readily usable. To provide a realistic view, numerical values are giv
23、en for the range of typical device parameters.When the first edition of this book appeared in 1984, fibers had already crisscrossed much of the United States and many other countries to deliver telephone messages between the major exchanges. By 1988, when the second edition was published, the land-b
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