1、攀枝花学院本科毕业论文On the Humor of Mark TwainAn Analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn论马克吐温的幽默浅析哈克贝里芬历险记 学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310830084 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2004级英语本科2班 指导教师: 二八年五月ContentsAbstractIKey WordsI摘 要II关键词IIIntroduction1I. Literature Review2A. Cooperative Principle2B. Humor and Humor Theories31. Th
2、e Definition of Humor32. Theories of Humor32.1 Superiority Theories32.2 Release Theories42.3 Incongruity Theories4II. The Violation of Cooperative Principle and the Humor of Mark Twain6A. Humor Created by Violating Maxim of Quality61. Saying What You Believe to Be False62. Saying What For Which You
3、Have No Evidence10B. Humor Created by Violating Maxim of Quantity111. Abundance of the Amount of Information122. Deficiency of the Amount of Information13C. Humor Created by Violating Maxim of Relation14Conclusion17Acknowledgements18Bibliography19AbstractThis thesis attempts to analyze humorous exam
4、ples occurred in Mark Twains masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in terms of Cooperative Principle to obtain the humor of Mark Twain from pragmatic angle. Next, on the analysis of the detailed study of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the author of this thesis probes into unique humor
5、of Mark Twain through numerous examples generated by violation of Cooperative Principle, then mainly concentrates on the analysis of violation of three maxims of Cooperative Principle integrated with humor theories, namely, quality maxim, quantity maxim, and relation maxim. From this way, a sufficie
6、nt inquiry of humor of Mark Twain in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be achieved, which is chiefly applied by Mark Twain to make readers think deeply after laughing. And then the result can guide the readers to have a better understanding of Mark Twain and his works, and it can also guide rea
7、ders to appreciate works of Mark Twain from pragmatic angle.Key Wordsthe humor of Mark Twain; cooperative principle; violation 摘 要本文尝试运用语用学中合作原则的违背产生幽默的理论,并结合三大幽默理论来分析马克吐温的代表作哈克贝里芬历险记中的幽默实例,从而得出作者眼中的马克吐温的幽默。本文主要集中分析对合作原则的三个准则及其相关次则的违背,它们分别是:质的准则,量的准则,关系准则。基于对马克吐温的代表作哈克贝里芬历险记的仔细研读,本文作者通过详实的例子,探究马克吐温独
8、特的幽默写作风格,希望能对读者阅读幽默大师的作品有所帮助, 对读者从语言学方面理解马克吐温的作品有一定的指导作用。关键词马克吐温的幽默;合作原则;违背IntroductionHumor is a form of communication with an intent to amuse, including special cognitive and emotional characteristics, that causes a psychological reaction (Ziv, 1998). Next, according to Websters Encyclopedic Unabr
9、idged Dictionary of the English Dictionary, it defines humor as: 1. a comic quality causing amusement; 2. the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical; 3. the faculty of expressing the amusing or comical; 4. comical writing or talk in general. Apart from the definitions of humor given in var
10、ious ways, what causes humor or what amuses people has been a major concern of studies of humor. Traditional theories of humor fall into three types: the Incongruity Theory, the Superiority Theory and the Release Theory.According to collected materials, most scholars explore the humor of Mark Twain
11、in his works through analyzing numerous humorous examples selected from those distinguished works. There are other articles which set focus on combination Mark Twains works with some pragmatic theories related to humor. Compared to those articles, from the analysis of those theories mentioned above,
12、 this thesis attempts a pragmatic explorationespecially the Cooperative Principle, mainly setting focus on the theory that violation of Cooperative Principle can elicit humor, based on the analysis of Mark Twains masterpiece The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Finally, the author of this thesis has a
13、 desire to obtain the humor of Mark Twain from pragmatic angle combined with humor theories.Chapter 1 is about the literature review, such as the definition of western humor, theories of humor and basic knowledge of Cooperative Principle.Chapter 2 focuses on the main body of this thesis, which eluci
14、dates on humor of Mark Twain from pragmatic angle. First, in terms of the theory that violation of Cooperative Principle can create humor, some useful and precise examples can be sought. Then based on theories mentioned above, an exact and suitable analysis will be made to illustrate the authors ide
15、a that the humor of Mark Twain, to some extent, is achieved by means of violation of Cooperative Principle.I. Literature ReviewA. Cooperative Principle We now know that quite often the speaker can mean a lot more than what is said. The problem is then to explain how the speaker can manage to convey
16、more than what is said and how the hearer can arrive at the speakers implied meaning. Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice proposes that in ordinary conversation, speakers and hearers share a Cooperative Principle. Speakers shape their utterances to be understood by hearers. He suggests that there
17、is a set of assumptions guiding the conduct of conversation. This is what he calls the Cooperative Principle, which simply means that people engaged in conversation will say something suitable at that point in the development of the talk. He formulates the principle as follows: (Grice, 1975)Make you
18、r contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.To Grice and his followers, one reason why what is said in conversational discourse “makes sense” in spite of the missing implicit elements, is the
19、Cooperative Principle. Grices endeavor has been to establish a set of general principles, with the aim of explaining how language users communicate indirect meanings (so-called conversational implicatures, i.e., implicit meanings which have to be inferred from what is being said explicitly, on the b
20、asis of logical deduction.)Here we mainly deal with the first 3 maxims:1. Maxim of quality: Be truthfula. Do not say that what you believe to be false.b. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.2. Maxim of quantity: Be informativea. Make your contributions as informative as required (fo
21、r the current purpose of the exchange).b. Do not make your contribution more informative than required.3. Maxim of relation: Be relevantAs a matter of fact, speakers do not always follow these maxims; they often violate them. The important thing is that whether the speaker follows or violates these
22、maxims, he produces a kind of extra meaning that is not contained in the utterance. Violations of the maxims used properly can be funny and act as a trigger. It is an important reason for the production of humor. With regard to humor, let us look at some basic points at the very beginning.B. Humor a
23、nd Humor Theories1. The Definition of HumorWhat is humor? There are two definitions in Longman Contemporary Dictionary: one is the ability to be amused, and the other is the quality of causing amusement. In addition, according to Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Dictionary,
24、 it defines humor as: 1. a comic quality causing amusement; 2. the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical; 3. the faculty of expressing the amusing or comical; 4. comical writing or talk in general (692). In China, Lin Yutang states that “humor is a state of mind. More than that, it is a p
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- 英语论文 哈克贝里费恩历险记 马克吐温 幽默 浅析 哈克贝里费恩 历险记 英文
