An analysis of cultural aspect in English humor.doc
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1、An analysis of cultural aspect in English humor浅析英语幽默中的文化因素ABSTRACTHumor a universal phenomenon in all kinds of human interaction. Humor has been studied a lot in such various fields as psychology, philosophy, rhetoric and many others. It is also come within the considerations of pragmatics. And the
2、 pragmatic pendants have provided promising explanations of its working mechanism, appreciation and functions, etc. However, we should pay attention on to the cultural factors play a determining role in the understanding the humor in different cultures. Since humor also carries with it a strong cult
3、ural note, we often see that the same comic situation is not regarded as funny or amusing by someone from another culture because the audience does not share the knowledge with the humorist. Based on the previous research fruit of humor, the author tries to make an analysis on the English culture ba
4、sed on the English humors.The thesis consists of four parts. The first part gives an introduction of the concepts of humor and its classification and its multidiscipline studies. Chapter two examines the humors to employ an analysis on underlying English cultures. Chapter three put the research into
5、 teaching. The last part comes to the conclusion and limitation of this thesis. Key Words: humor; culture,teaching摘 要幽默普遍存在于人类生活的各个方面。幽默,作为一种语言现象在英语文化中有着举足轻重的地位,因此受到不同领域学者的关注,研究涉及心理学,哲学,修辞学等众多学科。语言学家也建立了大量理论阐释言语幽默现象。语用学将语境作为研究基础,很好的阐释了言语的幽默机制和功能用途。但我们仍要注意文化不同,人们对幽默的理解也会不同,文化因素在这一理解过程中起到了决定作用。因而,要对幽默
6、进行很好的理解,就要对隐含在其中的民族文化习俗和价值观有深入的了解。在前人的研究成果基础上, 作者把幽默作为研究对象试图对其中隐含的文化因素尝试性的进行分析。本论文分为四个部分。第一部分是对幽默的总述,涉及幽默的定义,类型和前人对幽默现象的研究概况。第二部分通过对英语幽默进行分析,希望找到幽默显现出来的英语文化。第三部分通过上述分析希望将英语文化应用于英语教学。最后一部分是结论。关键词:幽默;文化;教学CONTENTSAcknowledgementsABSTRACTiii摘 要iv1Introduction11.1 Definitions and Classification of Humor
7、 11.2 Literature Review 22Analysis on underlying cultures42.1 Cultural values42.2 Religious Believes5 2.3 Linear thinking patterns5 2.4 Nationality and their characters6 2.5 Values towards materials83Implications on Teaching94 Conclusion10 4.1 Major conclusion10 4.2 Limitations and suggestions for f
8、urther studies11BIBLIOGRAPHY121 Introduction Before we discuss the underlying culture in the English humors,it is necessary to know the basic knowledge of humor. Therefore, this chapter will first make a brief survey on humor, including the concepts, classifications and characteristics. 1.1 Definiti
9、on and classificationHumor, a most ubiquitous and complex human expression, penetrates in daily life, yet it is more complicated than it seems. Humor research has undergone rather a long history from Aristotle till now, moreover, humor research has attracted much attention from many fields Many scho
10、lars have devoted themselves to the research of humor with the help of various theories. But the very question of what is meant by humor remains difficult to answer. Recently, humor has come within the scope of linguistics, for humor and language are interdependent in two important ways: first, lang
11、uage itself becomes the subject matter of humor; second, the development, comprehension, and appreciation of humor are determined, to a considerable degree, by the use and function of language in society and by the cultural attitudes and values associated with it (Apte, 1995:178-79).The English word
12、 humor is derived from the Latin word liquid to denote the four liquids of the body; blood, phlegm, choler and melancholy, which were said to determine a persons mental and physical qualities. Researchers are trying their best to define it. Aristotle defined humor in terms of incongruity, or anythin
13、g ludicrous contained some defect or ugliness, which was not painful or destructive; Sigmund Freud held that enjoyment of humor depended on the release of suppressed tendencies in humor behavior; Leacock wrote “it represents the breaking up of humorous matter into its elements so that one can examin
14、e and appreciate one little bit of it without any extraneous context; one might say that a joke is a self-contained humorous thought”(Raskin, 1985:8)Generally speaking, for the humor varies in forms, no definition of humor available can account for all forms of humor, nor has any attempt to define h
15、umor to cover all possible situations.There are many ways of classifying humor. Based on the levels realization, Bergson(1921) points out that comic effects are mostly generated by way of language, and he distinguishes two kinds of comic effect: one is expressed by language, which is translatable, a
16、nd the other is created by language, which is untranslatable(cited in 胡,1991:73). 1.2 Literature review The literature on the topic of humor is extensive and enormous. Since ancient times, humor has scholars with various disciplinary backgrounds such as philosophers, literary critics and, psychologi
17、sts, linguists and anthropologists. The followings are relevant to humor.Freud in jokes and their relation to the unconscious (1976) suggests a basic resemblance between jokes and dream. He holds that in dreams forbidden thought are distorted and disguised; in humor insults are veiled perhaps as com
18、pliments. Berger in an anatomy of humor (1993) introduces some important theories on humor, superiority theory, incongruity theory, psychoanalytic theory and conceptual theory, and offers a glossary of the basic techniques applied in humor.From the above writings, we can find that there have been ab
19、undant researches on humor from the views of functions and techniques of humor. However, there have been comparatively few researches relevant to cultural humor. There are only two relevant studies available. They are humor and laughter: An Anthropological Approach (1995) by Apte and National styles
20、 of Humor (1988) by Ziv. Therefore, the current study hopes to enrich researches on humor from the perspective of culture aspects. The humor is produced with the context and principle. The American linguistic Grice Cooperative Principle explained the situation. It includes Quantity Maxim, Quality Ma
21、xim, Relevant Maxim and Manner Maxim. Later, a famous scholar Leech developed the theory into Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, and Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim and Sympathy Maxim. “Do you think that certain people can really predict the future with cards?”“My mum can. As soon as sh
22、e takes a look at my report card, she can tell me exactly what will happen when my dad gets home.”The humor obeys the agreement maxim, however, it disobeys the principle of quantity maxim for the extra information. A college friend was going to meet a young lady he knew.“An old flame?” I asked. He w
23、inked and said, “more like an unlit match.”Old flame means lover. Apparently it does not refer to the fire. The ambiguity violates the Agreement Maxim.“I used to shoot tigers in Africa, “said a hunter. “Nonsense!” Exclaimed his friend. “There are no tigers in Africa! “Right you are, I shot them all!
24、”Here, the hunter disobeys the Quality Maxim for the untrue information. And his friend disobeys the Approbation Maxim and Agreement Maxim.So in our daily life, we speak against the language principle unconsciously to achieve the aim of communication. We cannot correct the situation, but to use it p
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- An analysis of cultural aspect in English humor
