1、呼啸山庄和简爱中仆人的作用和特点Abstract(English).iAbstract(Chinese)iiChapter 1 Introduction.1Chapter 2 The Roles of Servants8Chapter 3 The Characteristics of Servants.27Chapter 4 Emily and Charlottes Presentation of Servants.46Chapter 5 Conclusion.51Bibliography.53iAbstractIn 1847,with the publication of Wuthering
2、 Heights,Agnes Grey and Jane Eyre,threeBronte sisters caused great curiosity of the readers and critics,especially Emily Bronte,theauthoress of Wuthering Heights,and Charlotte Bronte,the authoress of Jane Eyre.Janesstruggle for independence and her romantic love with Rochester and the passionate and
3、controversial love between Catherine and Heathcliff have been reviewed for more than 100years.Many critics have made tremendous contributions to criticism of the sources of thenovels,their narrative styles and creating motivations as well as the analysis of theprotagonists.This thesis,however,focuse
4、s on the roles and characteristics of servants inthese two novels.Even though servants are minor characters,it doesnt follow that theyplay no roles and have no characteristic and therefore can be neglected.Although twonovels tell quite different stories,readers can easily find some interesting and c
5、ontroversialimages of the servants who are inseparable from the development of the protagonists andthe whole stories.When they are confronted with the changeable fate of the protagonists,especially when there is the lacking of the image of the mother,they participate in theactions,even intending to
6、influence the protagonistsjudgment and showing their inbornconscience;some become totally callous and help to exacerbate the tragedy of theprotagonists.But employed,dependent and fundamentally confined in a low socialposition in patriarchal society in which men are supreme,they cannot understand the
7、exterior and interior struggle of protagonists,nor can they have independent thinking,despite the fact that some of them are somewhat literate and strongly religious.Byexposing the conscience and callousness demonstrated by the servants in two novels,thethesis intends to dig out the social and psych
8、ological state of the servants in the early 19th century,finding that they are still enslaved in the patriarchal society.It is clear that Emilygives the reader richer and more vivid description of the servants,and pays more attentionto these people than Charlotte.ii摘要1847年,随着简爱、呼啸山庄、阿格尼斯格雷的出版,勃朗特三姐妹
10、找出19世纪早期仆人的共同特征和生活状态,在他们身上既可以看到人性光芒的闪烁,良心的展现,同时也发现了人性的麻木、酸腐、冷酷、虚伪,但总的来说他们怎么也无法摆脱他们所隶属的父权社会对他们思想的深深烙印,没有多少自己独立的思想和自我。同时,通过分析也发现艾米莉?勃朗特给了这些人物更为细致的描述。 Chapter 1 IntroductionGrown up and educated in the early 19thcentury in Haworth,an industrial town whichis straddling in the main route between Yorkshir
11、e and Lancashire,three Bronte sisters,Charlotte,Emily and Anne,drew much concern with the publication of their works,JaneEyre,Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey in the same year.Over centuries,the protagonists in their novels,the Brontes living context and theirspectacular lives have been analyzed and
12、 explored by numerous ardent readers of theirnovels and critics.The thesis focuses on the roles and characteristics of servants in Wuthering Heightsand Jane Eyre.Although those servants are minor characters,it does not follow that theydont play a role and have no distinct characteristics.In my opini
13、on,it is worthwhile toattach importance to their roles and characteristics.The fact cant be ignored that in bothnovels the servants play a key role in the development of the changeable fate ofprotagonists and the plot with the image of mother lacking.It is known that after givingbirth to six childre
14、n,Maria,Elizabeth,charlotte,Branwell,Emily and Anne,Mrs.Bronte,Maria Branwell,died when Charlotte was only six years old,and Emily only 3 years old.After their mother died of stomach cancer in 1821,the four eldest girls suffered fromprotracted hunger,illness,and cold at the harsh Clergy DaughtersSch
15、ool at the CowanBridge in Lancashire,model for the Lowood School of Jane Eyre.In fact,their two oldersisters,Maria and Elizabeth,died at the school before Charlotte and Emily were withdrawnand brought home in 1825.Under such severe reality,they must have been hungry forwarmth,comfort and encourageme
16、nt from people living with them.With the responsibilityof caring for six growing children,Patrick Bronte got the help from Elizabeth Branwell,Charlottes aunt,and also he employed some servants to help him while he could throwhimself into religion,politics and his innovations.It is recorded that in A
17、pril 1820 Patrick brought his wife,Maria,his six children,Maria,Elizabeth,Charlotte,Branwell,Emily and Anne as well as two maidservants to thenow famous parsonage in Haworth.Although his salary of around?170 was too small toenable them to acquire any savings and any luxuries,he could afford the wage
18、s for someservants1.At that time in Haworth the Bronte family was among the list of gentlemenshapter 1 Introduction2family.According to Juliet Barker,in the kitchen of parsonage in Haworth the children wouldgather round the fire to pass the long,dark winter evenings with their imaginary games andto
19、listen to the tales of their much-loved servant,Tabby Aykroyd,who stayed with thefamily for thirty years2.Their servant,Sarah Garrs recollected that in evening sessions Patrick gathered hischildren around him“for recitation and talk,giving them oral lessons in history,biographyor travel”3.As the onl
20、y clergyman covering the entire chapel at that period,Patrick Bronte waskept immensely busy.On average he baptized 290 children and carried out 111 burials ayear4.With the mother lost at their early age and the father who was highly busy,theBronte children needed the care and warmth from the image o
21、f mother.We have everyreason to believe that they got maternal love and counseling from Elizabeth Branwell,theiraunt,who came to live with the Brontes after the mother died and Tabby Aykroyd,aservant who lived with them for 30 years.The prototypes of Bessie,Mrs.Fairfax and NellyDean were their aunt,
22、Tabby Aykroyd and other maidservants.The influence those figureshad on the Bronte children was well presented in their novels.Since Charlotte had twoexperiences of being governess in 1839 and 1841,the creation of Bessie and Mrs.Fairfaxmight have been inspired by the servants in her employers houses.
23、While Emily had noexperience of being governess,the presentation of Nelly Dean was probably mostly fromher own family and account of her sisters.They had experiences of being children without the mothers care,so they naturallyturned to old servant and their aunt to seek comfort and emit their inner
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- 呼啸山庄 简爱 呼啸山庄和简爱中仆人的作用和特点 英语专业毕业论文 呼啸 山庄 仆人 作用 特点 英语专业 毕业论文
