1、硕士学位论文近代以来散杂居回族婚姻观念变迁研究以山东青州东升社区为个案学位申请人姓名 培 养 单 位 民族学与社会学学院 导师姓名及职称 学 科 专 业 中国少数民族史 研 究 方 向 回族历史与文化 论文提交日期 2007年5月 学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名:日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有
2、关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于1、保密,在_年解密后适用本授权书。2、不保密。(请在以上相应方框内打“”)作者签名:日期: 年 月 日导师签名:日期: 年 月 日目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第一章 绪论1一、回族婚姻问题的研究现状1(一)回族婚姻制度研究1(二)回族婚姻习俗研究2(三)与婚姻相关的其他研究3二、本文的研究意义与方法4(一)研究意义4(二)研究方法5三、本文的研
3、究范围5(一)研究时间界定5(二)田野点选取5第二章 近代以前的回族婚姻观念7一、回族传统婚姻观念概述7(一)提倡“入世”7(二)自主婚姻7(三)限制通婚和多妻7(四)禁止血亲和姻亲8(五)允许离婚和再嫁8二、近代以前回族婚姻观念的发展轨迹9(一)回族形成过程中的族际婚9(二)回族由族际婚转向族内婚9第三章 近代散杂居回族的婚姻观念11一、清末至辛亥革命时期散杂居回族的婚姻观念11(一)清末封建婚姻观念的嬗变11(二)清末散杂居回族婚姻观念的变迁11二、民国时期散杂居回族的婚姻观念12(一)择偶方式:父母之命、媒妁之言12(二)择偶范围:严守“族内婚”13(三)择偶标准:门当户对14(四)婚姻
4、仪式:伊斯兰教色彩浓厚14第四章 当代散杂居回族的婚姻观念16一、新中国成立后前30年散杂居回族的婚姻观念16(一)择偶方式:父母作主,本人愿意16(二)择偶范围:族际婚增多17(三)择偶标准:政治条件至上18(四)婚姻仪式:“伊扎布”仪式中断18二、改革开放以来散杂居回族的婚姻观念18(一)择偶方式:基本自主18(二)择偶范围:不断扩大19(三)择偶标准:逐渐多样化21(四)婚姻仪式:“伊扎布”仪式恢复21(五)初婚年龄:受到国家法律和世俗的双重影响22第五章 近代以来散杂居回族婚姻观念的综合分析23一、近代以来散杂居回族婚姻观念及变迁的原因分析23(一)伊斯兰教与民族认同23(二)现代化与
5、社会转型24(三)国家政策与社会变动24(四)中国传统文化与当地汉族文化25二、散杂居回族与聚居回族婚姻观念的比较分析26(一)对待族际通婚的态度26(二)择偶时对教派的关注程度27结 语29参考文献30致谢32附录A 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文目录33附录B 田野点示意图34附录C 回族的婚书“伊扎布”35摘 要本文通过对山东省青州市东升社区的个案调查,来研究近代以来散杂居回族婚姻观念的变迁状况。近代以来,散杂居回族的婚姻观念是怎样的?发生了怎样的变迁?有哪些影响因素?与西北聚居回族的婚姻观念有哪些不同?对这些问题进行关注,有利于我们更好地审视近代以来散杂居回族在婚姻上的思想变化以及对社会
8、杂居回族的婚姻观念呈现出择偶方式基本自主,择偶范围不断扩大,择偶标准呈现多样化等特点。第五章,分析和总结近代以来影响散杂居回族婚姻观念及变迁的各种因素,并对散杂居回族与西北聚居回族的婚姻观念进行比较分析。近代以来,散杂居回族的婚姻观念及变迁是多种因素综合作用的结果,主要有以下几种影响因素:伊斯兰教与民族认同,现代化与社会转型,国家政策与社会变动,中国传统文化与当地汉族文化。散杂居回族与西北聚居回族的婚姻观念也存在一些差别,主要是对待族际通婚的态度和择偶时对待教派的关注程度有明显不同。最后,总结和阐明文章的核心思想,并指出本研究需要进一步解决的问题。关键词:近代 散杂居 回族 婚姻观念 变迁Ab
9、stractBased on a case study of Dongsheng community, Qingzhou city of Shandong province, this article will analyze the changes of marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood since the modern times. Since the modern times, what is the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interrac
10、ial neighborhood like? What changes have happened? What are the influencing factors? What are the differences of marriage concept between the Hui nationality living in interracial neighborhood and ones gathering in the Northwest? Paying attention to these issues , it will do good for us to look clea
11、rly at the changes of marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood since the modern times and their adjustment to the social changes. Meanwhile, it will make us have a better understanding of the living condition of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood.The full text mainly
12、includs the following parts : The first chapter summarizs the present research results on the marriage problems of the Hui nationality. Based on which, it also proposes the significance and methods of this research. At the same time, it describes the general conditions of the fieldwork place. All of
13、 these lays the foundations for further discussion .Chapter two introduces the marriage concept of Hui nationality before the modern times, and explains the characteristics of traditional marriage concept and the development path of marriage concept of Hui nationality before the modern times. As a p
14、art of Hui nationality, the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood is deeply influenced by Islamism and experiences a transforming process from exogamy to endogamy. The formation of the system of Hui endogamy makes great influence on the marriage concept of Hui nationality i
15、n interracial neighborhood since the modern times.Chapter three analyses the manifestation of marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood in the modern times. From the late Qing Dynasty to the 1911 revolution, the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood ha
16、d partly changed, however, the old traditional concept was still dominant due to the deep influence of feudal marriage institution. In the period of the republic of China, the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood was mainly showed as follows: the pattern of spouse- selecti
17、on according to parents order and matchmakers words , the marriage rule of endogamy, the criterion of spouse-selection of “properly matched marriage”, and the wedding ceremony with Islamic style.Chapter four analyses the manifestation of marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhoo
18、d in the contemporary era. After the founding of new China, a socialism system on marriage and family had been established. As a result, the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood had undergone significant changes, and was mainly showed as follows: the pattern of spouse sele
19、ction was decided by parents and agreed by himself or herself; the scope of spouseselection had expanded; the political conditions became the main criterion of spouse-selection; and the traditional Islamism wedding ceremony was suspended. The policy of reform and opening up enables the deep changes
20、in the society from the political, economical and cultural aspects, and affects the marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood. Since the reform and opening up, the characters in marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood include: the pattern of spouse-selec
21、tion is basicly independent; the scope of spouse-selection has been increasely expanded, and the criterion of spouse-selection has been diversified.Chapter five analyses and concludes various factors which changed marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood since the modern times
22、, and also makes a comparative analysis for marriage concept between Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood and ones in the Northwest. Since the modern times, the changes of marriage concept of Hui nationality in interracial neighborhood are the results from the comprehensive effects of varied
23、factors. There are several major factors: Islamism and national identity; modernization and social transformation; national policies and social changes; traditional culture of China and the local culture of the Han nationality. There are also some obvious differences on marriage concept between Hui
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- 关 键 词:
- 近代 以来 杂居 回族 婚姻 观念 变迁 研究