1、本科毕业论文 欧美人所理解之天堂世界观学生姓名: 学生学号: zyy02011 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科2班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Analysis on the OccidentalsWorld View of HeavenWang Yan TaoUnder the Supervision ofXia MinSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007ContentsAbstract Key Words 摘要 关键词 Introduction1.Ancient P
2、eriod2A. The Secret of Bible .2B. The Basic Structure of Paradise 3. Middle Ages and Renaissance Period4A. Analysis about Concept after Culture Blending 4B. Diagram of the Structure of the Heaven .6C. The Evidence Existing in Paradise Lost.7. The Period after World War 9A. The Summary of New Ideal i
3、n Modern Time .9B. Non-followers World View .10C. Followers World View. 12Conclusion.15Acknowledgements16Bibliography .17AbstractThis thesis is about occidentals world view of heaven and how it comes into being. It begins with the research of history. The thesis analyzes the forming of ancient Chris
4、tianity, and why it becomes strong after the edict of Milan catholic and the Crusades. Christianity blends with Anglo-Saxon culture on Western ideology. It makes the stereoscopic comparison from various aspects. The intent of the thesis is to provide an historical perspective of the origin and devel
5、opment of Western culture and then to draw together all the opinions and summarize the relevant information from that survey, and why the westerners use the doctrine mentioned in the thesis as their moral standard.Key WordsTimeline; History; Culture; Heaven; hell; Angels; Demons; Christianity 摘要此论文关
6、注西方人是如何看待他们自己神话中的天堂。以及这种世界观如何逐渐形成,主要是从历史研究出发,通过研究古代基督教文明的形成,米兰赦令后天主教的壮大,以及十字军东征所带来的天主教文化与蛮族文化的结合,特别是与昂格鲁-撒克逊文化的结合对西方文化意识形态的影响。就多个方面作出线性的立体的比较。其目的是要为读者提供正确理解西方文化的来源与发展历史的全新视角,以及总结他们以这种千年以前的宗教教义作为他们的道德标准的原因。 关键词时间顺序; 历史; 文化; 天堂; 地狱; 天使; 魔鬼; 基督教IntroductionNumerous scholars, experts, even scientists de
7、vote all their life to study on the puzzle. But most of them to the bitter end got a great many of revelation. In another word they, through a good while and arduous researching, only received more new questions. These people maybe seem a little foolish but in fact they are all brave and genius man
8、for they dare to challenge the ultimate question of human. Through their researching many great authors, maestros, drawer and a lot of mental wealth are born. So the thesis can be spread out based on the wealth.First of all heaven is an important unit of culture to almost every nation, furthermore i
9、ts definition all comes from religion. In semantics it is as an abstract sign which imply a kind of space that contains another type of human being who is dead. But in fact the world view of the field is being changed constantly. Most people will be confuse when they read the religious works such as
10、 bible, however most non-followers are peoples like this. This thesis is divided into three historical stages. They are Western Roman Empire period (the period before the Christianity came into being),Middle Ages and Renaissance period, and the period after world war . The first section illustrates
11、the structure of the Paradise. Coming along with the advance of civilization the world view of heaven has changed lot. The second section describes the condition of Middle Ages, and the third section indicates the condition of followers and non-followers and the different ideology between them. Each
12、 section contains the phenomenon, concept and analysis of the world view which existed in occidentals in each period.I. Western Roman Empire PeriodA. The Secret of Bible In fact in the bible people can neither find more concrete information that how about heaven is, nor find the information about th
13、e hell, even in the next canon including four evangel books, Apostles acts or Revelation. But curious people will found in literature works or myth stories nowadays there are many a stories mentioned various kind of wizardly stories, demons or angels. If they are all fabricated, for they can not fin
14、d any clue in canon at all. The problem exists in the bible itself. Are the stories in bible real? The bible extensively spreading nowadays is “the king James version.” But James I who doesnt like the puritans thought in the footnote of “Geneva Holy Bible”. In 1604, in the Hampton Court meeting he d
15、ecided to translate another English Holy Bible, which didnt make annotation. The result was Majesty origin Holy Bible in 1611. But in this new bible only seventy-five percent of the original edition was reserved. (Carver Yu, History of Christianity, 1990) So it is understandable why a lot of informa
16、tion cant be found in that version. In fact the bowdlerizing to the bible had begin before Catholic came into being. The missing chapter mainly occurred in Evangel book and revelation. General name of the lacking parts is called Apocrypha, which means the fabricated bogus under the name of author of
17、 the bible. There is a very important chapter named Enoch II,in which there is a relative integrity world view about heaven. For that time peoples surveying technique of astronomy had improved a lot, so people knew various kinds of planet and they conceived that the heaven is divided into several fl
18、oors and each floor is like the earth, wide, flat, with various rare plants, animals, and fairness fairy. The bottom of the upside floor is the sky of the subside floor. In the inter-space of two floors it is full of clouds. There is no war, disease, even no death. The farm land there is always luxu
19、riant, and the farmer there always get harvest All in all it is full of happiness. Of course, the earth is the lowest floor and full of hardships. Various spirits in different level settle down there. The most interesting phenomenon is that people believed the planet is the original shape, and they
20、considered the stars as being flat and been enchased under the bottom of the upside sky floor for dark night so they could see them. However in the daytime they couldnt see it because of clouds. The general confirming and agreement is that the content about the structure of heaven, god and angel, in
21、itiate the work that the angel been marked off a systematic classification and assign name. It must be the sky rank memoir by Greek Dionigil Areopagita. (H. Faukeel, 1978) It was recorded at the end of chapter 17 in Acts of the apostle. The angels amount and stratum as well as the general structure
22、of heaven were recorded. “Seven” is in occidentals favor. Maybe with Enoch as the source, legendary in the Christianity, the sky boundary is divided into seven floors until religious reform. The Protestantism cleaned these mythical doctrines out. But according to the Dante Alighieris Divina Commedia
23、 (Alter, Robert, The World of biblical literature, 1991.), the sky boundary combines with the astronomy at that time. For example, the moon takes the Earth as center with various stars to orbit about. B. The Basic Structure of ParadiseIn The Old Testament and The New testament there is little inform
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- 英语 本科毕业 论文 欧美 理解 天堂 世界观
