1、第三章 人为因素控制和国际安全管理规则Human Element Control&ISM Code,Human Element Control&ISM Code,Ship Safety Management and Human ElementSafety Behavior Science and Human ElementISO9000 and Its General PrinciplesISM Code and Its General Principles SMS(Safety Management System)Maritime Security&ISPS Code,Human Eleme
2、nt Control&ISM Code,船上安全管理和人为因素安全行为科学与人为因素ISO9000及其基本原理ISM规则及其安全机制安全管理体系国际船舶和港口设施保安规则,Section 1:Ship Safety Management and Human Element,The Essential of Ship Safety Management:Human ElementStatistic study showed:80 percent marine accidents were caused by human factor Grounding:90:Fire&explosion:70:
3、Collision:96:Contact:70%。,第一节 船上安全管理和人为因素,船上安全管理要点:Human Element 人为因素人为因素与船舶事故据国际海事界1991年的权威统计,人为因素原因导致的船舶事故比例为:搁浅90%,火灾爆炸70%,碰撞96%,触碰70%。,第一节 船上安全管理和人为因素,人为因素的控制和人员安全素质要求控制人为因素,是保证安全的关键人员安全教育安全教育是提高人员安全素质和控制人为因素的有效途径之一。安全教育的内容安全教育的手段现场四阶段安全教育法和四阶段安全作业法,Section 2:Safety Behavior Science and Human El
4、ement,Behaviorist K.Lewins SOR ModelThe Core of Safety Behavior Science:Motivation Group:Formal Group&Informal GroupCommunicationEffect on SafetyThe Influence of Leadership on Safety,第二节安全行为科学与人为因素,一、人的行为原理与人为失误二、安全行为的激励激励是安全行为科学的核心。1.需要层次理论2.X 理论Y 理论3.双因素理论4.强化理论5.期望理论6.公平理论,第二节安全行为科学与人为因素,三、群体行为对安
5、全的影响正式群体和非正式群体非正式群体的积极作用,应予适当鼓励非正式群体的消极作用不容忽视,应该因势利导四、人际关系及沟通对安全的重要性五、领导行为对安全的影响领导的主要功能是组织和激励。,Section 3:ISO9000 and Its General Principles,ISO(International Organization for Standardization)Quality Management SystemISO9000s General Principles,第三节 ISO9000 及其基本原理,ISO9000简介ISO(国际标准化组织)ISO9000 质量管理体系IS
6、O9000安全保障原理,Who ISO is,ISO(International Organization for Standardization)ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 148 countries.ISO is a non-governmental organization,ISO-quality management,The ISO 9000 family is primarily concerned with quality management.ISO 9000 has become an int
7、ernational reference for quality management requirements in business-to-business dealings,ISO-environmental management,The ISO 14000 family is primarily concerned with environmental management.This means what the organization does to:-minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activit
8、ies,and to-achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance.,ISO-General Principles,The vast majority of ISO standards are highly specific to a particular product,material,or process.However,the standards that have earned the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 families a worldwide reputation are k
9、nown as generic management system standards.,ISO-General Principles,Generic means that the same standards can be applied:-to any organization,large or small,whatever its product-including whether its product is actually a service,-in any sector of activity,and-whether it is a business enterprise,a p
10、ublic administration,or a government department,ISO-General Principles,Principle 1 Customer focus Principle 2 Leadership Principle 3 Involvement of people Principle 4 Process approachPrinciple 5 System approach to management Principle 6 Continual improvementPrinciple 7 Factual approach to decision m
11、aking Principle 8 Mutually beneficial supplier relationships,ISO-9000一般原理,系统工程全面质量管理全员参与 过程控制闭环控制 双赢关系 外部审核体系文件化,Section 4:ISM Code and Its General Principles,What is ISM International Safety Management(ISM)Code means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollutio
12、n Prevention,第四节 ISM 规则及其安全机制,What is ISM 国际安全管理规则全称:国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则,ISM Code Background,Statistic study showed:80 percent marine accidents were caused by human factor and the Essential of Ship Safety Management is Human Element ControlThe IMO Assembly adopted resolution A647(16),A.680(17)and A.74
13、1(18)successively.SOLAS,Chapter IX-Management for the Safe Operation of Ships which was adopted in May 1994 and entered into force on 1 July 1998 made the ISM Code mandatory.,ISM规则的产生背景,统计分析结果表明,船舶安全和污染事故的80%是人为因素造成,且重点在于公司和船员对船舶的管理和操作。IMO致力于寻找有效地控制公司和船员的人为因素的途径。海上安全委员会(MSC)于1992年4月草拟,并顾及了修改中的ISO900
14、0,于1993 年11月4日由IMO第18届大会通过A741(18)号决议,即ISM规则。1994年3 月的SOLAS公约外交大会上通过SOLAS74第11章“船舶安全营运管理”,使ISM规则获得了法律强制力。,ISM Code Objectives,The purpose of the Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.The objectives of the Code are to
15、ensure safety at sea,prevention of human injury or loss of life,and avoidance of damage to the environment,in particular to the marine environment and to property.,ISM Code Objectives,ISM规则目的是为船舶营运安全和防污染管理提供一个国际标准。ISM规则的目标是保证海上安全,防止人员伤亡,避免对环境,特别是海洋环境造成危害以及对财产造成损失。,ISM Code Requirements,Safety manage
16、ment objectives of the Company should,inter alia:.1 provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment;.2 establish safeguards against all identified risks;and.3 continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships,including preparing for emerge
17、ncies related both to safety and environmental protection.,ISM Code Requirements,公司的安全管理目标尤其应该是:1.提供船舶营运的安全做法和安全工作环境;2.针对已认定的所有风险,制定防范措施;3.不断提高岸上及船上人员的安全管理技能,包括安全及环境保护方面的应急准备。,ISM Code Requirements,Every Company should develop,implement and maintain a safety management system(SMS)which should ensure
18、:.1 compliance with mandatory rules and regulations;and.2 that applicable codes,guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization,Administrations,classification societies and maritime industry organizations are taken into account.,ISM Code Requirements,每个公司应当建立并维护一个安全管理体系并保证:符合强制性规定及规则;并对国际海事
19、组织、主管机关、船级社和海运行业组织所建议的适用的规则、指南和标准予以考虑。,Functional requirements for SMS,.1 a safety and environmental-protection policy;.2 instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships and protection of the environment in compliance with relevant international and flag State legislation;.3 defined le
20、vels of authority and lines of communication between,and amongst,shore and shipboard personnel;.4 procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the provisions of this Code;.5 procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations;and.6 procedures for internal audits and managem
21、ent reviews.,安全管理体系要求:,(1)安全和环境保护方针;(2)确保船舶的安全营运和环境保护符合有关的国际和船旗国立法的指令和程序;(3)船、岸人员的权限和相互间的联系渠道;(4)事故和不符合规则规定情况的报告程序;(5)对紧急情况的准备和反应程序;(6)内部评审和管理性复查程序。,SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL-PROTECTION POLICY,The Company should establish a safety and environmental-protection policy which describes how the objectives
22、 given by this code will be achieved.The Company should ensure that the policy is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization,both ship-based and shore-based.,安全和环境保护万针,公司应当制定安全和环境保护方针,说明如何实现公司的安全管理目标。公司应当保证船岸各级机构均能执行和保持此方针。,COMPANY RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY,If the entity who i
23、s responsible for the operation of the ship is other than the owner,the owner must report the full name and details of such entity to the Administration.The Company should define and document the responsibility,authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage,perform and verify work relating
24、to and affecting safety and pollution prevention.The Company is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore-based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.,公司的责任和权力,如果负责船舶营运的实体不是船舶所有人,船舶所有人应向主管机关报告其名称以及详细信息。对管理、从事和审核涉及安全和防止污染工作的所有人员,
25、公司应当明确并用文件形式规定其责任、权力及相互关系。公司应当负责保证向指定的人员提供足够的资源和岸上的支持,以便使其能够履行各自的职责。,DESIGNATED PERSON(S),To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board,every Company,as appropriate,should designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highes
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 船舶安全管理 船舶安全管理ppt课件:第三章 人为因素控制和国际安全管理规则 船舶 安全管理 ppt 课件 第三 人为因素 控制 国际 规则
