SMTC 5 330 001(V1) 座椅及饰件织物面料(最终稿).doc
《SMTC 5 330 001(V1) 座椅及饰件织物面料(最终稿).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SMTC 5 330 001(V1) 座椅及饰件织物面料(最终稿).doc(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、座椅及饰件织物技术要求Seat and Trim Finisher Fabric Technical Requirement发布Issue上汽股份技术中心技术标准化委员会 Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center 2010-XX-XX 实施/Implementation 2010-XX-XX 发布/Issue SMTC 5 330 0012010(V1)SMTC上汽股份有限公司技术中心企业技术标准Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical
2、Center目 次/Contents前言ForewordII1范围Scope12规范性引用文件Normative references13 一般要求General requirement13.1工作条件Service Conditions13.2材料认可Material Approval23.3标准样板Master Samples23.4运输和储存Transit and Storage33.5生产线试验Production Trial34 其它要求Other requirement45 织物类型Types of Fabric46 织物结构Fabric Construction47 试验Test
3、ing47.1试验要求及方法Test requirement and method47.2试验条件Test condition58 试验说明Notes on test78.1 平方米克重Weight88.2 纬斜Skewed weft and bowed weft88.3耐污及耐清洁Soiling and cleaning88.4 汗渍色牢度溶液Perspiration solution9附录A Appendix A10 前 言为规范SMTC座椅及饰件织物面料技术要求及试验方法,特制定此标准。当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。本标准的附录A为资料性目录,附录B为规范性附录。本标准由基础分标委提出
4、。本标准由SMTC技术标准化委员会批准。本标准由标准化工作组归口管理。本标准起草部门:内外饰部、质保部。本标准主要起草人:陈刚、蔡明、赵天瑜、金学哲。本标准于2010年XX月XX日首次批准发布,2010年XX月XX日实施。ForewordThis standard is established for regulating SMTC seat and trim finisher fabric technical requirement and test method. This standard is written in Chinese and English but if in doubt
5、, the Chinese version should be criterion.Annex A is normative reference. This standard was proposed by basic sub-committee.This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee.This standard was specification management by Standardization working team.The drafting departments o
6、f this standard are: Exterior and Interior Dept,QA Dept.The main drafters of this standard are: Chen Gang、Cai Ming、Zhao Tianyu、Jin Xuezhe.This standard was first published on XX. XX,2010 and implemented on XX. XX, 2010.座椅及饰件织物技术要求Seat and Trim Finisher Fabric Technical Requirement1 范围本标准包含了对座椅及饰件织物面
7、料的性能的要求和试验方法。饰件包含门饰板、立柱饰板、顶饰及其他可能用到织物的车内内饰零件。在本标准中并没有对织物的结构进行指定说明。符合本标准的织物包括:机织物,经编织物,纬编织物。1 Scope This Standard covers the general performance requirements and test method for seat and trim finisher fabrics. The trim finisher should include the door casing, pillar, headliner and any interior compon
8、ents which might use the fabric. Fabric constructions are not specified in this document. Fabrics covered by these requirements include Woven, Warp knitted, Weft knitted.2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适
9、用于本标准。2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply (exclude the correction), but parties
10、to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.MGR ES.30.CR.130 内饰材料耐汗液色牢度MGR ES.30.CR.130 Color Fastness to Perspiratio
11、n of Trim MaterialsMGR ES.30.CR.426 装饰织物的水渍评估MGR ES.30.CR.426 Water Marking Assessment of Trim FabricsMGR ES.30.DS.103薄片状塑料材料和纺织品的尺寸稳定性MGR ES.30.DS.103Dimensional stability of sheet form plastic materials and textilesMGR ES.30.DS.736纺织物的湿收缩MGR ES.30.DS.736Wet Shrinkage of TextileMGR ES 30.TF.101接缝疲劳
12、和滑移MGR ES 30.TF.101 Seam Fatigue and SlippageMGR ES.30.TP.102纺织材料的断裂负荷和至断拉伸长度MGR ES.30.TP.102 Breaking Load and Elongation of Break of Textile Materials thickness of textiles and textile productsMGR ES.30.TR.425梯形撕裂强度MGR ES.30.TR.425 Trapezoid Tearing StrengthSMTC 08502 供应商零件的首次供货和变更供货的批准程序SMTC 0850
13、2 Vehicle Supply Parts, General; Approval of First Supply and ChangesSMTC 22531 编制织物SMTC 22531 Knit Fabric Material RequirementSMTC 22540 PU填充物材料要求 SMTC 22540 PU Insert Material Requirement SMTC 30159轿车内饰材料散发性能技术要求SMTC 30159 Technical Requirements of Emanation Performance of Vehicle Trim MaterialsSM
14、TC 30529 非金属扁平制品静态拉伸和残余伸长实验SMTC 30529 Measurement of static and permanent elongationSMTC 30531织物起毛起球实验SMTC 30531 Fabric Pilling TestSMTC 30533 接缝强力SMTC 30533 Determination of Strength,Resistance to Tearing and Shifting of SeamsSMTC 30535 地毯、织物耐磨实验SMTC 30535 Textiles, carpets - Wear resistanceSMTC 30
15、541面料疏水性能SMTC 30541 Oil and water repilling behaviorSMTC 90008 汽车零件和材料中禁用/限用危险物质 SMTC 90008 Automotive Prohibited /Restricted Hazardous Substances for Parts and MaterialsSMTC 5 400 002汽车内饰件颜色样板评估SMTC 5 400 002 Components of the Vehicle Interior Trim Colorimetric EvaluationSMTC 5 400 003乘客厢非金属零件曝晒试验S
16、MTC 5 400 003 Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment ComponentsSMTC 5 400 008 汽车内饰材料的燃烧特性SMTC 5 400 008 Burning Behavior of Automotive Interior MaterialsSMTC 5 400 009轿车内饰材料总碳挥发量的测定方法 SMTC 5 400 009 Test Method of TVOC of Vehicle Trim MaterialsSMTC 5 400 010轿车内饰材料雾翳试验方法SMTC 5
17、400 010 Test Method for Evaluating Fogging Characteristics of Vehicle Trim MaterialsGB/T 4669 纺织品机织物单位长度质量和单位面积质量的测定GB/T 4669 Textile-Woven fabric-Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit areaISO 291 23/50 调节和检验用的标准大气压ISO 291 23/50 Plastic-Standard atmospheres for conditioning and tes
18、tingISO 5084纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定ISO 5084 Textiles Determination of DIN 53357塑料布和塑料薄膜的检验.层间分离试验DIN 53357 Testing of Plastics Sheets; Adhesion TestDIN EN ISO 105-X12织物退色试验DIN EN ISO 105-X12 Textiles; Tests for Color Fastness Part X12: Color Fastness to RubbingDIN EN ISO 12947-1织物耐磨性马丁代尔法的测定DIN EN ISO 12947-1
19、 Determination of the Abrasion Resistance of Fabrics by the Martindale MethodDIN EN ISO 9237织物透气性的测定DIN EN ISO 9237 Determination of the Permeability of Fabrics to Air ASTM 3882机织和针织织物弓纬及纬斜的标准试验方法ASTM 3882 Standard Test Method for Bow and Skew in Woven and Knitted Fabrics GMW 3402 汽车材料耐污及清洁性能GMW 340
20、2 Soil and Cleaner Resistance of Automotive Material3 一般要求3 General requirement3.1工作条件当用于指定的用途时,材料必须能够满足其所能够遇到的各种环境的要求,并且保有其应有的性能。如无特殊要求,这个环境要求为湿度最高达到95%R.H.,温度变化范围为-40+120。3.1 Service Conditions: When used for the intended application, the material must be capable of performing satisfactorily under
21、 all service conditions likely to be encountered. If no special requirement, the in-service conditions will be up to 95% humidity and temperatures varying from -40C to +120C. 3.2 材料认可没有经过以下条款3.2.1条款3.2.6所描述的认可过程认可的材料是不允许在产品生产中使用的。3.2.1 能够证明其符合上海汽车质量规范的潜在供应商,应该根据工程部门的指导性意见,根据其材料特性建立相关的试验进度表。3.2.2 供应商
22、在完成材料物性试验后,须对试验样品保留至少二个月以上,同时须提供完整的试验报告。3.2.3 SMTC工程材料试验部门部门将会对供应商提供的试验结果进行确认,如果认为有必要,也会进行任何的对比性试验。3.2.4 符合本标准认可要求的材料将会对其进行车体和工程性能要求试验。3.2.5如果要对已经经过认可的织物在其制造配方以及工艺方面进行改进或者更改,必须事先以书面通知的形式告知产品更改控制部门以及采购部门。没有以上部门的书面认可同意,更改过的材料不允许供货。3.2.6供应商供应的材料的颜色,纹理须与设计部门发布的主样板相匹配。材料的颜色应该与标准参考色板相匹配,匹配的鉴定及认可由SMTC质保试验部
23、门负责。产品的标准颜色偏差应该由供需双方协商确定,并且在以后的供货过程中,每批样品的的颜色公差都应该在这个标准偏差范围之内。3.2 Material Approval Fabric shall not be used in production without first having completed the approval procedure defined in clauses 3.2.1 to suppliers who can demonstrate compliance with SMTC Quality System Specif
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- SMTC 330 001V1 座椅及饰件织物面料最终稿 001 V1 座椅 织物 面料 最终
