1、目录设计总说明前言1 井田概况11.1 井田地理11.1.1 地理条件11.1.2 地形、地势及河流11.1.3 气象及地震条件11.2 井田地质11.2.1 地质特征11.2.2 地质构造31.2.3 煤层及煤质31.2.4 瓦斯、煤尘及煤的自燃倾向性41.2.5 水文地质52 井田开拓62.1井田划分62.1.1 井田边界62.1.2 矿井储量62.1.3 井田再划分72.1.4 矿井服务年限82.2开拓方式102.2.1 井田开拓方案102.2.2 主、副井及风井设计112.3主要巷道设计132.3.1 运输大巷设计132.3.2 井底车场巷道设计132.3.3 采区上山(轨道上山、运输
2、上山、回风上山)142.3.4 区段进回风巷142.3.5 回风大巷及回风石门152.4 井底车场设计162.4.1 井底车场的形式和选型162.4.2 井底车场内的各种硐室173 采区巷道布置及采煤方法183.1 采区巷道布置及回采工艺183.1.1采区巷道布置183.1.2 回采方式183.2 采区车场选择183.2.1 采区上部车场183.2.2采区中部车场193.2.3 采区下部车场193.3 采煤方法选择203.3.1 采煤方法选择203.3.2 回采工作面长度和采高213.3.3 采场支护方式213.3.4 运输方式213.3.5 采空区处理223.3.6 采煤机选择224 通风系
3、统设计234.1 通风设计的原则和要求234.1.1 各类型矿井通风系统的优缺点及适用条件244.1.2各类型矿井通风系统的优缺点及适用条件264.1.3 主要通风机的工作方式与工作地点264.1.4矿井通风系统的选择274.2 采区通风系统设计274.2.1 采区进风上山与采区回风上山的选择274.3 风量计算与分配294.3.1 矿井风量计算原则294.3.2 采煤工作面需风量计算294.3.3 掘进工作面需风量计算314.3.4 硐室需风量计算314.3.5 其他用风巷道的需风量计算324.3.6 矿井总风量计算324.4 计算矿井通风系统总阻力324.4.1容易时期324.4.2 困难
4、时期334.4.3 等积孔计算及通风难易程度评价344.5 矿井通风设备选择354.5.1 主要通风机的选择354.5.2 电动机的选择384.6 矿井通风费用计算394.6.1 井通风年总电费计算395 安全生产措施405.1 火灾防治措施405.1.1 预防405.1.2煤炭自燃的预防415.2矿尘防治措施425.2.1 煤尘爆炸的条件425.2.2 预防煤尘爆炸的技术措施435.3 瓦斯积聚和爆炸防治措施445.3.1 瓦斯爆炸发生的规律445.3.2 防止瓦斯积聚和爆炸的技术措施455.4 瓦斯抽放475.4.1 概述475.4.2 瓦斯抽放设计依据及内容485.4.3 开采煤层的瓦斯
5、抽放495.4.4 瓦斯抽放设备及监测系统535.5 水害防治措施555.5.1地面水防治555.5.2井下防治水556 结论57参 考 文 献58致 谢59设计总说明本次毕业设计是我大学四年最后的一次学习机会,是最后一个不可缺少的教学环节,也是我们走上工作岗位前的一次“实践演练”。为今后从事安全工程技术工作打下良好的基础。 一、 设计题目、依据及原则 矿井通风是煤矿安全生产的重要保障,本设计针对巨野煤矿的现状进行了通风系统的设计。设计以实地考察及实地实习所收集的资料为依据。从矿山地质、开采技术条件入手。本着安全、合理、高效、经济利用矿产资源以及充分利用矿山现有工程原则,对巨野煤矿采矿权证范围
7、防火的预防措施和应急方案。设计内容广泛、完整、数据可靠,是一套较为完整的通风系统设计。二、矿区概述 巨野矿位于河北省唐山市北偏东约13公里处,南距马家沟矿6公里,距原京山铁路开平车站10公里,东距陡河发电厂4.5公里。行政区域属唐山市开平区管辖,有运煤专线2.0km,交通便利,煤炭产出后经洗选可直接装火车外运。本区属温带大陆性气候,年平均气温9.2,极端最低气温-24,最高气温38.6,无霜期180天,冰血期从10月中旬到次年4月中旬,最大冻土深度0.5 m,年降雨量一般520-680mm,年蒸发量1670 mm,春冬季节多西北风,夏秋季节多东南风,一般风力3-4级,最大风力6级。三、开拓方法
9、在确保矿井安全、兼顾中、后期生产需要,通过对以上各个可行的矿井通风系统方案进行经济技术比较后,确定选用两翼对角式、抽出式的通风系统方案。采区通风方案选择轨道上山进风,专用回风上山回风,采煤工作面上行通风的采区通风系统。工作面通风系统选用U型通风系统。六、安全措施根据钻孔煤样和周围矿井生产实际调查分析,本矿井有爆炸危险,且有自燃倾向性,邻近矿井在生产实际中发生过煤尘爆炸和自燃现象。本矿相对瓦斯涌出量一般为10 m3/t,水害危险存在,因此需要制定详细的矿井火灾防治、矿尘防治、瓦斯积聚和爆炸防治、水害防治措施。关键词: 通风系统;瓦斯预防;安全措施; General Information Des
10、ignThe design of the I graduated the University of the last four years learning opportunities, is the last one indispensable aspect of teaching, also is we took the jobs before a practice drill. Engaged in mining for the future of professional and technical work to lay a good foundation.1, a design
11、based on the principles of design and entitledMine ventilation is an important safeguard to the coal mine production security. This design designs the ventilation system according to the present situation of the practical training unit Juye coal mine. Design and site visits to the field internship c
12、ollected based on the information. From the mine geology, mining conditions. In security, reasonable, efficient, and economic use of mineral resources and make full use of existing mining engineering principles, Mine mining right Xiao Zhang E within the exploitation of coal resources for the design.
13、 Through analysis of the geological and hydrological condition, The mine pit division is three mine stage, Each phase is divided into 6picks , The length of each pick is 2000 meters; the slanting length is900 meters. each picks differentiates 5 sectors. Every pick has 2working areas. The well field
14、geological reserve is 126 million tons; The definitemine pit year productivity is 1.2 million tons, the service time is 61years.According to the reasonable technique and economy principle, this design chooses slant hole mining and determines the twowings opposite angles and pumping ventilation style
15、. Mine ventilation total volume of 8232 m3/min.It chooses the BDNo22 axis ventilator of flowing style. Then, this design evaluates the electricity consumption of the main, partial and auxiliary ventilator. The ventilation expense per ton coal E equals 2.04Yuan. Finally this design brings up the prev
16、entive measure and emergency plan of fire protection aiming at the existing hidden dangers. The content of this design is widespread and integrity. The data is reliable. It is a set of complete ventilation systems design.2, outlined mineJuye Mine in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, north easterly abou
17、t 13 kilometers, north Ma Mine 6 km, from the original Kaiping Jingshan railway station 10 km west of Douhe Power Plant 4.5 km. Administrative region is the city of Tangshan Kaiping district jurisdiction, green coal 2.0 km transport facilities, Coal output after washing can be directly loaded train
18、progressed. Being the temperate continental climate, the average temperature of 9.2 C, and extreme minimum temperature of -24 C, The maximum temperature of 38.6 C, the frost-free period of 180 days, ice blood period from mid-October to mid-April the following year. Permafrost greatest depth of 0.5 m
19、, annual rainfall normally 520-grows, the amount of evaporation, 1670 mm, Spring Festival over the northwest winter winds, the summer season more southeasterly winds, the general level 3 -4 wind, the largest wind 6. 3,the Development methodAgainst selected industrial sites and existing wells and und
20、erground engineering facilities with the construction of mine size, the occurrence of coal, and the manner shaft construction investment and other factors, many of shaft design for district-level development, all mine shaft using principal and vice shaft, return air shaft more district-level develop
21、ment. Mine which is divided into three phases, each is divided into six mining area4, mining methodsAs the ore, is a solid rock, ore little dip, shape than rules, continuous, and not within the scope of Mine fault cut off the orebody, Ore caking and not spontaneous. After the optional method of mini
22、ng feasibility studies compared to the use of longwall mining method. Orebody basic order of top-down, from near and far, from the direction of promoting the Middle East, Central to the west wings of the main sequence to upgrade the main shaft mining5, ventilation systems According to the mine desig
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- 蒋庄煤矿矿井通风安全设计 毕业设计 煤矿 矿井 通风 安全 设计
