1、第六章 鸡尾酒配方,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Cachaca Rum 巴西朗姆酒 1 pic Fresh Lime 鲜青柠 2 sachets Brown Sugar 棕糖 1 pic Fresh Mint Sprig 鲜薄荷芽 Crushed Ice 碎冰 METHOD:Muddle the fresh lime with the brown sugar in a mixing glass.Add a scoop of ice and Cachaca.Shake vigorously,Pour into double rock glass with i
2、ce and garnish with a sprig of mint.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将鲜青柠块棕糖放入调酒杯中捣和加入基酒和冰块充分摇和,再倒入大号古典杯中,薄荷芽碎冰装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管 和小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Caipirinha巴西恋情,Cosmopolitan欲望都市,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Mandarin Vodka 香橙伏特加 0.3 oz Coin
3、treau 君度香橙酒 0.25 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜青柠汁 2 oz Cranberry Juice 红莓汁 1 pic Orange Zest 鲜橙皮METHOD:Shake all ingredients well with ice,fine strain into a chilled martini glass,and garnish with an orange zest.Standard:Serve Coaster&Bar Snacks.做法:将所有材料放入调酒杯中加冰充分摇和,滤入到冰冻马天尼杯中,鲜橙皮装饰。服务标准:杯垫、小吃 Preparation t
4、ime/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Mojito薄荷仙子,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Havana Club Rum 哈瓦那朗姆酒 6 oz Fresh Lime Wedges 鲜青柠10 pic Fresh Mint Leaves 鲜薄荷叶 2 sachet Brown Suga 棕糖 2 oz Soda Water 苏打水 Crushed Ice 碎冰METHOD:Muddle the fresh lime wedges,fresh mint leaves,brown sugar in
5、 the mixing glass until the sugar is dissolved.Add ice and Havana Club rum,shake well and pour into a tall tumbler,top up with soda water and crushed ice.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将鲜青柠块、薄荷叶、棕糖在调酒杯中捣和加入其他材料及冰块充分摇和,再倒入斜身高杯中,加入苏打水。碎冰装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃,Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost
6、/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Spring Rhythm春之节奏,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Scotch Whisky 苏格兰威士忌 2 sachets Brown Sugar 棕糖 6 pic Fresh Lime Wedges 鲜青柠角 10 pic Fresh Mint Leaves 鲜薄荷叶 2 oz Champagne 香槟METHOD:Muddle the fresh lime wedges,fresh mint leaves and brown sugar in a mixing glass until the s
7、ugar is dissolved.Add ice and scotch whisky,shake well and pour into a tall Hurricane glassr,top up with champagne and crushed ice.Standard:Serve Coaster、Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:在调酒杯中加入棕糖、青柠角、薄荷叶捣和加入苏格兰威士忌及冰块充分摇和倒入飓风杯加入香槟最后用碎冰装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minutes/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price售价:RMB6
8、8,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Peach Vodka 水蜜桃伏加 0.5 oz Lychee Liqueur 荔枝香甜酒 5 pic Fresh Lychees 鲜荔枝 0.5 oz Sugar Syrup 糖水 2 pic Fresh Lychee Garnish 装饰鲜枝METHOD:Muddle five of the lychees with the sugar syrup in a mixing glass.Add a scoop of ice,then the vodka and lychee liqueur.Shake vigrously
9、and strain into a chilled martini glass.Garnish with the remaining lychee on a cocktail pick.Standard:Serve Coaster&Bar Snacks.做法:将荔枝放入调酒杯中捣碎加入冰块和其它材料充分摇和,滤入到马天尼杯中,用荔枝串装饰服务标准:杯垫、小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minutes/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price售价:RMB88,Lychee and Peach Martini映日荷花,Bloody Mary血彩玛丽,QTY份量 UNIT
10、单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 1.5 oz Chili Vodka 香辣伏特加 4 dashes Tabasco Sauce 辣椒汁 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce 李派林喼汁 0.25 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜榨青柠汁 1 pinch Celery Salt 芹菜盐 1 pinch Black Pepper 黑胡椒粉 4 oz Tomato Juice 番茄汁 1 pic Celery Stalk with Leaves 带叶芹菜梗 METHOD:Shake all ingredients gently in a cocktail sh
11、aker with cracked ice to keep the Tomato Juice from seprating.Pour into a tumbler,and garnish with a Celery Stalk with Leaves.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将青柠捣碎加入其他材料充分摇和连冰一起倒入直身杯中,用带叶芹菜装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minutes/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price售价:RMB68,French Connection法式情
12、怀,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材料 0.75 oz Cognac 干邑白兰地 0.75 oz Amaretto 杏仁香甜酒 METHOD:Half-fill a double rock glass with ice.Add the Cognac,then the Amaretto.Stir well.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:在大号古典杯中加入半杯冰块再将两种基酒分别加入到杯中调和服务标准:杯垫、小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖
13、价:RMB 68,Caipiroska闲情逸致,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Vodka 伏特加 1 pic Fresh Lime 鲜青柠 2 sachets Brown Sugar 棕糖 Crushed Ice 碎冰METHOD:Muddle the fresh lime with brown sugar in a mixing glass.Add a scoop of ice and vodka.Shake vigorously and Pour into a double rock glass with ice,top up with crushed
14、ice.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将鲜青柠块棕糖放入调酒杯中捣和加入基酒和冰块充分摇和,再倒入大号古典杯中,碎冰装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Grasshopper绿色使者,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 1 oz Crme de Menthe Green 绿薄荷香甜酒 1 oz Crme de Cacao White 白可可香甜酒 1 oz Fresh Cream 鲜奶油 1 te
15、aspoon Dark Chocolate syrup 黑巧克力浆METHOD:Half-fill a mixing glass with ice.Add the Green Crme de Menthe,White Crme de Cacao and Cream.Shake vigorously and strain into a chilled martini glass.Garnish with Grated Chocolate.Standard:Serve Coaster&Bar Snacks.做法:将所有材料放入加冰的调酒壶内摇和,滤入有黑巧克力边的鸡尾酒杯中。服务标准:杯垫、小吃
16、Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Long Island Ice Tea长岛冰茶,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 0.5 oz White Rum 白朗姆酒 0.5 oz Vodka 伏特加 0.5 oz Gin 金酒 0.5 oz Cointreau 君度香橙酒 0.5 oz Tequila 龙舌兰酒 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜青柠汁 2 oz Cola 可乐 1 pic Fresh Lime Wheel 鲜青柠圈METHOD:Half-fill a
17、 tall tumbler with ice.Add the White Rum,Vodka,Gin,Cointreau,Teaquila and Fresh Lime Juice,then then top up with Cola.Stir well and garnish with a Wheel of Fresh Lime.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将鲜青柠块调酒杯中捣和加入朗姆酒、伏特加、金酒、君度酒、龙舌兰和冰块充分摇和,再倒入直身杯中倒可乐,青柠圈挂杯装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃Preparation time/准备时
18、间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 1 oz White Rum 白朗姆酒 1 oz Dark Rum 黑朗姆酒 0.5 oz Amaretto 杏仁甜酒 0.5 oz Cointreau 君度香橙酒 2 oz Pineapple Jucie 菠萝汁 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜青柠汁 2 oz Orang Juice 橙汁 3 dash Grenadine 红石榴汁 1 pic Fresh Mint Sprig 薄荷芽 1 pic Fresh Red Cherr
19、y 鲜红樱METHOD:Shake all ingredients with ice well then pour into a Hurricane glass,and garnish with Fresh Mint Sprig and Fresh Red Cherry.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将鲜青柠块调酒杯中捣和加入其他材料、冰块充分摇和,再倒入直身杯中,薄荷芽和红樱桃挂杯装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68
20、,Mai Tai唯美姿态,Mango Daiquiri芒果冰凝,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 1.5 oz White Rum 白朗姆酒 0.25 oz Cointreau 君度香橙酒 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜青柠汁 1 pic Mango Puree 鲜芒果汁 1 pic Fresh Mint Spr 鲜薄荷叶 METHOD:Place the Mango,Rum,Mango Liqueur,Lemon Juice and Sugar Syrup in a blender and blend until smooth.Add the cru
21、shed ice and blend until the mixture is the consistency of shaved ice.Pour into a chilled Daiquiri Glass.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将芒果汁、朗姆酒、君度酒、青柠汁放到搅拌机充分搅匀倒入得其利杯中,薄荷芽装饰服务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃 Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Te
22、quila White 白龙舌兰烈酒 1 oz Cointreau 君度香橙酒 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice 鲜青柠汁 0.25 pic Fresh Lime Twists 鲜青柠丝 METHOD:Blend all ingredients well with crushed ice,pour into a salt rimmedMartin glass and garnish with fresh lime twists.Standard:Serve Coaster Straw&Bar Snacks.做法:将所有材料加冰放到搅拌机充分搅匀倒入有盐边的马天尼杯中,青柠丝装饰服
23、务标准:杯垫、吸管、小吃Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling price/卖价:RMB 68,Margarita玛格丽特,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 0.5 oz Vodka 伏特加 0.5 oz Kahlua 咖啡香甜酒 0.5 oz Baileys Irish Cream 百利香甜酒 1 oz Dark Chocolate syrup 黑巧克力浆 1 pic Dark Chocolate 黑巧克力METHOD:Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over sim
24、mering water.Dip the rim of a double rock glass in the melted chocolate,then half-fill the glass with ice.Add Kahlua,Baileys Irish Cream and Vodka and stir.Standard:Serve Coaster&Bar Snacks.做法:将基酒倒入加有冰块的调酒杯中充分摇和,再倒入有黑巧克力边的大号古典杯中,一片黑巧克力块入杯装饰服务标准:杯垫、小吃Preparation time/准备时间:3 minute/分钟Cost/成本:Selling p
25、rice/卖价:RMB 68,Mudslide香浓丝滑,QTY份量 UNIT单位 INGREDIENT 材 料 2 oz Rye Whiskey 黑麦威士忌 0.25 oz Sweet Vermouth 甜味美思 0.25 oz Dry Vermouth 干味美思 1 dash Angostura Bitters 比特酒 1 pic Fresh Red Cherry 鲜樱桃 METHOD:Place all ingredients into mix glass with a scoop ice cube and stir.Then strain it into chilled martini
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- Caipiroska 闲情逸致 QTY 份量 UNIT 单位 INGREDIENT 材料 课件
