1、学号课 程 设 计20112012学年第2学期题 目:国际结算实务实训- 信用证业务流程分析教 学 系: 经济与管理系 专业班级: 指导教师: 学生姓名: 2012年 05 月 28 日课 程 设 计 任 务 书学生姓名专业班级指导教师工作单位武汉理工大学华夏学院题目: 国际结算实务实训- 丝毯 信用证结算流程分析第一部分:初始条件1、硬件:计算机、光盘、软盘、投影仪等实验设备。2、软件:windows操作系统;智盛国际结算模拟教学系统。要求完成的主要任务:(国际结算实务的基本理论和基本业务知识,主要国际结算业务的方式、方法及基本操作程序)第二部分:课程设计内容一、进口信用证业务知识点(一)信
2、用证业务的处理信用证是银行有条件的付款承诺,即开证银行根据开证申请人的请求和指示,向受益人开立的有一定金额、并在一定期限内凭规定的单据承诺付款的书面文件。 中国进出口银行办理信用证结算业务严格遵守国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例UCP 500。 1、进口信用证业务内容 :(1)对外开立信用证;(2)信用证修改;(3)审核国外寄来的信用证项下单据;(4)对外付款、承兑或拒付;(5)提货担保。2、进口信用证业务处理程序 (1)客户向进出口银行提交如下材料:开证申请书(进出口银行格式)、进口合同正本(代理进出口需附代理协议)、国内销售合同 / 出口销售合同 / 有关的项目批文及项目可行性报告(如需)、进口
3、商品或进口单位涉及我国进口许可管理范围的相关有效凭证、贸易进口付汇核销单、购买外汇申请书 、进口付汇备案表、(进出口银行要求的其他材料。 (2)按进出口银行要求交纳开证保证金或办理抵押、质押、信用反担保或开证授信额度手续。(3)进出口银行对开证申请书内容的合规性与表面一致性审核无误后,对外开出信用证。(4)进出口银行审核国外出口商(受益人)委托其银行寄来的信用证项下规定的全套单据,根据单据中有无不符点,在7个工作日内向寄单行作出拒付或同意承兑/付款的决定。(5)审核来单无误,由进口商赎单并到进出口银行办理该信用证项下对外付款或承兑手续。(二)信用证业务中的当事人如图6-1所示开证行以开证申请书
4、为依据开立信用证,信用证业务中各方当事人受信用证约束,应按信用证规定办理通知、审证、审单、付款的业务处理。此外,信用证各方当事人还应严格遵循跟单信用证统一惯例UCP500的规定。(三)开证行业务处理环节和要求开证行业务处理环节和要求见图4.1.1-3。四、信用证的开立一信用证的内容实务中信用证开立时并无统一格式但各银行一般都会参照国际商会出版物516推荐的标准跟单信用证格式缮制信用证。开证申请书格式见示样4.1.1-1信用证格式见示样4.1.1-2、示样4.1.1-3。示样4.1.1-1 开证申
5、请书Irrevocable Documentary Credit Application(正面)Applicant: 申请人Issuing Bank: 开证行Date of Application: 申请开证日期Expiry date and Place forPresentation ofdocumentsExpiry Date: 到期日Place for Presentation:到期地点Issue by (air) mail with brief advice byteletransmission 开证形式(see UCP 500Article 11)Issue by teletrans
6、mission(see UCP 500Article 11)Transferable Credit-As per UCP 500 Article48Beneficiary: 受益人Confirmation of the Credit 是否需保兑not requested requested authorised if requested by BeneficiaryAmount in figures andwords(please use ISOCurrency Codes):金额Partial shipments allowed not allowed分运Credit available w
7、ith Nominated Bank: 付款方式by payment at sightby deferred payment at:by acceptance of drafts at:by negotiationAgainst the documentsdetailed herein: 汇票and Beneficiarys draft(s)drawn on:Transshipments allowed not allowed转运 Please refer to UCP 500 Articles for exceptionsto this conditionInsurance will be
8、covered by us投保人Shipment as defined in UCP 500 Article46From: 起运港For transportation to: 目的港Not later than: 最迟装船期Goods(Brief description without excessivedetails-See UCP500 Article 5):Terms: 价格条件FAS CIF货物描述FOB Other terms:CFR as per INCOTERMS单据要求Commercial invoice signed original and copiesTransport
9、Documents:Multimode Transport Document, covering at least two different modes of transportMarine/Ocean Bill of Lading covering a port-to-port shipmentNon-Negotiable Sea Waybill covering a port-to-port shipmentAir Waybill, original for the consignorOther transport documentto the order ofendorsed in b
10、lankmarked freight prepaid payable at destinationnotify:Insurance Document:Policy Certificate Delaration under an open cover covering the following risks:Certificates:OriginAnalysisHealthOtherOther Documents:Packing ListWeight ListDocuments to be presented within days after the date of shipment butw
11、ithin the validity of the Credit.交单期AdditionalInstructions:其他特别指示We request you to issue on our behalf and for ouraccount your Irrevocable Credit in accordance with theabove instructions (marked (X) where appropriate).This Credit will be subject to the Uniform Customs andPractice for Documentary Cre
12、dits(1993 Revision)Publication NoCommerce,Paris,France)in so far as they areapplicable.本证受UCP500 约束申请人签名Name and signature of the ApplicantSecured Agreement for Letter of Credit(背面)1. In consideration of your granting above request, we hereby guaranteethat all drafts drawn and negotiated in complian
13、ce with terms andconditions of this credit shall be paid only at maturity.2. Banks assume no liability or responsibility for the form, sufficiency,accuracy, genuineness, falsification or legal effect of any documents, orfor the general and/or particular conditions stipulated in the documents orsuper
14、imposed thereon.3. We further agree that the title to all property which shall be purchasedand/or shipped under this letter of credit, the documents relating theretoand the whole of the proceeds thereof, shall be and remain in your bankuntil the payment of the drafts or of all sums that may be due s
15、aid draftsor otherwise and until the payment of any and all other indebtedness andliability, now existing or now or hereafter created or incurred by us to yourbank due or not due, it being understood that the said documents and themerchandise represented thereby and all our other property, including
16、securities and deposit balances, which may now or hereafter be in yourbank or your branches possession otherwise subject to your control shallbe deemed to be collateral security for the payment of the said drafts.4. We hereby authorize you to dispose of the aforementioned property bypublic or privat
17、e sale at your discretion without notice to us wheneven weshall fail to accept or pay the said drafts on due date or whenever in yourdiscretion, it is deemed necessary for the protection of yourselves andafter deducting all your expenses to reimburse yourselves out of theproceeds.5. And we further a
18、gree that you are not responsible for any errors ordelays in transmission or interpretation of said letter of credit or for loss orlate or non-arrival of part or of all the aforesaid documents, or the qualityor value or the merchandise represented by same, or for any loss ordamage which may happen t
19、o said merchandise whether during its transitby sea, after its arrival or by reason of the non-insurance or insufficientinsurance thereof or by whatever cause or for the stoppage, or detentionthereof by shipper or any party whomsoever, engaging ourselves duly toaccept and pay such drafts in all like
20、 instances.6. In case this request is signed by two or more, all promises oragreements made hereunder shall be jiont and several, we herewith being二信用证开立的形式开证行开立信用证可以通过电报、电传、SWIFT 或空邮传递至出口地通知行。信用证开立的形式见图4.1.1-4实务中采用SWIFT700 格式缮制信用证较常见。SWIFT700 开证格式见表4.1.1-1。表4.1.1-1 SWI
21、FT700 开证格式M27SequenceofM40AFormofM20DocumentaryCredit023Referenceto031CDateofM31DDateand051sApplicantBankM50Applicant申请人M59Beneficiary受益人M32BCurencyCode,039AmountspecificationM41MAvailable with by由 银行使用,使用方式为042Drafts at Drawn on 汇票期限 付款人043PPartialshipments043TTransshipment转运044Shipment/Dispatch/Ta
22、king inchargefrom/at for transporation由 装运至045AShipment of (goods)货物叙述与交易条件046ADocumentsrequired047AAdditionalConditions071BCharges费用048Period for presentation提示期间M49Confirmation instructions保兑与否指示053sReimbursement Bank偿付银行078Instructions to the Pay/Acc/NegBank对付款/承兑/议付银行之指示057s“Advise through” bank
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 国际结算实务实训 国际 结算 实务 报告书 国贸 2101
