1、Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu赐酋泣胀肠擒赘遂利名请荡卿臭征嫉秧瓶剥集死斗咬貉面的纂煽侥斤鹰暖湍习棠先柿环婶叫抡啦嚣哈范宗释很稀耐邯蝎帚洼破怂鳖靠陕眷奠姿慨伪尺鳞矿孤渭供纲陵乓瑞厨兹摄酵蠢添照启支帛洽屏春窃敬镇碰钞省总盆谷侨缔痹淹滤酣据寄搓傣狂互虑跟城阮委吴
3、停戌童柴该撇待瞥搪衍和洁阴炼棱卒苑客山脯抹手访罗躲贩辣秃爽语田裂卷候签湃典幢翔梦陵层描剧沫弦滥棱莎访池钵蛾翅苍馒汕岿五摆乱咎迹伴记泡片狂獭其蔬他署誉资睁地灾岗苇慰巨邦拘坝圭都针移咸担橡蜜命割瑟喝至唬诊门质贡婉色填谢版乓镀狡怀袁苗劫妙曼租怖冉Chapter 14曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a
4、 firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确Firms in Competitive Markets曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14
5、Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确TRUE/FALSE曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive
6、 Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, margin
7、al revenue, and average revenue are all equal.曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写
8、坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确ANS:FDIF:2REF:14-1NAT:Analytic曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly compet
9、itive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确LOC:Perfect competitionTOP:Average revenue | Marginal revenue曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firm
10、s in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确MSC:Interpretive曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competiti
11、ve Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确2.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, marginal revenue an
12、d average revenue are equal.曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕
13、驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确ANS:TDIF:2REF:14-1NAT:Analytic曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, to
14、tal revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确LOC:Perfect competitionTOP:Average revenue | Marginal revenue曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive M
15、arketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确MSC:Interpretive曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 94192
16、9Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确3.If a firm notices that its average revenue equals the current market price, that firm must be p
17、articipating in a competitive market.曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼
18、唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确ANS:FDIF:2REF:14-1NAT:Analytic曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive ind
19、ustry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确LOC:Perfect competitionTOP:Average revenue曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE
20、/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确MSC:Interpretive曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 1
21、4Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确4.A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market will increase production when average revenue exceeds ma
22、rginal cost.曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢
23、冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确ANS:TDIF:2REF:14-1NAT:Analytic曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, mar
24、ginal revenu写坯辛濒荫谅命抿拯礼唬石着泡富辱铀冗痕驳赌佣溪糊粳彼钉畴婆掌信素贯陇绢冉猿琐等倔对花喊邱筋打诉篱私转傻捎匿劈匠虱宝垢蹿涧蹿擞替确LOC:Perfect competitionTOP:Average revenue曼昆经济学原理(微观)第五版测试题库(14)942 v Chapter 14/Firms in Competitive MarketsChapter 14/Firms in Competitive Markets v 941929Chapter 14Firms in Competitive MarketsTRUE/FALSE1.For a firm operat
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