1、卫生技术评估在医用耗材管理中的应用,上海市第六人民医院 医学装备处杨 海2012年5月,杨 海,3,杨 海,医学硕士、副研究员中国医学装备协会管理专业委员会常务委员上海医学会临床医学工程专科委员会医用耗材管理学组副组长上海市卫生局耗材招标采购专家2000年上海中医药大学附属曙光医院科教处2000年先后两次赴华西医科大学学习临床流行病学及循证医学2001年2004年在生物医药企业工作2005年5月起上海市第六人民医院,分管医院医用耗材的采购及供应链管理,杨 海,4,论 著,医改形势下的医用耗材管理目标,杨 海,6,保证本医疗机构的医、教、研工作及时使用到合法、安全、有效、适宜的医用耗材,并在此基
2、础上不断追求患者费用合理,医院成本效益合理。,选择适宜医疗耗材,合理控制费用,杨 海,8,关于医药卫生体制改革的重要文件,2009年中共中央、国务院发布的关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见国务院发布的医药卫生体制改革近期重点实施方案(20092011年)2011年卫生部等有关部门发布的关于公立医院改革试点的指导意见2012年3月国务院印发的“十二五”期间深化医药卫生体制改革规划暨实施方案,杨 海,9,中共中央 国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见2009年发布(摘要),(三)总体目标:为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务。(十一)建立科学合理的医药价格形成机制。规范公立医疗机构收费项目和
3、标准,研究探索按病种收费等收费方式改革。加强医用耗材及植(介)入类医疗器械流通和使用环节价格的控制和管理。积极探索建立医疗保险经办机构与医疗机构、药品供应商的谈判机制,发挥医疗保障对医疗服务和药品费用的制约作用.(十二)建立严格有效的医药卫生监管体制。强化医疗保障对医疗服务的监控作用,完善支付制度,积极探索实行按人头付费、按病种付费、总额预付等方式,杨 海,10,医药卫生体制改革近期重点实施方案(20092011年)国务院2009年发布(摘要),一、加快推进基本医疗保障制度建设(五)提高基本医疗保障管理服务水平。鼓励地方积极探索建立医保经办机构与医药服务提供方的谈判机制和付费方式改革,合理确定
4、药品、医疗服务和医用材料支付标准,控制成本费用。五、推进公立医院改革试点(十七)改革公立医院管理体制、运行机制和监管机制。.规范公立医院临床检查、诊断、治疗、使用药物和植(介)入类医疗器械行为,优先使用基本药物和适宜技术.(十八)推进公立医院补偿机制改革。逐步将公立医院补偿由服务收费、药品加成收入和财政补助三个渠道改为服务收费和财政补助两个渠道.推进医药分开,逐步取消药品加成,不得接受药品折扣.适当提高医疗技术服务价格,降低药品、医用耗材和大型设备检查价格.公立医院提供特需服务的比例不超过全部医疗服务的10%.,杨 海,11,“十二五”期间深化医药卫生体制改革规划暨实施方案 国务院 2012年
6、财政补助两个渠道。医院的药品和高值医用耗材实行集中采购。.(三)控制医疗费用增长。强化医保对医疗服务的监控作用,采取总额预付、按人头、按病种付费等复合支付方式,引导医疗机构主动控制成本严格基本医保药品目录使用率及自费药品控制率等指标考核。加强卫生部门对医疗费用的监管控制,将次均费用和总费用增长率、住院床日以及药占比等控制管理目标纳入公立医院目标管理责任制并作为绩效考核的重要指标,及时查处为追求经济利益的不合理用药、用材和检查及重复检查等行为,杨 海,13,医疗机构为什么要控制医用耗材费用:,随着“以药补医”机制的取消,医用耗材对患者负担的影响将更加明显地显现出来医用耗材也将逐步取消收费加成,将
7、不再作为医院收入来源大部分医用耗材将不能单独收费而成为医院的成本植(介)入医疗器械即使能按成本收费,其使用也受到费用控制政策的压力,杨 海,14,为什么招了标以后费用还是涨啊?,单纯依靠集中采购(招标)能有效控制费用吗?,杨 海,15,总数量相同的金块和银块重量不同,杨 海,16,影响材料费用的各种因素及其相互关系,杨 海,17,造成医用耗材费用不合理增高的主要原因:,采购价过高使用中的价格不均衡(贵的用得多,便宜的用得少甚至不用)可能是趋利行为学科发展目的与基本医疗目的混淆应进行分类管控:对于医院考虑支持的因学科发展目的使用的材料应有明确的适应证规范并及时总结超适应证使用进销差过大,杨 海,
8、18,医疗评估(循证医学)经济评估(成本效果、成本效用)社会评估道德评估,卫生技术评估简介,World Health Organization,First WHO Global Forum on Medical Deviceshttp:/www.who.int/medical_devices/00_chair_intro_mladen_poluta.pdf,医用耗材是卫生技术的重要组成部份,2007年WHO第六十届世界卫生大会提案及决议,第六十届世界卫生大会后WHO组织了多项关于医疗器械理性决策等方面的研究,在大量研究的基础上WHO于2010年在曼谷召开了第一次全球医疗器械论坛,Review
9、of interim funded service Artificial intervertebral disc replacement-lumbar,April 2011 MSAC application 1090.1 Assessment report,杨 海,28,Aim,To assess the safety,effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lumbar artificial intervertebral disc replacement(AIDR)for the treatment of patients suffering from
10、 significant axial back pain and/or radicular pain,secondary to disc degeneration or prolapse,who have failed nonoperative treatment.,杨 海,29,Results and Conclusions Safety,A total of 43 studies were identified for inclusion in the assessment of the safety of lumbar AIDR.This included five comparativ
11、e studies and 38 case series.Comparative studies compared lumbar AIDR with lumbar fusion procedures.Sample sizes ranged from 10 to 427 patients,with safety data reported for an overall total of 3,224 patients.For the majority of adverse events reported,there were no obvious differences in incidence
12、rates between the lumbar AIDR and lumbar fusion groups,with two studies reporting no statistical differences in the rate of overall complications between the two groups.Wound infection was the most commonly reported adverse event,and demonstrated an incidence rate of 3.2 per cent in the lumbar AIDR
13、population,and 5.1 per cent in the lumbar fusion population.Prosthesis-related adverse events were those relating to movement of the device,including collapse or subsidence(3%),and displacement(0.78%).Fusion-related adverse events included nonunion/pseudarthrosis(6.4%)and bone graft donor-site pain(
14、11.1%).The rate of adjacent segment problems appeared higher following lumbar fusion(8.3%)compared with lumbar AIDR(1.3%).Major adverse events such as major vessel injury,and neurological damage including nerve root injury were rare in both the lumbar AIDR and fusion groups.There was one reported de
15、ath following lumbar AIDR which was narcotic-related,while no deaths were reported following lumbar fusion.Overall,the safety of lumbar AIDR is comparable to that of lumbar fusion.It appears that the lumbar AIDR procedure is relatively safe,and is not associated with serious adverse events.,杨 海,30,R
16、esults and Conclusions Effectiveness,A total of 13 comparative studies were identified and included to inform on the comparative effectiveness of lumbar AIDR,including a total of four RCTs(comprising 12 studies)that compared lumbar AIDR to anterior lumbar interbody fusion(ALIF),circumferential fusio
17、n,or posterolateral fusion/posterior lumbar interbody fusion(PLF/PLIF),as well as one nonrandomised comparative study that compared lumbar AIDR to ALIF.All of the included comparative studies utilised the Owestry Disability Index(ODI),one of the principal condition-specific measures used in the mana
18、gement of spinal disorders,and the gold standard for assessing the extent to which a patients functional level is limited by low back pain.Three studies reported that patients in the lumbar AIDR group showed statistically greater improvements in ODI scores than lumbar fusion patients at various time
19、 points up to 1-year follow-up;however,none of the studies reported significant differences between the groups at 2-or 5-year follow-up.Similarly,two studies reported that at 2-year follow-up overall clinical success was significantly higher in the lumbar AIDR group compared with the lumbar fusion g
20、roup,while the rate of reoperation was similar in both groups.In two studies,patient satisfaction at 2-year follow-up was significantly higher in lumbar AIDR patients compared with lumbar fusion patients,with up to 81 per cent of AIDR patients saying they would have the procedure again,compared with
21、 69 per cent of fusion patients.This may have reflected the fact that lumbar AIDR patients experienced significantly less pain and required less narcotic medication,reported better sexual function,and returned to work at higher rates,when compared with lumbar fusion patients up to 2 years after surg
22、ery.Radiographic outcomes were reported in several studies;however,outcomes were reported differently across studies,and no statistical comparisons between the lumbar AIDR and lumbar fusion groups were reported,making it difficult to draw firm conclusions.Overall,in the short to medium term the effe
23、ctiveness of lumbar AIDR,in terms of ODI scores,success of the procedure,pain,patient satisfaction,workstatus,quality of life and sexual function,appears to be comparable to lumbar fusion procedures.,杨 海,31,Results and Conclusions Cost-effectiveness,The incremental costs associated with each procedu
24、re demonstrate that compared to PLIF,combination and circumferential fusion,AIDR is cost saving.Compared to ALIF,AIDR is marginally more expensive.Overall,compared to the average fusion cost,AIDR represents a cost saving of$1,600 per patient.Overall the results were most sensitive to using the direc
25、t approach to apply utility weights,changes in the relative risk of overall or ODI success and the time in hospital with AIDR.The results were somewhat sensitive to the proportion of fusion patients requiring bone morphogenetic protein(BMP).When hospitalisation costs with AIDR were assumed to be equ
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