1、Flextronics Quality Systems AuditThe Flextronics QSA Self Assessment Survey goal is the development of the site(s)qualitysystem that provides a baseline and framework of Continuous Improvement Process ofsites Operations System that focus on defect prevention and variations reduction.The purpose of t
2、he survey is to improve sites Operation Systems capabilities in meetingcustomers quality expectation.The QSA Self Assessment Survey follows ISO 9000/TS 16949/TL 9000 guidelines and isintended to share Best Practices and cutting down the learning curve by leveraging thestrengthen from those capable s
3、ites.The QSA Self Assessment has two sections:1.Site(s)Business Assessment:This information will be used to assess site facilities Business System.Allinformation will be considered business confidential within Flextronics.2.Site(s)Self Assessment Survey:A Yes/No Questionnaire that is designed to ref
4、lect a comprehensive review of allmajor Company Quality Systems.The questions were devised and developed as closed questions with every attemptto avoid ambiguity.Because of the closed nature of the questions,there can only beone of two answers to any question,i.e.Yes(1)or No(0).Thus,the criterion is
5、either fully met or it is not.If the Criterion is met,a score of 1 is obtained.If theCriterion is not met,a score of 0 is obtained.If there is any doubt as to the score toaward for any given Criterion,a score of zero shall be awarded by default.AnyCriterion that scores 1 shall be clearly demonstrate
6、d,followed,and be beyondreproach.In the event that the organization clearly meets the intent of the auditquestion,but does not exactly do what the question asks,a score of 1 shall be given.General Business AssessmentSITE NAME 機機構構地地址址Specialty(Product,Process,Services)專專業業(服服務務,過過程程,服服務務)Parent comp
7、any name母公司Subsidiary name子子公公司司Organization address機構地址VP/GM/Plant ManagerPhone:Email:Mfg.ManagerPhone:Email:廠務經理Quality ManagerPhone:Email:品品保保經經理理Engineering ManagerPhone:Email:工程經理Business Information 業業務務信信息息1Years in business業務開展年數2Annual sales($)for the past 3 years過去三年每年銷售額3International cus
8、tomers(name)國際客戶(名字)4Major customers(name and business%)主要客戶(名字及其業務量)Certifications 認認証証5ISO 90006QS 9000/TS 169497U/L registered(Underwriter Laboratories)8ISO 14000 Certification9Other CertificationsPersonnel10Total number of employees11Employee#in Manufacturing 12Employee#in Quality Assurance13Num
9、ber of engineers Communication14Schedule Sharing15E-mail access16Communicate in EnglishFacility Information17Sq.Ft.18Number of shifts(working hrs/day,days/week)19Utilization(Capacity)22Other locations(Name,location,specialty)Flextronics QSA Audit SummaryCompany:Factory Location:Audit Date:Auditor:SE
10、CTIONMax ScoreEach SectionSelf AssessmentScore EachSectionActual%Each SectionActual ScoreEach SectionActual%Each SectionGoal%Each Section1Quality Systems00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%2Contract Review00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%3Design Control00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%4Document Control01#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%5Supplier Quality Contr
11、ol02#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%6Product Identification&Lot Traceability00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%7Process Control00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%8Inspection and Test/Status00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%9Inspection Measuring and Test Equipment00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%10Calibration00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%11Nonconforming Product Control00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!8
12、0%12Handling,Packaging,Storage&Delivery00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%13Quality Records00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%14Field Service00#DIV/0!#DIV/0!80%RESULTS03#DIV/0!0#DIV/0!80%Outstanding 95%Satisfactory81%-95%Need Improvement61%-80%Significant Deficiency41%-60%Form No.:FDSQEI-002F02.2Quality SystemsContract ReviewDesig
13、n ControlDocument ControlSupplier Quality ControlProduct Identification&Lot TraceabilityProcess ControlInspection and Test/StatusInspection Measuring and Test EquipmentCalibrationNonconforming Product ControlHandling,Packaging,Storage&DeliveryQuality RecordsField Service-100%0%100%ISO 1:Quality Mana
14、gement SystemsAvg score:#Score9001:2000Subtotal:0Counts:Yes=1No=0N/A=XRemarksWhat to look for Quality Policy4. the organization defined and documented its corporate quality policy,objectives and commitments to quality?1Documented latest corporate quality policy in QM.Defined measurable qu
15、ality objectives whichconsistent with quality policy.貴公司是否定義並記錄貴公司的品質政策,品質目標與對品質的承諾? the quality objectives relevant to organizational goals and the expectations and needs of the customer?1Details contents of current quality objectives.品質目標是否公司目標與客戶的期望和要求相關? the quality policy d
16、istributed and published so that employees of all levels understood,implement and maintain same systems?1Employee awareness on quality policy andmethod used.品質政策是否有發行及公布於眾以便各個階層的員工都能理解,執行與維持系統? the organization establish quality objectives and product requirement performance indicators
17、 that are measurable and consistent with thequality policy?1The significant relationship between qualityobjectives and quality policy.公司是否有建立品質政策及產品需求性能指導,以便可衡量且與品質政策一致?Organization5. the responsibility,authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage,perform and verify work that a
18、ffects the quality of products,materials or services been defined?(i.e.procedures,organization charts,quality manual)1Latest organization chart on QM.Documentedresponsibility and authority(R&A).管理、執行與檢驗工作之所有人員之職責,權威及相互關系會影響產品品質、物料或服務是否有定義(例如程序,組織架構圖,品質手冊) the Quality Management Represent
19、ative a member of management appointed by the top management to assume responsibly and authoritywhich include;1Appointment letter or any documented materialthat describe the appointment of QMR inclusivetheir R&A.品質管理代表是否是由最高管理人員任命並授與包獲以下責任與權利:5.5.2(a)ensure that the quality management system are est
20、ablished,implemented and maintained.1保証品質管理系統以被建立,執行與維持?5.5.2(b)Reporting to the top management on the performance of the QMS and any need for improvement.1向最高管理人員匯報品質管理系統的性能與任何需要改善點?5.5.2(c)ensuring the effective prevention of nonconformity,identify&record quality issues,effectiveness corrective ac
21、tion systems?1保証不良品的有效預防,標識&記錄品質問題,校正行動報告的有效性?5.5.2(d)Control further processing?1管理下一步的處理行動?5.5.2(e)ensure that the need,awareness and requirement of the customer are promoted internally in the organization?1確保客戶的要求有在公司內部傳達? the quality management representative tracked and drove the i
22、mprovement on quality management system performance with record/report.1Evidence of any documented QMS improvementproject and method of monitoring.有品質管理代表是否有用記錄/報告形式來跟蹤與推動就品質管理系統性能方面的改善? the improvement effectiveness verified(record/evidence required)?1Evidence review on effectiveness i
23、mplementation.Data required to support the evidence.有檢查改善的有效性?(記錄/要求的証據) the top management establish appropriate communication processes within the organization1Business process flow interactions.最高管理層在公司內部有建立適當的溝通方法? these communication processes bring about the awarenes
24、s and improvement of the quality management systems?1Identification of process inputs and outputs.這些溝通過程是否產生品質管理系統的意識與改善? the Organization provided adequate resources for in-house verification activities such as inspection,testing,monitoring and review ofprocesses and products?1List of
25、equipment used for verification activities.Suitability to the required measurement system.公司有為內部的驗証行動提供足夠的資源,例如檢查,測試,檢測與方法與產品的評審等? the Organization identified the resource requirements and provided adequate resources including the assignment of trained personnel formanagement,performanc
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