1、vanish,behave,bush,definitely,hesitate,scent,doubt,direction,rub,v.,消失,v.,表现,举动,n.,灌木,矮树,adv.,确定地,v.,犹豫,迟疑,n.,气味,芳香,n.,怀疑,n.,方向,v.,蹭,摩擦,Words Preview,knuckle,bite,pad,stupefied,exhaustion,tabby,put down,hold out,come up to,n.,指节,掌指关节,v.,咬,咬伤,n.(,有规律地,),悄悄行走,adj.,神志不清的,n.,疲惫,精疲力竭,n.,斑猫,放下,伸出,朝,走过来,Wo
2、rds Preview,longing,scald,turn away,patrol,hornbeam,paw,pat,invisible,arch,n.,渴望,v.,热泪盈眶,走开,v.,巡逻,巡查,n.,角树,n.,爪子,v.,轻拍,轻打,adj.,看不见的,v.,拱起,成弓形,Words Preview,tail,stiffly,alertly,patch,hedge,alarm,sniff,whisker,twitch,n.,尾巴,adv.,僵硬地,不灵活地,adv.,警觉地,警惕地,n.,小块,斑,n.,灌木,树篱,n.,惊慌,恐慌,v.,吸气,嗅,闻,n.(,猫的,),胡须,触须,
3、v.,抽动,颤动,Words Preview,wariness,blink,sweep over,keep ones eyes on,fix on,cast about,edge,roughly,square,n.,谨慎,小心,v.,眨眼睛,向,扩展,注视,盯着看,注视,凝视,寻找,搜索,n.,边,边缘,adv.,大概地,粗略地,adj.,正方形的,Words Preview,shape,level,profoundly,alien,entice,stoop,swim,thump,scramble,n.,形状,adj.,同高度的,adv.,深深地,极度地,adj.,完全陌生的,v.,吸引,诱使
4、,v.,俯身,弯腰,v.,眩晕,头昏眼花,v.(,心脏,),怦怦直跳,v.,爬,攀,Words Preview,fabric,palm,boulevard,utterly,(be)laden with,prospect,slope,parkland,grove,n.,结构,框架,n.,棕榈树,n.,林荫大道,大街,adv.,完全地,绝对地,充溢着,的,n.,视野,景象,n.,斜坡,斜面,n.,公共绿地,n.,树丛,小树林,Words Preview,gleam,bare,bend,shudder,dawning,light-headedness,dream,awake,look around
5、for,n.,亮光,反光,adj.,光秃秃的,v.,弯腰,屈身,n.,战栗,发抖,adj.,开始出现的,n.,头晕,眩晕,v.,做梦,adj.,醒着的,清醒的,四处寻找,Words Preview,Read the explanation,and speak out the,word it explains.,5.the particular physical form or,appearance of something,bite,v.,咬,咬伤,exhaustion,n.,疲惫,精疲力竭,stupefied,adj.,神志不清的,1.to use your teeth to cut int
6、o something,2.unable to think clearly,3.when you are extremely tired,vanish,v.,消失,4.to disappear or stop being present,shape,n.,形状,behave,v.,表现,举动,hesitate,v.,犹豫,迟疑,scent,n.,气味,芳香,doubt,n.,怀疑,6.to act in a particular way,7.to pause before you do or say something,8.a pleasant natural smell,9.not bein
7、g certain about something,edge,n.,边,边缘,10.the outer or furthest point of something,11.the position towards which someone or,something moves or faces,13.a feeling of wanting something or someone,very much,direction,n.,方向,blink,v.,眨眼睛,12.close and then open your eyes quickly,longing,n.,渴望,scramble,v.,
8、爬,攀,14.to move or climb quickly but with,difficulty,dream,v.,做梦,15.a series of events or images that happen in,your mind when you are sleeping,17.to smell something by taking air in,through your nose,invisible,adj.,看不见的,patrol,v.,巡逻,巡查,sniff,v.,吸气,嗅,闻,16.go around an area or a building to see if,the
9、re is any trouble or danger,18.impossible to see,bend,v.,弯腰,屈身,19.to(cause to)curve,awake,adj.,醒着的,清醒的,20.not sleeping,put down,hold out,come up to,turn away,sweep over,keep ones eyes on,fix on,cast about,(be)laden with,look around for,朝走过来,伸出,放下,注视,盯着看,走开,向扩展,寻找,搜索,注视,凝视,四处寻找,充溢着的,To get,general id
10、eas,The passage is about a boy named,_ and a _.The cat is a strange,creature,who acts as Wills _.,She goes to another world through,the _ in the air.And Will follows,her without _.,Reading Comprehension I,Skimming,The main idea of the passage,Will,cat,guide,patch,hesitation,Number the sentences in t
11、he correct order.,Will decides not to return to his,world.,The cat vanishes.,The cat comes up to Will.,Will climbs through a hole.,The cat behaves in a strange way.,5,3,1,4,2,1,Fast-reading,Match the words from the passage with,their meanings.,2,behave bush definitely guide,hesitate leap scent vanis
12、h,1 to do things in a particular way,2 someone who shows you which direction to,go in,3 to jump high into the air or over,something,4 to wait before you do or say something,because you are not sure,5 a nice smell,6 without any doubt,7 a small tree,8 to disappear suddenly,behave,definitely,guide,leap
13、,hesitate,scent,bush,vanish,3,1(a)2(a)3(b),4(b)5(a)6(b),4,1(a)2(c)3(c)4(b)5(a),Part 1:Para 1._,Part 2:Para 2.to 7._,Part 3:Para 8.to 12._,Part 4:Para 13.to 15._,a.,What Will saw and how he felt after,entering another world.,b.When and where the story happened.,c.What the cat did and how the cat,vani
14、shed.,d.What Will found and how he entered,another world.,b,c,d,a,Reading Comprehension II,Skimming,Match the main idea with each part.,The Trilogy of His Dark Materials,Northern Lights,北极光,The Subtle Knife,精致匕首,The Amber Spyglass,琥珀望远镜,The Cat That Vanished,Stupefied with exhaustion,pad out of a ga
15、rden,hold out his hand,Rub her head against his,knuckles,tears scalded his eyes,a longing to turn for,home,reach out a paw to pat sth.,in the air,leap backwards,back arched and fur on end,tail,held out stiffly,stepped forward and,vanished,Will blinked,and stood still.,keep an eye on the spot,a patch
16、 square in shape,something profoundly alien,scramble through himself,He found himself standing under a row,of trees.,a broad boulevard with a line of cafes and,small shops,be laden with the scent,of flowers,houses with gardens&a,parkland,Whatever this new world was,it had to,be better than what he h
17、ad just left.,Useful Phrases:,?,注视,盯着看,?,一块草地,?,毫不怀疑,?,弯身,?,花香,?,照在,上,?,四处寻找,?,keep/have ones eyes on,?,a patch of grass,?,without any doubt,without(a)doubt,?,bend down,?,the scent of flowers,?,shine down over,?,look around for,Useful Phrases:,?,在,中起重要作用,?,放下,?,伸出,?,朝,走过来,?,走开,?,向,扩展,?,注视,盯着看,?,注视,凝
18、视,?,寻找,搜寻,想办法,?,(空气中)充溢着某种味道的,?,四处寻找,?,用咒符镇住,Play an important part in,Put down,Hold out,Come up to,Turn away,Sweep over,Keep ones eyes on,Fix on,Cast about,Be laden with,Look around for,Put a spell on,短语解释:,1.Play an important part in,在,中起重要作,用,Eg.Women play an important part in the,society.,延伸:,pl
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