1、加拿大移民手册9修心 - 要知因、知果、知己、知节、知时、知人、知众。芙 蓉云水萍浮万象重,定慧阐微天地中。法脉明镜清静在,真息清水出芙蓉。 岁 平(Sui Ping) 甲申年TABLE OF CONTENTS1不要把灯泡放进口中42体检注意事项53推荐信的基本结构64面试英文须知85移民面试技巧116移民面试中的常问问题157加拿大移民面试哲学208加拿大技术移民面试攻略2292004年3月8日面谈全录2310加拿大面谈应对技巧及注意事项2511移民面谈中如何判定英语程度3112联邦技术移民面试原则3213面试中移民官关注CCPE认证3314如何介绍自己的工作经验3515移民面试问题准备36
2、16北京使馆面试经历4317加拿大移民面试移民官都问些什么4618如何提高留学移民面试英语能力4819移民面试全过程(MECHANICAL ENGINEER)4920面试口语技巧5021赴加移民面试指南5122面试必知加拿大国情常识5223如何准备加拿大移民面谈5324面试中最常见错误及对策5425技术移民和商业移民面试可能遇到的问题5626向使馆查询E-MAIL参考范本6127加拿大大学申请指南6128申请留学如何写简历?6729京使馆移民申请代码含义6830加拿大教育制度6931加拿大各省学校介绍7132移民申请问与答11133申请表格常用词语及常用移民法术语13034移民簽証實用知識問答
3、13835加拿大公民入籍條件14036申請擔保親屬移民資格14037新移民求职手册14238NATIONAL OCCUPATION CLASSIFICATION LIST14339北京加拿大驻华大使馆15940E-CLIENT APPLICATION STATUS查询系统使用说明16041加拿大移民局官方网站网址16042学位(清华)认证服务网址160编者后记1611 不要把灯泡放进口中 我不清楚台灣的燈泡是不是跟英國一樣。 在英國,燈泡的包裝紙上都有警告-do not put that object into your mouth. 意思是不要把燈泡放進口中。 他奶奶的.那有人會放這東西進口
4、中?英國人都有些白痴. 告訴你,世事無絕對! 有天我和一個印度朋友在家中看電視,我和他談到這件事,他告訴我他們小學的教科書也有說到,因燈泡放進口後便會卡住,無論如果都拿不出來,他十分肯定書是那麼說的. 但我十分懷疑,我認為燈泡的表面是十分滑的,如果可以放得進口,證明口部足夠大讓其出入,理論上也可以拿出來。 但這印度白痴只說書是那麼說的.便一定是正確。我被他這種不求甚解的態度弄火了,我說他笨,他說我不會英文不看書.我們便吵了起來. 我一肚火的回了家,拿起一個普通大小的燈泡在床上左想右想,始終認為我沒有錯,想到這印度朋友的無知,也本著科學家的精神-大膽假設,小心求證。 我決定要證實他看。當然,我也
5、做了安全措施.買了一枝菜油回家。若卡土住了便放油,我就不信滑不出來! 一切就緒,二話不說便把燈泡放進口中. 不消1秒便滑入了口,倒也容易,照這樣看要拿出來絕無問題。心想這印度白痴,看看我中國人的智慧和膽色吧!不像你這書呆子.心想中國戰勝印度.打從心裏笑了出來.哈哈! 於是我輕鬆的拉了燈泡一下.好!我放多點力,o.k我把口張大一些 . 不怕,我把口張得最大,放多一點力(要很小心拉破燈) .媽的!.真的在內裏卡住了.好在還有枝菜油. (30 分鐘後) 我倒了3/4枝油,其中一半倒了進肚,那燈泡還是動也不動.這時候,我只好打電話求救,正當我按到一半,我記起我口中塞了個燈泡.如何說話? 現在我只好向鄰
6、居求助,我寫了一張便條後便去找鄰家那老婦。 她一見我便大呼救命.我立即給她看我的便條 - please call me a taxi and tell the driver to take me hospital. (請招我一輛的士,還請告訴司機蛓我到醫院。 她看了大約1.75分鐘後大聲狂笑. (如果我說得出話我便f*k 她了。) 15分鐘後,的士來了。 司機一見我,笑了一回(其實他一直沒有停過)。 在的士上不停的問我何以這麼做.(.他媽的.我如何答他?)還不停說我的口太小,如果是他的口便沒有問題. 我看看他的口真是很大. 但我好想告訴他,無論如何不要試.可惜我開不了口! 我看看他的倒後鏡,我
7、好像含住一條金魚. 在醫院,我被護士罵了十多分鐘,說我浪費她們時間。 還要我排一條很長的龍. 我在人群中待了2.5小時.2.5小時. 那些痛楚萬分的傷者,看見我都好像不痛了.人人都偷偷笑出來. 我覺得自己還有些作用. 醫生把綿花放進我口的兩旁,然後把燈泡打碎.一片片的拿出來. 我的口腫得很大.最後他告訴我下回不要試,和告訴別人我的經驗. 我告訴他我一定不會了。 當我離開醫院時,我在想這地球一定沒有像我這麼白痴的生物了. 當我開門離開時,迎面來了一個人,是剛才那的士司機. 他口中含住一個燈泡。2 体检注意事项需要明确的是:加拿大体检不做任何肝功检查,所以奥抗阳性和乙型肝炎携带者都没有任何问题;至
8、于胸部有钙化点,一般会导致复查(复查客户50人左右),多做两次胸片,这样会延长两个月左右的时间,但不会拒签。有将近上万人参加过体检,没有一名因为体检问题而导致拒签的,所以大家应该对体检放心。体检主要针对艾滋病和梅毒等烈性传染病。 体检需携带 大人带身份证或护照原件,小孩带户口或护照原件,或其他身份证明(如出生证原件) 每人三张二寸照片(黑白彩色均可),体检费 15岁以上 RMB1350/人 11至15岁 RMB1150/人 5至10岁 RMB800/人 5岁以下 RMB450/人 体检内容: 1.验血主要查爱滋病和梅毒,不查乙肝。 2.验尿 常规 3.胸部X光 4.体格检查 体检注意事项: 1
9、.女性请避开月经期前后天 2.近视者请带眼镜 3.可正常进食,不需空腹,避免甜腻事物 4.曾经做过手术者,需携带手术证明原件(阑尾炎及剖腹产无需证明). 5.过去患过肺结核的人,对于如果有X光片应该带上,这样可以更好地确认现在的身体 情况. 体检是以家庭为单位进行的。主申请人及其被抚养人(配偶和子女)都必须参加体检。即使某些家属成员目前并不申请去加拿大也要参加体检。在一定的期限内,有时一家人也可以在不同时间、不同地点单独进行。 体检要去移民官指定的医院,一般要预约。带上体检表格或体检通知(医院有体检表)、身份证/护照及三张护照像。视力检测包括矫正视力,故应带上眼镜。对于过去患过肺结核的人,如果
10、有X光片应该带上,这样可以更好地确认现在的身体情况。否则,新的X光片一旦有问题,往往需要做复查。当然,由于其他原因,医生也可能要求体检复查,这种复查一般是单项检查。 指定医院名录 如果申请人所居住的区域没有指定医院,则申请人必须去北京、广州或上海的指定诊所去体检。申请人有权选择去北京、广州或上海或在下面列出的与申请人所居住地区对应的指定医院进行体检。黑龙江省居民可以选择哈尔滨的指定医疗诊所;青海、四川、新疆和西藏的居民可选择成都的指定医疗诊所。 持由香港领事馆发的体检表,可以在香港体检,也可回内陆按上述规定体检。持由加拿大其他使领馆发的体检表,可以在另外的指定医院体检。3 推荐信的基本结构 在
13、,你最好婉言拒绝他要你写推荐信的请求,这样总比含糊其词或没有说服力的介绍好。推荐信应该包含的内容大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、正文、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面:1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。推荐者的身份不重要,当然你要是请院士来写也不错,但最关键是要说服招生委员会相信推荐人是真正了解被推荐人的。2. 必须交待
14、与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。注意说辞应与其他申请材料如成绩单、获奖证书等相呼应,不要出现矛盾而使人误会。人无完人,所以同时也应提及其缺点,以做到公正客观。最好通过实例说明。教授们要的不是完人,而只是学生,一个普通但足够优秀的学生。4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。5. 最好要求推荐人在信封封口处签名,以确保其真实性。6. 最后别图省事,除非对方
15、明文要求与申请一起寄。否则推荐信应分开寄出。一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同。4 面试英文须知 你获得面试了,恭喜!如何留下好印象对成功与否至关重要。就算英文还可以,由于紧张也可能发挥不好。更何况,有些情况不是英文本身的错误,而是是否选择了适当的词在适当的时候说出来。 面试的英文需要运用一系列比较专业的词汇,并且善用几种时态,如说明过去的工作要用过去时,以前取得的成绩要用过去完成时等等。这里我们就讲讲什么时候该说什么。 当你走进雇主的办公室,先介绍自己,握手,微笑很重要。此后第一句话往往是打开局面的,通常面试人员会问: How are you
16、 today? Did you have any trouble finding us? What do you think of the weather lately? 他们的语调可能会很友好,因为他们也希望你放松,尽量发挥你自己的水平。这时候你要有简单爽快而有礼貌的回应,如: 对方问:How are you today? 好的回答是:Im fine thank you, and you? 或 Im well thank you. 不好的回答是:So, so 或 OK 或Not so well 面试过程中最重要的部分是表述自己的学历,工作经验和资历。这些是和你应聘工作直接相关的。 学历方面:
17、记住你的学历是在以前完成的,要用过去时态。例如: I attended the University of Beijing from 1990 to 1993. I graduated with a degree in civic engineering. 如果你现在还是学生,那么应用现在时态,例如: I am currently studying at the University of York and will graduate with a degree in Economics in the coming spring. I am studying English at the Se
18、neca Community College. 记得要告诉雇主,你仍然在不断改善你的英语,比如你每周还上几小时的英语课。因为英文不是你的母语,他们对此可能会有顾虑。 工作经验和资历无疑是面试中最重要的部分。所以雇主很想知道个中的许多细节。雇主想知道你到底做过什么,做得好不好。因此你不要谦虚,把最好的成绩和方面表达出来。 当谈到你目前在做的工作时你可以用现在完成进行时,表示你不但一直在这样做,而且将来也会持续下去: ABC Engineering Inc. have employed me for the last 3 years as a salesperson. I have been cr
19、eating customer contacts for 6 months. 但谈到以前的工作时用过去时: I was employed by Jacksons Ltd. from 1995 to 1997 as a office manager. I worked as a production supervisor at the Heitz while I was living in New York. 当谈及以前的工作成绩和表现,尽量用一些主动的,积极的,令人印象深刻的动词,比用名词或者系动词词组效果好。比如与其说My job is to assist the senior scient
20、ist with unit testing不如说I assisted the senior scientist with unit testing.与其说I was responsible for the business needs analysis不如说I analyzed the business needs. 以下是一些非常好的动词来帮助你表达你干得多好: acted accomplished adapted administered advanced advised allocated analyzed applied approved arbitrated arranged ass
21、isted attained blended brought built carried out catalogued changed classified collaborated compared completed computed conceived conducted constructed consulted contracted controlled cooperated coordinated corrected counseled created dealt decided decreased defined delegated derived designated dete
22、cted developed devised directed discovered distributed documented doubled edited encouraged engineered enlarged escalated established estimated evaluated examined expanded experienced explored facilitated finalized formulated founded functioned governed grouped guided handled harmonized harnessed he
23、aded identified implemented improved increased indexed initiated inspected installed instituted interpreted introduced invented investigated justified led localized located made managed maintained mechanized merged moderated motivated negotiated opened operated organized originated overcame perceive
24、d performed pioneered planned prepared presented presided processed programmed promoted provided purchased raised recommended recorded recruited rectified redesigned repaired replaced restored reversed reviewed revised saved screened selected serviced set up solved sorted sparked specified started s
25、timulated strengthened summarized supervised supported systematized tested trained transacted transcribed transformed tripled upgraded validated varied verified vitalized won wrote 而这些是一些很好的形容词来形容你的工作能力和个性品德: accurate active adaptable adept broad-minded competent conscientious creative dependable de
26、termined diplomatic discreet efficient energetic enterprising enthusiastic experienced fair firm genuine honest innovative logical loyal mature methodical motivated objective outgoing personable pleasant positive practical productive reliable resourceful self disciplined sense of humor sensitive sin
27、cere successful tactful trustworthy5 移民面试技巧收到面试通知书后,如有特殊情况,您可以要求改期面试,但只限改期一次。面试时应注意:申请人、配偶及18岁以上子女都要列席;18岁以上子女倘若在国外读书者,可被安排在当地面试。回答问题时,不容许配偶代答。面试的目的:挑选最优秀人才;考验申请人之才能;往加拿大之诚意;往加拿大之目的,动机;审核学历与现职是否相吻合;现职之工作性质、范围、责任、表现;怎样适应加拿大的工作、生活;考验申请人之适应力、进取、努力、创意;个人资源;申请人及其家属是否有能力在加安居。面试时须带备的文件:以下所有文件必须出示正本,必须有英法译本
28、:(1)学历、文凭、证书;(2)学徒证明、学术证明及任何支持你的工作表现、事业成就资料任何支持你的个人特殊技能资料。注意:无须出示没有建设性之资料; (3)结婚证书离婚证书份居证书子女抚养权;(4)出生证明;(5)离职、受聘证明;(6)无刑事处分证明书;(7)有效护照、身份证;(8)银行存款:最后24个月之月结单面试守则:准时到达约晤地点;着整洁适度;所有文件要有效地装载,以便于高效率地展示文件;说话要到题、简明;表现要大方、自然;不要紧张;自信、勇敢、不亢不卑。过份谦卑则流淤无能;你若申请成功、你可为加拿大贡献才能、资源,你若申请成功,最大的受益者是加拿大;加拿大不是救世主,不是慈善家。加拿
29、大只志于录取精英分子;无需寻求讨好移民管之道;忌带传呼机及移动电话。面试中常遇到的问题:Please tell me how you work. ?How long have you been working ?How long have you been working in this firm ?How long since you are in the position of(secretary/engineer/accountant) ?Please tell me your daily duties & responsibilities ?Please tell me how you
30、 manage to operate your daily work ?What sort of business/trade is the firm you are now working ?Would you please describe the business nature of your firm ?How do you assist your superior officer ?How many employees are there in your firm ?How many staff are there in your department ?What is your p
31、osition in your firm ?How many persons under your supervision ?Do you help to train personnel ? How ?What is the annual business turn-over of your firm ?Have you received any professional training ? When ? Type of Certificate issued ?Have you received any on the job training ?Can you manage to opera
32、te computers ?What do you know about computers ?What is your knowledge on clerical duties ? As a (secretary / engineer / accountant), please tell me your professional skills, and your abilities to carry out your job ?What are your outstanding achievements / performances, worthwhile to tell me ? Cert
33、ificate / Awards ?Have you ever visited Canada before ? When ? On what purpose ?How much money will you bring into Canada ?What is your ability in English/ French ? Can you speak English / French ?What would you do if you fail to secure a (secretarial / engineering / accounting)job ? What makes you
34、so sure that you are a qualified immigrant ?Why do you want to go to Canada? What do you know about Canada? How do you think Canadian economy? You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world. How do you think of it?What particular things do you like in Canada?
35、Why do you want to leave China? How do you think the experience you have in China? Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China? Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada? What do you know about Vancouver, the place youre going to live? Tell me anything you know about Vancouve
36、r? Why would you like to settle in Vancouver? Tell me any other cities you know in Canada. Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently? Whats your impression on Vancouver (Canada)? What do you think about Canadian political system?Have you been to Canada (any other countries besid
37、es Thailand)? What is the biggest city in Canada? Who is the premier of Canada? Why dont you go to USA? How many people are there in your family? Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind? Did your parent agree with you on immigration? Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you
38、to Canada? Why dont you bring your child with you to Canada? What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?What university did you graduate? Is your University famous? Tell me something about your university? Whats your major? Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you
39、 catch up the fast-growing world? What have you learnt in your university?Have the course you studied in the university helped you? Did you get any award in the university?How long have you studied English? Can you speak any other language? Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assi
40、st you to find a job in Canada? Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment? How often do you use English? Can you operate the computer? What do you know about internet? Have you received any professional training? Have you received any on-site job training? You studied P
41、hysics (or other field), why do you apply as a computer programmer? Do you have any professional license/certificate? How did the training help you in your present career? In what company are you working at present? Can you tell me something about your company?How many employees are there in your co
42、mpanies? Tell me the detail of your colleaguesjob titles? How long have you been working in the company? How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation? How long have you been in the position? Who do you report your work to? What is the position in your company? How many staffs do
43、 you supervise? Whats the main business of your company? Name of general manager? What have you done in your work? What are your responsibilities? What are your achievements? Tell me one of your biggest achievements? Why did you work in the same company for so long? Do you know any company in Canada
44、, which offers the same service as your company? Whats your routine work? Do you have a reference letter from the present employer? After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer? Why do you think you
45、 can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in their career? Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at your age?How can you find a job in Canada? If I approve your application, do you think you will have any problems to adapt the new living style in Canada?If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment? What plans have you made to live in Canada? How can you survive in Canada? What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you? What