4、技术说明与下一步设想。关键词:派出所,警务绩效考核,信息系统,设计与实现ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of information and internet technology, and with application and dissemination of DataBase, Client/Server and Internet Technology, developing a Police Performance Assessment Management System, which includes police performance ev
5、aluation, Police Object Management, Assessment Result Real-time Publicity, Open and Transparent Assessment Process and Easy Achievement Statistics, has become certainly needed for improving the Detention Centers battle efficiency. The Zhongshan City Detention Centers Performance assessment informati
6、on management system can combine science assessment under the condition of information and the traditional Democratic supervision mechanism closely, which can realize the quantitative evaluation of police daily work. It provides the line manager at different positions and policeman himself an effect
7、ive, high quality, normative, transparent and fair performance assessment system in all, beyond the limit of space, time and region.This thesis uses JAVA language, current relatively popular and high security level Oracle database and flexible J2EE technology. It designs and realizes an information
8、system of Zhongshan City Detention Center Police Performance Assessment based on WEB technology. It uses Rational United Process(RUP) as its software development method and United Module Language as its analysis design description. This thesis introduces the current conditions and developing tendenc
9、y of domestic performance assessment system. From the demand analysis, it uses role division to system, example analysis. Also it states the functions of each module(like System Log-in, Assessment Registration, Data Query, Result Statistics etc.), and the specific design and implementation of each m
10、odule and Background Database.Zhongshan city jail performance assessment information management system applied information technology means instead of previous pure artificial assessment, detailed the evaluation basis and thinking at the same time to make up for the shortcomings of the existing exte
11、nsive examination, which is beneficial for jail to study and build up the scientific and reasonable evaluation system, to improve the appraisal system, to improve the working efficiency of the police, and to reduce the management cost. This paper employs the literature research, business analysis, r
12、equirement investigation, system design, system development, system test method, taking zhongshan city jail performance assessment information management system design and implementation as research object, and based on the thorough analysis of zhongshan city jail performance assessment, made some i
13、nnovative and exploratory research about this systems designing and realizing issues. The main content is:1.through the comparative analysis,the system is designed to use the B/S structure, based on WEB, which is browser/server structure, the browser and server three layer structure. 2. through the
14、analysis of the actual demand of zhongshan city jail performance assessment work, refining the operation procedure, laying the foundation for in the systems database design. 3. this paper introduces the performance evaluation system of the overall design framework and the database design steps, divi
15、ding different assessment modules of this system, and introduced the function of each module. 4. in the system realizing chapter, this paper especially introduces the implementing steps of performance assessment work, expounds some key techniques and gives a brief description of the management and m
16、aintenance of operation of the basic information. 5. at last, this paper also expounds the system test, and explains how to maintain the security of data in the technical details and the next step ideas. Keywords: Police station, performance assessment,information system, design and implementation 目
17、 录第一章 引 言I1.1本论文研究背景和意义11.2国内外的研究现状21.2.1 国内关于派出所绩效考核研究现状21.2.2 国外绩效考核的研究现状31.3系统需要解决的主要问题51.4论文重点研究内容71.5论文主要结构7第二章 相关技术简介82.1WEB技术发展82.2基于WEB的系统网络计算模式102.3J2EE相关的技术简介122.3.1 J2EE体系结构122.3.2 J2EE核心技术132.4本章小结16第三章 系统的需求分析173.1系统的建设目标173.2系统的用户分析173.3警务绩效考核业务流程分析183.4系统功能性需求233.5系统的非功能需求253.6本章小结26第
18、四章 系统架构设计274.1系统的设计指导思想274.1.1 尽可能的线条化274.1.2 尽可能的量化274.1.3 尽可能的简单实用274.2系统的逻辑架构274.3系统的功能结构284.4系统的数据架构294.5部署架构304.6系统的安全架构304.7本章小结31第五章 系统详细设计325.1系统的设计原则325.1.1 系统安全性325.1.2 系统的开放性和可扩展性325.1.3 系统的标准性335.1.4 系统的易使用和易维护性335.2 系统结构图335.2.1 系统的层次结构图335.2.2 系统的页面层次图345.3系统功能的模块设计图355.3.1 结果公示功能图365.
19、3.2 考核登记功能图365.3.3 考核辅导功能图375.3.4 考核研判功能图375.3.5 目标管理功能图385.3.6 组织构建功能图395.3.7 考核设定功能图395.3.8 后台管理功能图405.4数据库设计405.4.1 数据库选型405.4.2 数据库设计415.4.3 数据字典设计415.4.4 数据表分析445.5本章小结48第六章 系统的实现496.1 系统整体的开发实现架构496.2 系统各功能实现496.2.1 通用模块功能496.2.2 绩效考核管理526.2.2.1 考核登记536.2.2.2 直接领导审核546.2.2.3 申诉登记546.2.2.4 申诉审核
20、546.2.2.5 申诉确实556.2.3 绩效辅导576.2.3.1 辅导申请576.2.3.2 领导审核586.2.3.3 民警申诉586.2.3.4 措施制定596.2.3.5 措施实施596.2.3.6 领导评价606.2.4 绩效研判616.2.4.1 查询分析616.2.4.2 研判分析626.2.5 绩效目标626.2.5.1 目标考核656.2.5.2 构建696.2.6 考核设定696.2.6.1 考核模块设定706.2.6.2 项目分值设定706.2.6.3 工作日设置706.3 系统管理功能实现726.3.1 运维管理功能实现726.3.1.1 数据库监控726.3.1.
21、2 应用程序监控736.3.1.3 中间件监控736.3.1.4 服务器监控746.3.2 系统管理功能实现746.3.2.1 评分权限设置746.3.2.2 新增考核指标功能756.3.2.3 岗位考核指标设置功能756.3.2.4 系统报表生成功能756.4 系统模块测试766.5本章小结80第七章 总结与展望817.1 总结817.2 展望82致 谢83参考文献84附 录第一章 引 言1.1本论文研究背景和意义为推进公安队伍的正规化建设,逐步规范、完善广东省的人民警察绩效考核工作,公正客观评价民警日常工作的德才表现和工作成绩,为与民警切身利益相关的年终考核、业绩奖惩、衔级晋升、职务升迁等
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 基层 派出所 警务 绩效考核 系统 设计 实现
