1、Literary Translation广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院 张保红 2012.05.,引言:1)谈翻译的书,特别是谈文学翻译的书,一般有两大类:一类是纯粹探讨翻译理论的书,搞翻译的人大都不看,看也看不下去;一类是单纯探讨翻译技巧的书,这类书有些是不怎么做翻译的人“研究”出来的,不是隔靴搔痒,也多是纸上谈兵,所谓的实用指南并不能用到实践中去。文学翻译工作者戒(译事十戒;译事十法)英语世界2012(3):4-6,2)文学翻译由来已久,而且现在的本科翻译专业基本上走的都是文学翻译的老路子,仍然重复文学翻译的课程设置,中国翻译2012(1):26(文学翻译“假想敌”)3)用文学翻译的例子研究
2、了普适性的翻译问题;文学翻译是基础、训练、修养与提高。4)审美忠实:不可叛逆的文学翻译之重 英语世界2012(2):4-6,主要内容1 文学语言的基本特性2 文本层次论与翻译研究3 文学译者的素质要求4 文学翻译的原则5 译例演示,一 文学语言的基本特性 指义性 VS 审美性 1 外部指涉性(他指性)VS 自我指涉性(自指性)2 直接指涉性(直指性)VS 间接指涉性(曲指性)3 真实指涉性(真值性)VS 虚假指涉性(虚指性),文学语言的自指性:使语言话语突出和显示自身。其表现在:-语音:日常语言注重意思的表达,发音是否悦耳动听,节奏是否抑扬顿挫等就顺其自然、比较随便;文学语言关注发音谐拗、节奏
3、疾徐、韵律有无等。-语法:文学语言往往会偏离日常语言语法规范,如语序调整,词性变换等。目的:增强语言的审美效果,激发读者审美感知和审美情感。,Sweet and Low Alfred Tennyson Sweet and low,sweet and low,Wind of the western sea,Low,low,breathe and blow,Wind of the western sea!Over the rolling waters go,Come from the dying moon,and blow,Blow him again to me;While my little
4、one,while my pretty one,sleeps.,轻轻地,柔和地 阿尔弗雷德丁尼生 轻轻地,柔和地,轻轻地,柔和地,西方吹来海风;轻轻地,柔和地吹拂,西方吹来海风!西边吹来,月色朦胧,吹过波涛汹涌;吹得他回家呵,亲亲睡着的宝宝,可爱的宝贝。,重译:西海的风啊,你轻轻地吹,轻轻地唱西海的风啊,你轻轻地,轻轻地吹呀唱,越过波涛翻滚的海洋,掠过明月西沉的夜空,吹呀再把他吹到我的身旁;我的小宝宝,我的乖宝宝,睡呀睡得香。,A young lady home from school was explaining.“Take an egg,”she said,“and make a perf
5、oration in the base and a corresponding one in the apex,then apply the lips to the aperture,and by forcibly inhaling the breath,the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”An old lady who was listening exclaimed:“It beats all how folks do things nowadays.When I was a gal,they made a hole in ea
6、ch end and sucked.”,译文:一个刚从学校回来的年轻女士正在解释。“拿一个鸡蛋,”她说,“在底部打一个孔,在顶点上打一个相应的孔。然后把嘴唇放在孔上,用力吸气,蛋壳里的东西就会完全抽空了。”一个听她讲的老妇人惊叫道:“如今的人做事真奇怪,我作小孩的时候,他们一头打个洞,就吸干了。”,译文:一位刚从学校回家的女学生正在解释:“取一枚鸡蛋,”她说,“在蛋的底部打一个小孔,再在蛋的顶点上打一个对应的小孔。然后将嘴唇置于该孔之上并用力吸气,壳内之物则尽释无遗。”一位听她讲话的老太太嚷了起来:“如今的人做事真叫人摸不着头脑,我作姑娘的那阵儿,人们把蛋一头磕一个洞,嘶溜儿一嘬就吃了。”,2
7、.文学语言的曲指性:采用曲折迂回手法表达意思-原因:作者的表意策略;形象指涉的内容具有某种不可穷尽性特点;读者想象与回味的审美要求。-表现:各种修辞手段或含蓄手法。-结果:“言有尽而意无穷”“言在此而意在彼”“不着一字,尽得风流”。-目的:强化和深化审美效果和艺术感染力。,三驼图(明)李士达张驼提盒去探亲,李驼遇见问原因,赵驼拍手哈哈笑,世上原来无直人。,寻隐者不遇 贾岛松下问童子,言师采药去。只在此山中,云深不知处。,标题的翻译A Note Left for an Absent Recluse-tr.Witter BynnerA Call on the Recluse Who Is Just
8、 Out-tr.Sun DayuA Hermit Visited but not Encountered-tr.Wan Changsheng&Wang JianzhongLooking for a Recluse but Failing to Find Him-tr.Burton WatsonAn Unsuccessful Visit to an Absent Recluse-tr.Wang Dalian,译文1:留下便条给隐者,译文2:拜访,译文3:隐者,译文4:行为过程,译文5:寻访失败。洛中访袁拾遗不遇(孟浩然)寻西山隐者不遇(丘为)寻陆鸿渐不遇(皎然)春日与裴迪过新昌里访吕逸人不遇(王
9、维)访戴天山道士不遇(李白),3.文学语言的虚指性:指涉的内容不是外部世界中已存在的实事,而是虚构的假想情景。原因:由文学创作活动的想象和虚构的特点所决定。指涉虚构情景的陈述,称为“虚假陈述”。目的:以想象的真实、情感的真实制造出人们颇能接受,又能更有效地感染他们,打动他们的某种美学效果。贺拉斯说:“虚构的目的在引人喜欢。”,归园田居(其一)陶渊明 少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去三十年。羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归园田。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。The land I own amounts to a couple of acresThe thatched-roof hou
10、se has four or five rooms.Elms and willows shade the eaves in back,Peach and plum stretch out before the hall.(tr.James R.Hightower),惠崇春江晓景 苏轼竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时。When old bamboo sets off a few peach bloomsAnd one wild duck calls out,“The Waters fine!”-tr.Gordon Osing&Min Xiaohong,总结:-文学语
11、言的特性:指义性与审美性。审美性以指义性为前提,蕴涵于指义性中。-审美性体现在自指性、曲指性与虚指性。-指义性相对显在、直接,审美性相对潜在、间接。-文学翻译不只是作品语言指义性的翻译,更为重要的是作品语言审美性的翻译。,二 文本层次论与翻译研究 要素论 层次说1)形式与内容 内容:题材、主题、人物、环境、情节等 形式:体裁、结构、语言、各种表现手法等,2)“言”、“象”、“意”三要素,逐层深入的层次结构。三国时的经学家王弼曰:夫象者,出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象莫若言。言出于象,故可寻言以观象;象先于意,故可寻象已观意。意以象尽,象以言著。,3)现象学家英伽登的“五分法”:字音
13、而获得较强的审美效果。),文学形象层:读者经过想象和联想在头脑中唤起的具体可感的动人的生活图景。文学意蕴层:文本蕴含的思想、感情等内容。可分为历史内容层(包含一定的社会历史内容),哲学意味层(对宇宙人生所作的形而上的思考)以及审美意蕴层。(5 译例演示),三 文学译者的素质要求 要求译者具有:1 良好的职业道德2 扎实的双语语言功底3 广博的文化知识,职业道德:“就是责任心,对自己负责,对他人负责,对艺术负责。换言之,也就是要真实,对自己真实,对他人真实,对艺术真实。”扎实的双语语言功底:具有较强的驾驭译出语和译入语的双语能力,具有较为出色的双语写作技能,能正确理解原文,熟练运用双语。广博的文
14、化知识:相关国家的文化背景知识(如历史、宗教、政治、地理、军事、外交等),中西文化差异的知识以及翻译理论与翻译研究相关学科的知识(如语言学、哲学、文学、美学、心理学等)。就文学翻译而言,还要求译者突出具备以下几个方面的素质。,1 语言的感悟力 As the alarm clock burrs,the bedroom curtains swing silently apart,the Venetian blinds snap up and the thermostat boosts the heat to a cozy 70.The percolator in the kitchen start
15、s burbling;the back door opens to let out the dog.The TV set blinks on with the days first newscast:(The Age of Miracle Chips)(作者的用心),As the alarm clock burrs,the bedroom curtains swing silently apart,the Venetian blinds snap up and the thermostat boosts the heat to a cozy 70.The percolator in the k
16、itchen starts burbling;the back door opens to let out the dog.The TV set blinks on with the days first newscast:,No nightingale did ever chauntMore welcome notes to weary bandsOf travellers in some shady hauntAmong Arabian sands:A voice so thrilling neer was heardIn spring-time from the cuckoo-birdB
17、reaking the silence of the seasAmong the farthest Hebrides.(读),An individual human existence should be like a riversmall at first,narrowly contained within its banks,and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.Gradually the river grows wider,the banks recede,the waters flow more quiet
18、ly,and in the end,without any visible break,they become merged in the sea,and painlessly lose their individual being.(How to Grow Old B.Russel),An individual human existence should be like a riversmall at first,narrowly contained within its banks,and rushing passionately past boulders and over water
19、falls.Gradually the river grows wider,the banks recede,the waters flow more quietly,and in the end,without any visible break,they become merged in the sea,and painlessly lose their individual being.(How to Grow Old B.Russel),The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds-even thousands-of years.T
20、he one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stone.You pass from the heat and glare of a big,open square into a cool,dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see,losing itself in the shadowy distance.Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bel
21、ls thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar.(上下左右前后看),The roadway is about twelve feet wide,but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.The din of the stall-holder crying their wares,of donkey-boys and porters
22、 clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously,and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy.,Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar,the noise of the entrance fades away,and you come to the muted cloth-market.The earthen floor,beaten hard by countle
23、ss feet,deadens the sound of footsteps,and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo.The shop-keepers speak in slow,measured tones,and the buyers,overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere,follow suit.(The Middle Eastern Bazaar),事理可以专从文字的意义上领会,情趣必从文字的声音上体验。(朱光潜诗论三联书店1984年112页
24、),丰富的想象 The mountain is eating away the setting sun;(tr.Wu Juntao)As daylight fades along the hill.(tr.J.Turner)The sun is setting behind the mountains.(tr.Wen Shu etc.)The pale sun is sinking behind the mountain,.(tr.Wang Shouyi(tr.Xu Yuanchong)The sun beyond the mountains glows,The charm of conver
25、sation is that it does not really start from anywhere,and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.(Pub Talk and the Kings English),Fog C.Sandburg The fog comes on little cat feet.It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then move on.
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