1、外贸英语函电,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations,Unit Three Inquiries,Unit Four Offers&Quotations,Unit Five Firm Offers,Unit Six Non-firm Offers,Unit Seven Counter-offers,Unit Eight Placing&Confirming an Order,Unit Nine Declining an Order,Unit Ten Placing Repe
2、at Orders,Unit Eleven Terms of Payment,下一页,外贸英语函电,Unit Twelve Urging Establishment of L/C,Unit Thirteen L/C Amendment&Extension,Unit Fourteen Shipment,Unit Fifteen Packing&Shipping Marks,Unit Sixteen Insurance,Unit Seventeen Making a Claim,Unit Eighteen Acceptance of a Claim,Unit Nineteen Replacing
3、Merchandise,Unit Twenty Processing&Assembling Trade,Unit Twenty-one Compensation Trade,上一页,Functions of Business Letters,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),to inform,which refers to conveying the vast amount of information needed to day-to-day operations of the business;,to influence,w
4、hich means that messages included in a business letter should also influence the readers attitudes and functions.,Criteria for Business Letters,A.COURTESY In our letters,we should always keep in mind the person we are writing to,see things from his angle,visualize him in his surroundings,see his pro
5、blems and difficulties and express ideas in terms of his experience.,B.CORRECTNESS Correct grammar,punctuation and spelling are basic requirements for business letter writing.Also,we should choose the correct level of language and use accurate information and data in our letters.,Unit One Introducti
6、on to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Criteria for Business Letters,C.CLARITY We should first identify what we want to express and then express the idea in plain,simple words and formats.,D.COMPLETENESS Our letters should include all the necessary information and data.,E.CONCISENESS We should write in the f
7、ewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy.,F.CONCRETENESS Our writing should be vivid,specific and definite.,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),The General Procedures for Business Letter Writing:,1.Determine our purpose of writing a certain letter.,2.Identify w
8、ho the readers are.,3.Organize the message,which is to be contained in the letter.,4.Write a draft.,5.Polish the writing.,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Elements of Business Letters and Their Positions in the Letter:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),A letterhead gen
9、erally contains the following information:,The name of the firm,Its address and postal code,Fax number,Internet address,Telephone number,Telegraphic and telex address,E-mail address,Trademark or a brief slogan,etc.,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Example of the Formats of a Letterhe
10、ad:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of the Letterhead on the Second Page:,EASTERN TEXTILES IMP.&EXP.CO.,LTD.-2-April 16,2004,Mr.Smith April 16,2004,Page 2,Mr.Smith April 16,2004 Page 2,-Page 2-EASTERN TEXTILES IMP.&EXP.CO.,LTD.April 16,2004,EASTERN TEXTILES I
11、MP.&EXP.CO.,LTD.2-April 16,2004,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Reference Number:,Your ref:ALM Our ref:5511/TL Dear Sirs,Dear Sirs,Your ref:ALM,Dear Sirs,We refer to your letter of November 12,2004,ref.TY 1160,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概
12、论),Examples of the Formats of Date:,24th March,2004 March 24th,2004 24 March,2004 March 24,2004,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Inside Address:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Inside Address:,Unit One Introductio
13、n to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Particular Address or Attention Line:,China National Machinery Import&Export Corp.36,Jianshan RoadDalian,116023Peoples Republic of ChinaAttention:Mr.Wang,Export Manager,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of
14、 Particular Address or Attention Line:,P&G Company24 Madison AvenueColumbus,OH 43004U.S.A.Attention of Pual Yang,Biddle,Sawyer&Co.,Ltd.Hadden HouseFitzroy StreetLondon,SW8 25DY,EnglandAttention of Export DepartmentMr.H.A.Donnan,please,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the
15、Formats of Particular Address or Attention Line:,P&G John Morris&Co.,Inc.ATTENTION OF PURCHASING MANAGEROSullivan BuildingBaltimore,Maryland,10026U.S.A.,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Salutation and Corresponding Complementary Close:,Unit One Introduction
16、 to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Subject Line or Caption:,Subject:Proposed delay of the delivery,Re:Proposed delay of the delivery,In re:Invoice No.1120,SUBJECT:ACCOUNT NO.689,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Proposed delay of the delivery,Examples of the Format
17、s of Signature:,Yours faithfully,(signature)Cathy KurtzMarketing Manager,Yours faithfully,THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY(signature)Cathy Kurtz Marketing Manager,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Signature:,Yours faithfully,For CHINA NATIONAL IMPORT&EXPORT
18、 CO.,LTD.(signature)George Morgan,Yours faithfully,Per Pro(or P.P.)CHINA NATIONAL IMPORT&EXPORT CO.,LTD.(signature)George Morgan,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of the Formats of Initials:,GB/LZ Gbush/lz GB:lz lz,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Examples of
19、the Formats of Enclosure:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Example of the format of Carbon Copy Notation:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Full Block Format:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Semi-block Format:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商
20、务信函概论),Conventional Format:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Indented Format:,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Format of Envelope,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Format of Envelope,Unit One Introduction to BusinessLetters(商务信函概论),Unit Two Establishing
21、 Business Relations(建立贸易关系),Objectives,Introduction,New Words&Expressions,Chinese Version of the Text,Keys to Exercises,Objectives,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系),通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握:寻找潜在客户的方法 要求与对方建立贸易关系的书信的撰写 要求建立贸易关系的书信的回复,Introduction,Channels through which information can be obtaine
22、d:,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系),Chamber of Commerce both at home and abroad Banks Trade directories of various countries and regions Commercial Counselors Office Exhibition and trade fairs,Introduction,Three points usually contained in letters aiming at establishing business rela
23、tions:,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系),the source of information the intention of writing this letter a brief introduction of ones own company,including:the business scope,credit standing or financial positions,products and services that can be provided,etc.,New Words&Expressions,1.
24、prospective adj.潜在的 可能的 预期的 prospective buyers 可能的买主 prospective business partners 可能的贸易伙伴,2.trading partner 贸易伙伴 or business partner,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系),3.intend v.想要,打算后常接动词不定式 e.g.They intend to place an order with you.他们打算跟贵方订货。We intend to extend our business activi
25、ties.我们打算扩大我们的业务范围。,New Words&Expressions,4.enquire v.询问 e.g.We would like to enquire whether you can supply the following items.我们想询问一下,贵公司能否提供下列商 品。,Unit Two Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系),enquire into 调查e.g.The buyer claimed that the goods were damaged in transit,but we must enquire into
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 希望 不久 将来 可以 你们 成功 达成 交易 此致 敬礼 Sample 课件
