1、国有质检技术机构承接检验外包的策略分析The Strategy Analysis of Examination Outsourcing Contracted by State-owned Quality Testing Organization 摘 要国有质检技术机构大多成立于上世纪八十年代中后期,业务来源主要是政府机构委托的发证产品检验及各类监督抽查,长期以来为产品质量提高和行政执法提供了巨大技术支持。但随着市场经济的发展,国有质检技术机构面临着多方挑战,市场化是其生存与发展的必然选择。国有质检技术机构市场化面临多种选择,本文提出,积极面向市场,大力承接检验外包业务,是一条渐进性的市场化道路
4、利用信息化手段整合资源、提升服务能力、延伸检验产品、强化品牌培养是提升承接检验外包能力的重要途径。关键词:检验外包国有质检技术机构策略分析AbstractThe state-owned quality testing technology organization mostly was established the 1980s mid and late part, the service originates is mainly the government apparatus request sends the card product inspection and each kind o
5、f inspector general spot-checks, since long has provided the huge technical support for the product quality enhancement and the administrative law enforcement. But along with market economys development, the state-owned quality testing technology organization faces is challenging in every way, the m
6、arketability is its survival and the development choice inevitably. The state-owned quality testing technology organization marketability faced with the multiple options, this article proposed that faces the market positively, continues the examination outsourcing service vigorously, is a gradual ma
7、rketability path, is plan which more feasible, easy to operate.This article has limited the examination outsourcing concept and the scope, narrated the examination outsourcing rationale. Through carries on the SWOT strategic analysis to the state-owned quality testing technology organization, had po
8、inted out the state-owned quality testing technology organization is having the unique superiority: Widespread customer resources, unique information monopoly, consummation examination network; Simultaneously faces the rare development opportunity: The network instantaneity causes the testing proced
9、ure to be transparent, the transportation convenient causes the sampling link to be fast, the information is advantageous for the examination resources smoothly the conformity. These both promoted the examination outsourcing market formation powerfully, and has promoted the quality testing technolog
10、y organization “the examination service” supplies ability. The examination outsourcing is supervises the social product quality, to reduce the operation cost, to provide the outside supervision, the transmission quality information effective measure, according to the examination outsourcing sides di
11、fference, will examine the outsourcing determination will be four types: First, the government and other organizations entrusts surveillance examination; Second, small and medium-sized enterprise delivery inspection service; Third, the enterprise produces raw material the fair examination service; F
12、ourth, to commodity generation of acceptance inspection.With the cost income analysis method and the game theory related principle summary analysis examination outsourcings income and the risk, pointed out that the examination the cost, the quality, the notarization continues the examination outsour
13、cing service three big core essential factor. The informationization is revolves three big core essential factors, the promotion state-owned quality testing technology organization examination serviceability important way, establishes the customer database, understood that the customer demand, the d
14、ivision client base, are realize the examination flow low cost, fast, the transparence important basis and the method. Finally based Jingmen to practice to examines the outsourcing the theory and the exploration has carried on the confirmation, and proposed the Jingmen quality testing based the cont
15、ract examination outsourcing trade development direction.This article mainly uses the method which the theoretical analysis and the practice investigation and study unify, elaborated the state-owned quality testing technology organization to carry on the marketability reform concisely through the co
16、ntract examination outsourcing the feasibility, pointed out that using the informationization method conformity resources, promotion serviceability, extended the examination product, the strengthened brand raise is promotes the contract examination outsourcing ability the important way.Key word: Exa
17、mination outsourcing State-owned quality testing organization Strategy analysis目 录摘 要IAbstractII第1章绪论11.1 研究背景及选题意义11.2 国内外相关研究综述21.2.1 检验外包界定21.2.2 检验外包本质上是服务外包41.2.3 服务外包基础理论概述71.2.4 国内外包决策研究综述91.3 本文主要研究内容和研究方法101.3.1 主要研究内容101.3.2 本文主要研究方法111.4 本文研究的线路图11第2章 国有质检技术机构体制及SWOT分析132.1 国有质检技术机构体制132.
18、2 我国质检技术机构的SWOT分析132.2.1国有质检技术机构面临的机会142.2.2国有质检技术机构面临的威胁152.2.3国有质检技术机构现有的优势182.2.4国有质检技术机构现有的劣势192.3 SWOT策略分析202.3.1确保质检机构在市场经济体制下的独立性212.3.2业务转型的思考212.3.3转型的目标确定21第3章 检验外包的基本类型233.1 政府监督检验外包233.2 生产企业的出厂检验外包243.3 生产企业的过程控制检验253.4 生产企业原料的公正检验外包263.5 商品验货检验273.6 检验外包:延伸检验产品28第4章 检验外包的成本、风险分析304.1检验
19、外包的成本分析304.1.1 简单的成本分析304.1.2 基于交易成本经济学的成本分析314.2 检验外包的风险分析334.2.1 说明334.2.2 检验外包企业与承接检验外包方的博弈类型分析344.2.3 检验外包的委托代理模型354.2.4 模型分析364.2.5 结论和建议38第5章 基于信息化的承接检验外包策略405.1基于现代信息技术,构建客户关系管理模式405.2提高检验服务质量435.3 配备相应设备 增强检验能力445.4进行品牌建设445.5集团化、规模化经营45第6章 检验外包的实践基于荆门质检所的案例分析476.1 我市检验市场需求调查与分析476.1.1检验市场调查
20、问卷486.1.2检验市场调查问卷汇总496.1.3 检验市场调查问卷分析496.2 市产品质检所对小型大米加工厂的检验外包实践526.2.1 荆门市产品质量检验所介绍526.2.2简单的成本分析以大米检验为例536.2.3 非成本分析及风险防范546.3 荆门市质检所外包实践的不足及发展方向556.3.1大宗货物交易公正检验556.3.2 质量认证与信息咨询服务556.3.3 商品验货检验566.3.4过程控制服务56第7章 结论与余论587.1 结论587.2 余论课题发展方向58参考文献60致 谢61第1章绪论1.1 研究背景及选题意义我国国有质检技术机构是在计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中
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- 关 键 词:
- 国有 质检 技术 机构 承接 检验 外包 策略 分析
