1、单位代码10475学号分类号硕士学位论文(专业学位)SMGF公司员工职业生涯规划设计探析专业学位领域:专业学位类别:工商管理硕士(MBA) 申请人: 指导教师: 二一一年十一 月Analysis of SMGF staff career planning designA Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of Henan Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster of Master of Management ScienceBy
2、LiuXingHuaSupervisor: LiXinGong.Date Nov,2011关于学位论文独创声明和学术诚信承诺本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下独立完成的,对所研究的课题有新的见解。据我所知,除文中特别加以说明、标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括其他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。在此本人郑重承诺:所呈交的学位论文不存在舞弊作伪行为,文责自负。学位申请人(学位论文作者)签名: 201 年 月
3、日关于学位论文著作权使用授权书 本人经河南大学审核批准授予硕士学位。作为学位论文的作者,本人完全了解并同意河南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的要求,即河南大学有权向国家图书馆、科研信息机构、数据收集机构和本校图书馆等提供学位论文(纸质文本和电子文本)以供公众检索、查阅。本人授权河南大学出于宣扬、展览学校学术发展和进行学术交流等目的,可以采取影印、缩印、扫描和拷贝等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文(纸质文本和电子文本)。 (涉及保密内容的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 学位获得者(学位论文作者)签名: 201 年 月 日 学位论文指导教师签名: 201 年 月 日摘 要在知识经济的浪潮下,企业竞争日趋白炽
4、化,传统的资本、技术竞争已让位于人才的竞争,人才成为企业发展战略的核心因素,企业的发展壮大要以高素质的人才队伍为保障。目前,中国企业人力资源管理工作面临着诸多问题,其中最突出的是企业对员工系统的职业生涯规划管理缺失。企业开展有效的员工职业生涯规划,可以发掘员工潜能、提高人力资源质量,满足员工的不同职业发展需求,增强其稳定性、积极性、归属感,从而实现企业与员工共同发展的局面。作为大型国有企业,由于受到传统的人事管理体制的限制,SMGF公司人力资源管理工作相对滞后。笔者认为, SMGF公司应把员工职业生涯规划管理放到公司发展战略平台。本文通过对国内外职业生涯规划管理研究现状的把握,结合相关的理论知
7、SMGF公司立足实际、与时俱进、开拓进取,积极探索构建适合本企业的员工职业生涯规划体系的可行之路,最终取得了一定的成效,提高了公司人力资源管理水平,为公司可持续发展做出应有的贡献。关键词:职业生涯,化工化纤,国有企业,职业通道ABSTRACTIn the knowledge economy era, the competition among enterprises is becoming increasingly incandescent, traditional capital, technology competition has let in the competition of ta
8、lents, talents has become the core of enterprise development strategies, the development and expansion of enterprises to high-quality personnel for the protection of. At present, Chinese enterprise human resource management work is faced with many problems, the most prominent of which is the enterpr
9、ise employee occupation career planning management system lack. Enterprises to carry out effective employee occupation career planning, can exploit the potential of employees, improve the quality of human resources, to meet their different occupation development needs, enhance its stability, initiat
10、ive, sense of belonging, thus realizing the common development of enterprises and employees.As a large state-owned enterprises, due to the traditional personnel management system, the SMGF company human resources management work relative lag. The author thinks, SMGF company should make employee occu
11、pation career planning and management in the companys development strategy platform. This article through to the domestic and foreign occupation career planning management research status of grasp, combined with the related theory of knowledge, the system elaborated the enterprise employee occupatio
12、n career planning and management process, and combined with the SMGF s case analysis, according to the companys human resources work of the existing problems, to explore a set of suitable for the company staff development of the occupation career planning management system.Occupation career planning
13、 management not only relates to the employee, but also includes the company s overall planning and strategic management. Employees, mainly including: self assessment is the staff over its entire occupation career development process analysis to determine opportunities, and explicit self occupation d
14、evelopment goals, and work out the specific development plan, the implementation of development planning, feedback and a series of processes. Enterprise, primarily for the staff to provide development opportunities, help them to improve their skills and occupation accomplishment occupation, allowing
15、 employees to clear its occupation development direction, make with enterprise development goals, to achieve two harmonious development.SMGFs occupation career management exist some problems, such as the leadership of the company to employee occupation career planning management and lack of awarenes
16、s of the importance of occupation, staff promotion channel is narrow, and staff post configuration rigidity and employee occupation career training in the management of vacuum, which shows the enterprise should carry out employee occupation career planning management the necessity. The development a
17、nd implementation of occupation career planning management work, SMGF company uphold the following basic principles : the combination of enterprise development and staff development, full participation, difference principle. At the same time, according to the different post, SMGFs occupation career
18、planning and management process of setting up a management, technology, skills and auxiliary service in four grades, and for all grades of feature set corresponding to the occupation development path. Good occupation career planning system also needs excellent enterprise culture, improve the trainin
19、g system, effective incentive mechanism, information management platform to support.In short, how to effectively implement employee occupation career planning and management to become the enterprise development strategy of the problem of justice. SMGF company based on reality, advancing with the tim
20、es, forge ahead, and actively explore the establishment of suitable enterprise employee occupation career planning system the feasible road, finally achieved some success, to improve the companys human resources management level, for the companys sustainable development and make due contributions to
21、.KEY WORDS: Occupation career,Chemical fiber, State-owned enterprises,Occupation channel目 录摘 要IABSTRACTIII第1章 前 言11.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义21.3 研究方法及思路框架31.3.1 研究方法31.4 国内外研究现状41.4.1 国外研究现状41.4.2 国内研究现状6第2章 有关概念界定、理论基础及职业生涯规划的过程72.1 有关概念的界定72.1.1 职业72.1.2 职业生涯72.1.3 职业生涯规划72.2 职业生涯规划理论82.2.1 职业性向理论82.2.2 需要
22、层次理论、双因素理论82.2.3 职业-人匹配理论92.2.4 职业锚理论92.3 职业生涯规划的过程10第3章 SMGF公司员工职业生涯规划现状分析133.1 SMGF公司简介133.1.1 基本概况133.1.2 组织架构133.2 SMGF公司人力资源现状及其分析143.2.1 员工配置状况143.2.2 年龄结构分析153.2.3 学历结构分析163.2.4 性别分析163.3 问卷调查173.3.1 问卷结构以及量表设计173.3.2 问卷回收173.3.3 样本情况分析173.3.4 调查数据的分析183.4 职业生涯规划管理现状及其分析193.4.1 对职业生涯管理不重视193.
23、4.2 晋升通道狭窄203.4.3 员工配置僵硬化203.4.4 职业生涯培训真空213.5 职业生涯规划管理的必要性和可行性分析213.5.1 人力资源规划的必要性213.5.2 人力资源规划的可行性22第4章 SMGF公司职业生涯规划设计254.1 员工职业生涯设计的原则254.1.1 双赢原则254.1.2 全员参与原则254.1.3 差异性原则254.1.4 阶段性原则264.1.5 系统性原则264.2 职业生涯通道设计的四种模式264.2.1 管理类员工264.2.2 技术类员工274.2.3 技能类员工284.2.4 辅助类员工284.3 不同阶段员工职业生涯的动态管理284.3
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- SMGF 公司员工 职业生涯规划 设计 探析
