1、Hangzhou Premises Lease/Commercial Residential Building Pre-lease Contract杭州市房屋租赁/商品房预租合同 (Contract No.: ) (合同编号: )Parties to this Contract:本合同双方当事人:Lesser (hereinafter referred to as Party A):【出租】 出租方(甲方):Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B):【承租】 承租方(乙方):According to and (hereinafter referre
2、d to as the Regulations), Party A and Party B have reached an agreement on the matter concerned _ (Lease/Pre-lease)of the _ (House/Commercial Residential Building), which Party A has the right, through friendly consultation over the following terms and conditions.根据中华人民共和国合同法、上海市房屋租赁条例(以下简称:条例)的规定,甲
3、、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依法依法_(出租/预租)的_(房屋/商品房)事宜,订立本合同。Article 1 Descriptions of the House to Lease一、出租或预租房屋情况1.1 Party A will rent to Party B the house which is located at _ Apt. _ (Bldg/No.) _ (Lane/New Village) _ Rd., _ (District/Country) Shanghai (Hereinafter referred to as “the pre
4、mises”). The floorage of the premises (the actual for lease and the reckoned for Pre-lease) is _ square meter. The purpose of the premises use is _. The type of the premises is _ and the structure is _. The ichnography of the premises is referred to the attachment 1 of this contract. For this contra
5、ct, Party A has brought forth documents to Party B as bellowing:甲方_(出租/预租)给乙方的房屋座落在本市_(区/县)_路_(弄/新村)_(号/幢)_室(部位)_(以下简称该房屋).该房屋_(【出租】实测/【预租】预测)建筑面积为_平方米,房屋用途为_,房屋类型为_/结构为_.该房屋的平面图见本合同附件(一).甲方已向乙方出示;i) In case of lease, Property Right Certificate/Property Ownership Certificate/_, the No. of the certif
6、icate is _.【出租】房地产权证/房屋所有权证/_;证书编号:_.ii) In case of pre-lease, the No. of the Pre-purchase Certificate is _.【预租】预售许可证证书编号:_.1.2 The relationship of lease is established between Party A, as the Property Owner/Custodian/other obliges authorized by Law, and Party B. Prior to sign this Contract, Party A
7、 has notified Party B that there _ (is/is not) mortgage on the premises.甲方作为该房屋的_(房地产权利人/代管人/法律规定的其他权利人)与乙方建立租赁关系.签订本合同前,甲方已告知乙方该房屋_(已/未)设定抵押.1.3 The following matters should be clearly set forth by the two parties in the attachment 2 & 3 of this Contract, and the two parties agree to consider these
8、 two attachments as the preconditions of acceptance in case that Party A deliver the premises to Party B and Party B return the premises to Party A when this Contract is terminated:甲、乙双方需约定的如下有关事宜,由甲、乙双方分别在本合同附件(二)、(三)中加以列明。甲、乙双方同意该附件作为甲方向乙方交付该房屋和本合同终止时乙方向甲方返还该房屋的验收依据。i) The usable area, conditions
9、and requirements for public use and/or mutual use; 该房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范围、条件和要求;ii) The conditions of the existed decorations, facilities and equipments; 现有装修、附属设施、设备状况;iii) The types, standards and other matters which should be stipulated concerned that Party A agrees Party B to equip by himself and add
10、other facilities.甲方同意乙方自行装修和增设附属设施的内容、标准;Article 2 Purpose of the Leased Premises二、租赁用途2.1 Party B promises to use the premises as _ and comply with the regulations constituted by Shanghai or the Country concerned using the premises and the property management. 乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该房屋作为_使用,并遵守国家和本市有关房屋使用和物业管理
11、的规定.2.2 Party B promises not to alter the usage of the premises specified in the above article without the written authorization by Party A and the approval by related government according to certain regulations.乙方保证,在租赁期内未征得甲方书面同意以及按规定须经有关部门审批核准前,不擅自改变上款约定的使用用途.Article 3 Date of Delivery and the Te
12、rm of Lease 三、交付日期和租赁期限3.1 The two parties agree that Party A should deliver the premises to Party B prior to the date of _/_/_ (Date/Month/Year). In case of lease, the term is calculated from _/_/_ (Date/Month/Year) to _/_/_ (Date/Month/Year). In case of pre-lease, the term is calculated from the d
13、ate of signature of the delivery documents of the commercial residential building for pre-lease to _/_/_ (Date/Month/Year).甲、乙双方约定,甲方与_年_月_日前向乙方交付该房屋. 【出租】房屋租赁期自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止. 【预租】房屋租赁期自预租商品房使用交接书签定之日起至_年_月_日止.3.2 On expiration of the Contract, Party A shall have the right to claim back the premis
14、es, and Party B shall return the leased premises in time. Party B should send Party A a letter of in intent _ months in advance if the former finds it necessary to renew the Contract can proceed with the consent of Party A.租赁期满,甲方有权收回该房屋,甲方应如期返还.乙方需继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁期届满前_个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求,经甲方同意后重新签订租赁合同.Ar
15、ticle 4 Rental, Payment and the Term 四、租金、支付方式和期限4.1 The two parties agree that the daily rental of each floorage square meter is _ (type of currency) _ (amount). In case of lease, the amount of monthly rental is _ (type of currency) _ (amount) (SAY: _). In case of pre-lease, the monthly rental shou
16、ld be calculated according to the actual floorage specified in the delivery document of the commercial residential building for pre-lease.甲、乙双方约定,该房屋每月每平方米建筑面积租金为(_币)_元。【出租】月租金总计为(_币)_元。(大写:_万_仟_佰_拾_元_角整)。【预租】月租金由甲、乙双方在预租商品房交付使用书中按实测建筑面积计算确定。The rental remains unchanged in _ (months/years). From the
17、 _ (month/year), the two parties can alter the rental through communication. The matters concerned to the above should be specified in the complementary articles by the two parties.该房屋租金_(年月)内不变。自第_(年月)起,双方可协商对租金进行调整。有关调整事宜由甲、乙双方在补充条款中约定。4.2 The rental should be paid to Party A by Party B before _ o
18、f each and every calendar month. In case of the rental is overdue, Party B will pay _% of daily rental as the default fine every day.乙方应于每月_日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,则乙方需按日租金的_支付租金。4.3 The rental should be paid by Party B as following method and procedure: _.乙方支付租金的方式如下_。Article 5 Security Deposit and O
19、ther Charges五、保证金和其他费用5.1 The two parties agree that on the date of delivery by Party A, Party B should pay the deposit as the amount to the rental of _ months to Party A, SAY _ (type of currency) _ (amount).甲、乙双方约定,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲方支付房屋租赁保证金,保证金为_个月的租金,即(_币)_元。Party A should issue the receipt to Part
20、y B when receiving the deposit.甲方收取保证金后应向乙方开具收款凭证。On expiration of the Contract, the residual of the deposit, deducting the fees and charges covered by Party B according to the contract, should be returned to Party B.租赁关系终止时,甲方收取的房屋租赁保证金除用以抵充合同约定由乙方承担的费用外,剩余部分无息归还乙方。5.2 In the leasehold, the fees an
21、d charges resulting from the use of the said premises including water, electricity, gas, telecom, facilities, management, and _, etc. should be covered by _ (Party A/Party B). Other fees or charges should be covered by _ (Party A/Party B).租赁期间,使用该房屋所发生的水、电、煤气、通讯、设备、物业管理、_等费用由 (甲方乙方)承担,其他有关费用均由_(甲方乙方
22、)承担。5.3 The calculation or apportion the method and date of payment of the fees and charges covered by _ (Party A/Party B) set forth in above article should be carried out as below: _._(甲方乙方)承担的上述费用,计算或分摊办法、支付方式和时间_。Article 6 Requirements to Use and Responsibility to Maintain of the Premises六、房屋使用要求
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 房屋 租赁 合同 中英文
