1、大学英语四级写作专题,一、文章的基本结构二、写作实例分析,四级作文解析,文章的基本结构,概论文章的基本结构写作的三段论模式,一、概论,文章是由段落构成,而段落的基本结构是由主题句、支撑句和结尾句所构成,它的具体结构可以用以下的图表加以表示:,1/2,二、文章的基本结构,2/2,写作的三段论模式,大学英语四级写作通常采用三段论模式,即:开头段(introduction)主体段(body paragraph)结尾段(conclusion),(一)开头段,开头段概论常用的开头段的表达方法开头段的常用核心句型,开头段概论,对于大学英语四级的写作考题来说,限于篇幅,其开头段一般都不长。然而,这寥寥几句话
2、却占有十分重要的地位,它表达的是整篇文章的主题思想。在议论文中,我们称之为中心论点,它起到驾驭全文的作用。一个意义清晰、明确的开头段,将有助于读者理解全文;一个精彩、新颖的开头段还能激起读者的阅读欲望。,常用的开头段的表达方法,使用引语(use a quotation)引用具体或粗略的数据(use figures or statistics)提出问题(ask a question)给出具体实例或报道(offer relevant examples or reports)定义法(give definition)主题句法(use of topic sentence),常用的开头段的表达方法,使用引
3、语(use a quotation)使用一段名人名言,或人们常用的谚语、习语,以确定文章的写作范围和方向。如:“Great minds must be ready not only to take the opportunity,but to make them.”Colton,a great writer once remarked.But it still has a profound significance now.To a person,in whose lifetime opportunities are not many,to make opportunities is more
4、 essential to his success.分析:开头引用Colton的名言说明“创造机会”对于成功的重要性,点明主题。,常用的开头段的表达方法,引用具体或粗略的数据(use figures or statistics)当然对于图表题型,该种方法是必须的选择,具体做法是给出一些具体或粗略的数据,然后作出概括性分析,点明主题或引出需要论述的问题。如:As is demonstrated in the table,more and more college graduates are out of a job in our country,which is a serious proble
5、m to our economic development and social security.It is estimated that in 2004,there are 500,000 unemployed graduates,more than 30%higher than in 2002.分析:文章引用2004年找不到工作的毕业生达到50万这一数据来说明大学生找工作难这一现象的严重性,很有说服力。,常用的开头段的表达方法,提出问题(ask a question)提出有争议或探讨性的具体问题,然后加以简要回答或展开引导性简短讨论。如:What do you want from you
6、r work?Money,Promotions,Interesting challenges,Continual learning,Work-based friendships,The opportunity to develop your own idea and potentials.Though we are all individuals and so our answers will differ,all agree that work provide more than material things.分析:文章开头提出“你想从工作中得到什么”这一问题,然后自问自答,指出工作除了物
7、质利益,还可以给我们带来很多其它收获这一结论。,常用的开头段的表达方法,给出具体实例或报道(offer relevant examples or reports)如:As regards the stress for college students,there has been a heated discussion among the public in the society.It was reported that a student killed four of his classmates just because of a trivial matter.It can be eas
8、ily seen that pressure has become a serious issue we cannot neglect.分析:文章通过引用新闻报道的一个实例,说明了大学生心理问题的严重性。,常用的开头段的表达方法,定义法(give definition)针对讨论的主题或问题加以定义,然后进行深入探讨。如:As we all know,practice makes perfect.This is an accumulated experience we inherit from our forefathers,and now it is still widely applied
9、to our daily life.It means that the more we practice,the more likely we are going to do things perfectly.分析:文章用It means that这一句型,说明了practice makes perfect的含义。,常用的开头段的表达方法,主题句法(use of topic sentence)文章一开始就以主题句点明全文主题,然后围绕主题内容进行发展。如:Nowadays one of the serious problems China is faced with is the increa
10、sing illiteracy among the adolescents.According to a recent survey by Dr.Li,dean of Educational Department of Beijing Normal University,about 18%of the children between 8 and 15 years old have dropped out of school across the country.分析:文章开头即提出中国的文盲现象日益严重这一问题,然后再用实例数据加以佐证。,开头段的常用核心句型,As opposed to g
11、enerally accepted views,I believe that The arguer may be right about,but he seems to neglect to mention the fact that.Although it is commonly agreed that,it is unlikely to be true that.There is an element of truth in this statement,but it ignores a deeper and more basic fact that.In all the discussi
12、on and debate over,one important fact is generally overlooked.,开头段的常用核心句型,On the surface(At first thought),it(this)may seem a sound(an attractive)suggestion(solution/idea),but careful weighing on the mind(on closer analysis/on second thought),we find that Although many people believe that,I wonder w
13、hether the argument bears much analysis.,开头段的常用核心句型,The danger(problem/fact/truth/point)is that.I agree with the above statement because I believe that.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of.Those who object to argue that.But people who favor,on the other hand,argue that.,开头段的常用核心句
14、型,Currently(In recent years/In the past few years/For many years now),there is(hasbeen)a(n)general(widespread/growing/widely held)feeling towards(concern over/attitude towards/trend towards/awareness of/realization of/illusion of/belief in).As far as I am concerned,however,I believe that.Now it is c
15、ommonly(widely/generally/increasingly)believed(thought/held/accepted/felt/recognized/acknowledged)that.But I wonder(doubt)whether,(二)主体段,主体段概述主体段段落扩充方法,主体段概述,主体段的写作方法是多种多样的,而不同的方法会产生不同的效果,不同的方法需用不同的组织形式。因此,在动笔之前,必须先选择好所采用的方法,然后根据自己所选的方法确定相应的结构形式,才能把文章写好。,主体段段落扩充方法,一、列举法(Listing)二、举例法(Exemplification
16、)三、分类法(Classification)四、比较对照法(Comparison and Contrast)五、因果法(Cause and Effect),列举法(Listing)定义,也叫枚举法。是一种在主题句中提出论点,然后列举一系列论据或原因对主题进行论证或阐述的方法。列举的顺序可以按照所列各点内容的相对重要性、时间、空间顺序等进行。,列举法作文例子,To get the most out of your textbook you should follow several steps very carefully.First,you should make a preliminary
17、survey of each book to get a general idea of what the book contains.Second,you should read for deeper understanding and formulate questions as you read.Next,make notes of the major point of each chapter.Then,test yourself to be sure that you can answer questions likely to be raised in class or in ex
18、aminations.Finally,review your notes and reread any parts of the book that are unclear to you.,常用于列举法的过渡连接词,first,second,third,etc.;in the first place,in the second place;first of all,first and foremost;to begin with,to start with;for one thing,for another;also,besides,furthermore,moreover,in additi
19、on,what is more;above all;next;beyond that;initially;eventually,last but not least.,举例法(Exemplification)定义,作者通过举出具体事例来阐述、说明主题句的内容。严格地讲,举例法也是列举法的一种,它们的区别在于:列举法侧重罗列事实,所列事实力求全面;而举例法侧重通过举出典型事例来解释作者的观点,且事例可多可少。,举例法作文例子,There are many different forms of exercises to suit different tastes.For example,those
20、 who enjoy competitive sports may take up ball games.For another example,if they prefer to exercise alone,they can have a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening.Besides,people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter.In short,no matter what their interests are,people c
21、an always find more than one sport that is suitable to them.,举例法中常见的过渡性词语,for example,for instance,as an example,as an illustration,such as,a case in point is,to illustrate,in particular,specifically,say,next,namely,that is,like,take as an example,to name just a few,etc.,分类法(Classification)定义,在阐述某一概
22、念的段落中,常用分类法。通过对概念中所包括的事物进行分门别类地叙述,使读者有更为清晰的认识。,分类法作文例子,Ever since humans have lived on the earth,they have made use of various forms of communication.Generally,this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech,when there is a language barrier,communication is accomplished
23、through sign language in which motions stand for letters,words and ideas.Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to resort to this form of expression.Many of these symbols of whole words are very vivid and exact and can be used internationally;spelling,however,cannot.Body language t
24、ransmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions,either intentionally or unintentionally.A nod signifies approval,while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.Other forms of language can be found in signal flags,Morse code and picture signs.,常见的用以分类的词语,动词:sort(into),divide(into),classify,group,
25、fall into,etc.名词:sorts,classes,groups,categories,types,kinds,aspects,etc.,比较对照法(Comparison and Contrast)定义,比较对照法由比较和对照两部分组成,但两者往往一起用以阐述两者或者更多事物间的异同,常用于说明文和议论文写作。比较描述的是所比对象的相同、类似点,而对照则强调所描述对象之间的不同,甚至相反之处。常用的比较对照的结构模式有两种,即整块比较法和逐点比较法。,在整块比较法中先集中描述A,再集中描述B。其模式为:A1、A2、A3B1、B2、B3例子:,Computers have both f
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