1、电子办公的利弊中英双语 自由职业者有两种,一种是在家工作,而另外一种是租个办公室办公。这两种方式各有优缺点,哪种更好呢? 自由职业者在家工作的好处与不足 在家工作的确很不错,很多的自由职业者都会选择在家工作。我们先看看在家工作的好处和不足。 在家工作的好处 1 工作环境由我掌控 在家办公,工作环境可以完全由你布置。可以根据自己的喜好来摆放办公设施,甚至是房间的装修、壁纸的选择都由你来决定。你不需要向任何人申请,因为你就是自己的老板。 2 没有了上班路上的时间 在家办公意味着不用浪费时间在去办公室的路上,只要完成了工作,你可以立即和家人在一起。 3 成本降低了 在家工作的最大好处之一就是成本低。
2、如果你在家工作,各种费用会降至最低。 在家工作的不足 如伯乐在线有篇博客文章资深自由职业者经验谈:自由职业者的5种窘境提到的一点,作为在家办公的自由职业者,很难划分工作和休息的时间。以下还列出了其他的不足之处。 1 吵闹 通常来讲,租用的办公室一般会在 商业办公区,而你住的地方一般是在生活区。在商业办公区,没有小孩在踢足球、狗叫、小孩哭闹和各种生活区常听到的、影响工作的声音。 2 有人来串门 在家办公时,你经常会遇到来串门的人。虽然这不是什么大问题,但确实会打断、影响到你的工作。然而,在办公室工作却很少有这种问题。 3 家人的打扰 如果你有小孩,当他们放学回家后,可能会拽着你去陪他们玩。如果你
3、正好工作着,这也会让你的工作被打断。如果你还没有小孩,如果你在家工作,你的爱人或父母也会影响到你。而另外租个办公室却会好多了。 4 拖延 在家办公很容易让人变得拖拖拉拉,因为你很容易就可能从房间走出来,看看电视连续剧,然后就过了一个下午。再比如说你感觉有点累了,你可能就躺着睡着了。类似的情况让你慢慢变得懒惰、拖延。 在外面的办公室工作 如果另外租个办公室工作,情况就会上面所说的相反。在家工作的优点正是另外租个办公室的不足。反过来也是一样。 在外面的办公室工作,你对自己也会有一定的约束。你自然会觉得在上班时间看电影或电视连续剧是很浪费时间的。个人的观点是,在外面的办公室工作会让你更加努力和高效。
4、 Youre lucky. You work from home. Youre your own boss and you answer to no one but yourself. You may have worked years or even decades at a regular job, but now you get to make your own rules and set your own hours. Theres no need to fight the alarm clock every morning, nor is there any reason to go
5、 to bed early at night. Since youre your own boss, you dont have to worry about getting written up, laid off, or fired. 你很幸运能够在家里工作。你是自己的老板,只用向自己汇报。也许你已经从事一项正规的工作几年或者几十年了,但是现在你要给自己制定规则,安排自己的工作时间。你不用每天早晨和闹钟铃声作战了,也没有晚上早早就寝的理由了。因为你是自己的老板,所以不用担心书面警告,裁员,被开除等等。 Since youre reaping all the benefits of work
6、ing from home, youre also stuck with the responsibilities. Youre in charge of every aspect of your home business, which means you have to handle the bad along with the good. 既然在家里工作有这么多有利的地方,那肯定也有相对应的责任。你要负责家族事业全方面的工作,这就是说好的坏的都是你一个人承担。 One of the biggest challenges youll ever face is motivation. Man
7、y individuals working from home are content with just earning enough money to get by, and dont strive to take their small business to the next level. If you find yourself slacking from time to time, then you need a good motivation boost. 你遇到的最大的挑战就是动机。很多人满足于在家工作能够挣到的仅够糊口的钱,而不努力让自己的事业更上一层楼。如果你发现自己一直很
8、松懈的话,就需要有一个好的动力来爆发一下了。 Here are some tips to help you stay motivated 以下几个小贴士会让你动力满满 Take some time to think about why you started working from home to begin with. 花点时间思考一下为什么自己开始在家工作。 Was it because you wanted freedom? Was it for the money? Were you having trouble finding a job anywhere else? In oth
9、er words, what motivated you to start your own small business in the first place? Try invoking the same feelings again, and you will find yourself motivated once more. 是因为你想得到自由吗?还是为了钱?还是因为你在别的地方找不到工作?换句话问也就是,在你最初开始创业的时候你的动机是什么呢?试着再一次想起当初的感受,你会发现你又有了最初的激情了。 Set goals for yourself.They dont necessari
10、ly have to be large goalsin fact, you will be better off setting small and easy goals. Try to get through one step at time. Plan to work an hour more every day. Try earning an extra $100 a week. What about $200? Just imagine what all you can do with that extra $100 or $200 each week! 为自己设立目标。不用是很伟大的
11、目标,实际上,小而简单的目标会让你更成功。 尝试着一步步的行动。每天计划多工作一个小时。每周多赚100美元。或者是200美元怎么样?想一想你每周会多出100到200美元的闲钱吧。 Create a vision board. A vision board can be a wallpaper or collage of everything you want in life. It can include pictures of your dream car, dream home, yacht, land, famous places that you want to visit, and
12、so forth. Anytime you need a boost of motivation, just look at your vision board! It will remind you of everything you can obtain if you work hard enough. 创建一个可视的愿望板。你可以在愿望板上贴满你理想中生活的墙纸或者贴画。上面可以有你梦想中车子的图片,梦想中的房子,游艇,房产,以及你想要去参观的名胜古迹等等。在你需要动力的任何时刻,就看一眼你的愿望板吧。它会提醒你只要你努力的话就可以得到你想要的任何东西。 If youre not fee
13、ling very inspired and your creative juices arent flowing, dont force yourself. The more aggravated you become, the less motivated youll be. You also wont be able to produce quality content when youre feeling down. Its ok to take breaks. Sometimes lack of motivation doesnt necessarily mean that your
14、e not doing any workit could also mean that youre working TOO hard. Lie down to read a book or take a nap if you have to. Sometimes a bit of rest is all we need to stay motivated. 如果你感觉不到太大的激情,并且也没有想到任何创意,就不要勉强你自己。你越逼自己,你就越感觉不到激情。当你灰心的时候,你就不能做出满意的成果。放松一下没关系的。有时候缺少激情并不说明你没在工作,可能是你工作太投入了。躺下来看本书,或者小睡一下
15、。有时候我们需要休息放松一下来重获激情。 Working toward goals and taking breaks may seem contradictory, but they both play an important role in motivation. You can work and still rest. There is time enough to do both. Napping doesnt necessarily equate to laziness. Laziness is when you dont even try to motivate yourself
16、. 朝着目标努力工作和休息看起来是两个对立面。但是在激励方面两者都起着重要的作用。你可以努力工作,也可以休息。有足够的时间来做这两件事情。小憩并不代表是偷懒。所谓的偷懒是你连激励自己都不想做的意思。 If you work hard and find yourself stuck, then you need to rejuvenate yourself somehow. Once youre done resting, then you can get back to work again. You will more than likely have everything sorted o
17、ut in your head after resting up, and before you know it, your work will be all done! 如果你努力工作了,然后发现自己陷入瓶颈状态,这时候你就要想方法让自己重新振作起来。在你稍作休息之后,你就可以重新回到工作中去了。在休息之后,你脑中就能够更好的将工作分类,甚至可能在自己意识到之前,就能够很好的完成这些工作了。 It doesnt matter how much money you earn by working at home. Nor does it matter how successful your s
18、mall business is. At some point in time, you will find yourself needing motivation. You need to: think about why you wanted to work from home to begin with, evaluate your present situation, and make plans for the future. 不管你在家工作能挣多少钱,也不管你的小事业能取得多大的成功。很多时候,你会发现自己需要些激励。你需要:想一想最初自己为什么想在家里工作,评估目前的情况,为未来
19、制定一个计划。 Never let yourself forget why youre working from home. You are luckier than most people out there. You dont have to trudge to work every day slaving away for a thankless boss. Be thankful that you have freedom and independence that most people dont. As long as you can stay motivated and focused, your earning potential is unlimited and you can live a lifestyle most people only dream about. 永远不要忘了自己为什么选择在家工作。你比外面大部分的人都要幸运。你不用每天为一个不知道感恩的老板卖力奔波。为你自己得到的而别人没有的自由和独立而怀有感恩的心情。只要你有一直保持激情和努力,你的收入就具有无限的可能,你就能得到别人梦想的生活。