1、生活大爆炸第一季剧本台词中英文对照第一季 2集: The Big Bran Hypothesis -Howard: But does it have peanut oil -Leonard: Im not sure. 但有花生油吧 我不清楚。 以防他突Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to 你们每个人都盯着Howard,swell up. 然肿胀。 你可以-Sheldon: Since its not bee season, you can have my 既然现在不是看 ,epinephrine. -Howard: Are th
2、ere any chopsticks? -Sheldon: You dont need chopsticks. This is Thai food. -Leonard: Here we go. 吃我的肾上腺素。 有筷子吗 你不需要筷子,这是泰国菜。 又来啦。 -Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half 泰国自19世纪后半期起使用餐叉。 of the 19th Century. Interestingly, they dont actually put the fork in their 有趣的是,他们不直接叉食物进嘴, m
3、outh- They use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes 而是叉食物进汤匙,再送进嘴里。 into their mouth. -Leonard: Ask him for a napkin. I dare you. Ill get it. -Howard: Do I look puffy I feel puffy. -Penny:Hey, Leonard. -Leonard: Oh, hi, Penny. -Penny:Am I interrupting -Leonard: No. -Sheldon: Youre not swell
4、ing, Howard. 你敢不敢找他要餐巾纸 我去开门。 我看起来肿吗 我觉得有点鼓鼓的。 嗨,Leonard 嗨,Penny 打扰到你们了 没有。 你没有肿胀,Howard。 不,看我的手指,就像维也纳腊肠。 -Howard: No, no, look at my fingers. Theyre like Vienna 不,sausages. -Penny:Sounds like you have company. -Leonard: Theyre not going anywhere. 看起来你有客人。 他们哪儿也不去。 So, youre coming home from work.
5、Thats great. How 你刚下班啊,太好了。工作怎么样 was work -Penny:Well, you know, its a Cheesecake Factory. People order cheesecake and I bring it to them 你知道嘛?芝士蛋糕工厂? 人们购买蛋糕,我给他们就行。 -Leonard: So you kind of act like a carbohydrate delivery 也就是说,你类似于是,碳水化合物的system. 运送系统。 -Penny:Yeah. Call it whatever you want, I get
6、 my 是啊,随便你怎么叫它,我能拿到基本minimum wage. 工资。 Yeah. Um, anyways, I was wondering if you could help 好吧,不管怎么说,我在想你能不能帮me out with something. Ive kinda had. -Leonard: Yes. 我个忙 没问题。 -Penny:Okay, great. Im having some furniture delivered 太好了。明天我有些家具要运过来,我tomorrow and I may not be here, so. Oh. H Hello. Im sorry
7、 可能不在家,所以. 你.你们好 抱歉 -Howard: Havent you ever been told how beautiful you 没人用俄语夸奖过你的绝世美貌吗 are in flawless Russian -Penny:No, I havent. -Howard: Get used to it. -Penny:Yeah. I probably wont. Hey,Sheldon. Hi Hey, Raj. Still not talking to me, huh 不,没有。 你得习惯这个。 呃,我可能很难习惯。 嘿 Sheldon 。 嗨 嘿 Raj。 还是不理我,嗯 -S
8、heldon: Dont take it personally, its his pathology. He 别放在心上。这是他的病状,他没法和cant talk to women. 女人说话。 而你是芝士蛋-Howard: He cant talk to attractive women or in your 没法和迷人的女人说话,case, a cheesecake scented goddess. 糕香气逼人的女神。 -Leonard: So theres going to be some furniture 那么,有家具要搬过来 delivered -Penny:Yeah, yeah.
9、 If it gets here and Im not here 对。如果明天送来时我不在,你能帮我tomorrow, could you just sign for it, and have them put it in my apartment -Leonard: No problem. -Penny:Great. Heres my spare key. Thank you. Penny, wait. -Penny:Yeah -Leonard: Uh.If you dont have any other plans, 签收一下吗 然后搬进我的房间 没问题。 太好了,这是我的备用钥匙,谢谢!
10、 Penny,等等。 怎么 呃. 如果你没别的计划, 还有超人do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman 要不来和我们一起吃泰国菜,movie marathon 电影马拉松 -Penny:A marathon Wow. How many Superman movies 马拉松 哇噢,你们那儿有多少部超人are there -Sheldon: Youre kidding, right 电影 你开玩笑,对吧 -Penny:I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the 我超喜欢那部,路易丝
11、莱恩从直升机helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that One 上坠下。 超人嗖地一下过去接住她。 那是哪一部 就一部。 充斥着科学错误吧? -Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific 你知道那场景里,inaccuracy. -Penny:Yes, I know, men cant fly. -Sheldon: No, no. Lets assume that they can. 是啊,我知道,人类不能飞。 不,不,让我
12、们假设人类可以。 Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 feet 路易丝莱恩以32英尺/秒平方的初始per second. 加速度急速坠落, Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two 超人突然下降,用钢铁般的手臂接住arms of steel. 她。 Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 莱恩小姐此时大约速度在120英里/miles an hour, 时, 她会马上被切成hits them a
13、nd is immediately slice into three equal 猛撞上超人的手臂后,pieces. 三等分。 -Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and 除非超人赶上她的速度并减速。 decelerates. -Sheldon: In what space, sir In what space Shes two feet above the ground. 哪还有时间,先生 哪有时间 她离地面只有两英尺。 Frankly, if he really loved her, hed let her hit the 坦白讲,如果他
14、真的爱她,就应该让她pavement. Itd be a more merciful death. 直接撞地。 那会是种更仁慈的死法。 -Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is 抱歉,你全部的争论,都只是建立在一predicated on the assumption that Supermans flight is a feat of strength. 个假设上, 假设超人的飞行能力,是一种力量的特技。 -Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself 你知道自己说什么吗 It is well establish
15、ed that Supermans flight is a feat of 这一点是毋庸置疑的啊。 strength. It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings. 这是他跳跃高楼能力的延伸, an ability he derives from exposure to Earths yellow 是他从太阳光中获取的能力。 sun. -Howard:And you dont have a problem with that How 你没发现问题吗 那他在夜里怎么飞行 does he fly at night -Sheldo
16、n: Oh, a combination of the moons solar 哦,结合月球的日光反射, reflection and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells. 以及氪星人皮肤细胞中贮存的能量。 -Penny:Im just gonna go wash up. -Leonard: I have 2,600 comic books in there. 我要回去洗个手先。 我那儿有2600本连环画册。 I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian 你
17、敢不敢去找出,所谓的氪星人皮肤skin cells. -Sheldon: Challenge accepted. Were locked out. -Raj:Also, the pretty girl left. 细胞的内容 接受挑战。 我们被锁在外面了。 还有,漂亮女孩也走了。 -Leonard: Ok, her apartments on the fourth floor but the 房间在四楼,可是电梯坏了, elevators broken, so youre gonna have to. Oh, youre just gonna be done Okay. Cool. Thank
18、s. I guess well just bring it up ourselves. -Sheldon: I hardly think so. -Leonard: Why not -Sheldon: Well, we dont have a dolly, or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength. 所以你们得. 你们就这么走了 好吧,没事,谢谢。 我们自己搬上去吧。 我不这么想。 为什么不 呃,我们没有手推车, 没有升降运送带,也没有那么强悍的上肢力量。 -Leonard: We dont need strength- we
19、re physicists. 我们不需要靠蛮力,我们是物理学家。 We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. 我们是阿基米德的精英后代。 Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. 给我一个杠杆,一个支点,我就能撬动地球。 Its just a matter of. I dont have this. I dont have this! I do not have this! -Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud. -Leonar
20、d: Do you have any ideas 可问题是.我没有。 我没有! 我没有! 阿基米德会为你骄傲的。 你有办法吗 -Sheldon: Yes, but they all involve a green lantern and a 有,但都需要绿灯侠和能量指环 (美国power ring. -Leonard: Easy. easy. Okay. Now weve got an inclined plane. 漫画超级英雄)。 慢点.慢点 很好,现在我们弄成了斜面。 按梯角的正弦值减The force required to lift is reduced by the sine of
21、 the 运上去所需的力度,angle of the stairs, call it 30 degrees, so, about half. -Sheldon: Exactly half. -Leonard: Exactly half. Lets push. Okay. See, its moving, this is easy. Its all in the math. -Sheldon: Whats your formula for the corner -Leonard: What Okay, uh. 少, 30度角的话,就减少一半力气。 正好一半。 正好一半。 来推吧。 看,推动了,很
22、容易。 一切都是数学原理。 遇到转角,你用什么公式 什么 好吧呃. 你上来这儿帮我拉,然后转弯。 Okay, yeah, no problem. Just come up here, help me 没问题,and turn. -Sheldon: Ah, gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. You do understand that our efforts here will 啊,地心引力,你真是无良的婊子。 你得明白,我们这儿所有的努力, 发生性关系in no way increase the odds of you having sexual 绝不可
23、能增加你和那女人,congress with this woman. 的几率。 并不是只求做爱予以-Leonard: Men do things for women without expecting 男人为女人做事,sex. -Sheldon: Those would be men who just had sex. -Leonard: Im doing this to be a good neighbor. In any case, theres no way it could lower the odds. -Leonard: Almost there. Almost there. Al
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- 生活 大爆炸 第一 剧本 台词 中英文 对照
