1、现代大学英语精读3第4单元知识点归纳Unit 4 to wrench yourself away from: to twist and pull yourself away (or free) from wrench vt. To pull at the feelings or emotions of挫折使感情或情绪受折磨;distress压抑; afflict使痛苦 eg.: It wrenched her to watch them go. 看着他们离开,她很难受It wrenched her to say goodbye. patchwork of farms and woodland
2、patchwork n.拼缝物, 拼缀物, 拼凑物woodland: a piece of land covered with trees森林地, 林地 In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants 鸟 雉, 野鸡rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (p.2) to verge against: to be close to; to be at
3、the edge or border of verge vi. (1) to be very close to a place;to be contiguous 邻近, 接近eg.: streets verging on the slum area 贫民区周围的街道 (2) To approach the nature or condition of something specified; come close. Used with on: 接近,逼近接近具体指定的某物的性质或情况;走近。与 on连用: verge on upon接近, 濒于 eg.: Such a remark verge
4、s on impertinence. 简直是唐突无礼。a brilliance verging on genius.近乎天才的才智 J Notice how the preposition against is used to mean next to, touching or hitting the surface of (课本p.98-6) e. g. A heavy rain was pattering against the windows. He stood his stick against the wall. . . . and pheasants rocketed off: .
5、 . . and pheasants went off like rockets. rocket v.intr. (1)to move swiftly and powerfully, as a rocket. 像火箭般迅速而有力地运动 (2) To soar or rise rapidly:迅速上升或猛涨 The book rocketed to the top of the bestseller list.这本书一下子就跃居畅销书榜首 Compare: J Factories mushroomed. (They grew like mushroom. ) J He tried to worm
6、 into that organization. ( He tried to get into that organization like a worm. ) J It could snowball into a serious conflict. (It could gradually develop into a serious conflict like a snowball. ) snowball vi. to grow rapidly in significance, importance, or size: 滚雪球般地增长, eg.: problems that snowball
7、ed by the hour.问题按小时计算滚雪球般地增长 J He was wolfing it down as if he had not eaten for days. (He was eating it very quickly like a wolf. ) I spent most of my time roaming the woods and fields alone, playing Robin Hood (p.3) J to roam the woods (fields, streets, hills etc): roam the streets 街头漫步 roam the
8、clouds 云中漫步 roam about/roam around. Eg.: The visitors roamed around the town /city. Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. But one day I became attached through no design of my own. (p.3): J to keep to oneself: (!) to live a
9、very quiet and private life and not do many things involving other people. 不与人交往: eg.: She kept to herself in the ship and would speak to no one. (2) keep sth. secret 对守口如瓶eg.: He kept his conclusions to himself. 他对他的结论守口如瓶。 through no design of my own. (p.3):not that I intended to do it; not that I
10、 planned it that way; just by chance I started hiking there ., up a long, sloping hill to an almost impenetrable stand of trees called Bear Wood. J impenetrable adj. (1) impossible to penetrate or enter:不能穿过或进入的: eg.: an impenetrable fortress. (2) Impossible to understand; incomprehensible:不能理解的,令人费
11、解的eg.: impenetrable jargon.行话 (3)无动于衷的不为感情或争论所动的eg an impenetrable heart.不能打动的心 J penetrable adj.可渗透的,可穿透的penetrable defenses可突破的防御; a penetrable wall. 可洞穿的墙 J penetrate v.tr. (1) to enter or force a way into; pierce. 穿过,刺入,穿透进入或迫使进入;刺入 (2) to enter into and permeate: 渗入进入或渗透 eg.: The insistent rhyt
12、hm of piano practice penetrated each room of the house.钢琴的持续韵律回荡在整幢房子的每个房间 J stand:高大植物或树的群丛eg.: a stand of pine. 一群松树 the twitter鸟鸣声and rustle沙沙声, 飒飒声: onomatopoeia 象声词, 1 e. g. the twitter of birds; the rustle of leaves; the hiss of the snake; the gurgle (流水的)汩汩声, 欢乐的(咯咯声)of the water; the crackin
13、g of the fire; the banging of the door; the fluttering摆动, 鼓翼of the flag; the rumbling隆隆声, 辘辘声of the waves; the tick-tock滴答声of the clock etc. J run into v.跑进, 撞上run against, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到 She caught her breathThen, recovering quickly, she gave a welcoming smile that instantly put me at ease. J catch one
14、s breath v.喘息, 屏息 = hold ones breathJ to put sb at ease: to make sb feel relaxed at ease: 安逸,自由自在J ill at ease adj.不安的J stand at ease 军(口令)稍息 eg.: He always feels ill at ease in front of strangers. The professor must be quite popular. The students all look at ease in his presence. others: to make sb
15、 at ease; to set sb at ease A pair of powerful-looking binoculars dangled from her neck. (p.6) J powerful: 高倍的binoculars telescope looking-glass (ocular adj.眼睛的, 视觉的 n.目镜, 眼睛)ocular demonstration 直观演示 an ocular witness 目击者, 见证人 dangle- hang or swing loosely eg: 1) She had big earrings dangling from
16、her ear. 2) A loose electric wire was dangling from the wall. Yes, theyre wary, she said. But then, gamekeepers have been shooting them ever since they got here. Theyre introduced, you know, not native. (p.11) J wary: careful, cautious, watchful, suspicious, alert J gamekeeper猎物看守人,猎场看守人: Notice the
17、 use of the word game猎物 J to be introduced: to be brought into this place from somewhere else for the first time trespass vi. to go onto someones private land without their permission 非法侵入;侵扰,打扰 eg.: The farmer said we were trespassing.这个农民说我们未经许可进入了他的土地。 I wont trespass upon your time any longer.我不
18、再打扰你了。 Would you care to join me? This is considered polite but formal, and is used to ask if sb wants to do sth. I had been warned against going off with strangers (p.14) J to warn that/to warn sb not to do sth/to warn sb against sth J go off: (1)leave, depart 离开 (2) explode爆炸;响ring eg.: The signal
19、 pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了。 . .extending her fine hand. (p.15): . . . offering to shake hands with the boy J Fine here means small and attractively shaped, looking rather delicate纤细. extend- to give or offer (help, friendship, etc) to sb. eg.: 1) I would like to extend my warm welcome t
20、o all of you. 2) I would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors We set off. He passed away last year, she said, looking suddenly wistful, to walk the fields. (p.17) J set off: (1) 出发,启程 (= set out;set forth) eg.: The children set off for school.。 (2) explode使爆炸,引起爆炸 eg.: As a traditional way
21、to celebrate the new year, setting off firecrackers is justifiably welcomed by most Chinese people. 燃放鞭炮,作为一种传统的庆贺新年活动,理所当然地受到大多数中国人民的欢迎。 wistful- sad and thinking about sth that is impossible or past eg: She cast a wistful glance at her friends invitation and wished she had been invited to the part
22、y. J pass away: die; pass away; depart; go aloft; go off; go out of this world; go to the better world J Notice that the word walk is usually used as an intransitive verb except in some idiomatic expressions. To walk the fields is one of them, which means to go over or along on foot. Other common ex
23、pressions in which walk is used as a transitive verb: When people walk their dog, I wonder whether they ever realize that the dog will be much happier completely free in nature than just being allowed a little walk every day. 2 There is no more bus at this hour. Lets walk it. / Its dark outside. Ill
24、 walk you home. glass-fronted cases containing figures of ivory and carved stone a dozen or so stuffed birds(p.18) front vt. 装饰的面 a glass-fronted door 装有玻璃的门 a building fronted with marble 以大理石饰面的建筑物 stuff vt. To fill (an animal skin) to restore its natural form for mounting or display; to make it a
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