1、焊接专业英语焊接专业英语词汇(1) 熔接fusion welding 压接pressure welding 焊接过程welding process 焊接技术welding technique 焊接工艺welding technology/procedure 焊接操作welding operation 焊接顺序welding sequence 焊接方向direction of welding 焊接位置welding position 熔敷顺序build-up sequence deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis
2、焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation 平焊位置flat position of welding 横焊位置horizontal position of welding 立焊位置vertical position of welding 仰焊位置overhead position of welding 平焊downhand welding/flat position welding 横焊horizontal position welding 立焊vertical position welding 仰焊overhead position welding 全位置焊all
3、 position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接 向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position 倾斜焊inclined position welding 上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position 下坡焊downward welding in the in
4、clined position 对接焊butt welding 角焊fillet welding 搭接焊lap welding 船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position 平角焊horizontal fillet welding 立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position 仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position 坡口焊groove welding I形坡口对接焊square butt weldi
5、ng 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding 卷边焊flanged edge welding 纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam 横缝焊接welding of transverse seam 环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential 螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam 定位焊tack welding 单面焊welding by one side 双面焊welding by
6、 both sides 单道焊single pass welding/single run welding 多道焊multi-pass welding 单层焊single layer welding 多层焊multi-layer welding 分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding 分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding 连续焊continuous welding 断续焊intermittent welding 打底焊backing weld 封底焊back sealing weld 盖面焊cosmetic welding
7、 深熔焊deep penetration welding 摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding 前倾焊 foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊 backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊backstep welding 跳焊skip welding 对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence 左焊法leftward welding forehand welding 右焊法rightward
8、 welding/backhand welding 挑弧焊whipping method 自动焊automatic welding 手工焊manual welding/hand welding 车间焊接shop welding 工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国) 拘束焊接restraint welding 堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying 隔离层堆焊buttering 端部周边焊boxing/end return 返修焊rewelding 补焊repair welding 塞焊plug welding 槽焊slo
9、t welding 衬垫焊welding with backing 焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing 窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding 强制成形焊enclosed welding 脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding 电弧点焊arc spot welding 螺柱焊stud welding 热风焊hot gas welding 高能焊high grade energy welding 固态焊接solid-state welding 单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding co
10、ndition 焊接工艺参数welding parameter 极性polarity 正接electrode negative/straight polarity 反接electrode positive/reversed polarity 运条方式manipulation of electrode 焊接电流welding current 焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time 焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time 电流密度current density 短路电流short circuit current 脉冲电流pul
11、se level/pulse current level 脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude 基值电流background level 脉冲频率pulse frequency 脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration 电弧电压arc voltage 再引弧电压reignition voltage 焊接速度welding speed 行走速度rate of travel/travel speed 送丝速度wire feed rate 线能量heat input/energy input 热输入heat input 预热preheat 后热
12、postheat 焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature 层间温度interpass temperature 焊接终了温度finishing temperature 后热温度postheating temperature 焊丝伸出长度wire extension 弧长arc length 熔化速度melting rate 熔化时间melting time 熔化系数melting coefficient 熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate 熔敷系数dep
13、osition coefficient 熔敷效率deposition efficiency 损失系数loss coefficient 飞spatter 飞溅率spatter loss coefficient 融合比fusion ratio 稀释dilution 稀释率rate of dilution 合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove 坡口面groove face 坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国) 坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove a
14、ngle(美国) 坡口高度groove depth 钝边root face 钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face 根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国) 根部半径root radius/groove radius 根部锐边root edge 卷边高度height of flange 卷边半径radius of flange 单面坡口single groove 双面坡口double groove 坡口形式groove type I形坡口square groove V形坡口single V groove Y形坡口s
15、ingle V groove with root face 双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face 带钝边U形坡口single U groove 带钝边双U形坡口double U groove VY形坡口single compound angle groove 带钝边J形坡口single J groove 带钝边双J形坡口double J groove 单边V形坡口single bevel groove 双V形坡口double V groove 不对称双V形坡口 asymmetric double V groove 双单边V形坡口 double bevel gro
16、ove/K groove 带垫板V形坡口 V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing 焊接专业英语词汇(6) 激光切割 laser cutting(LC); laser beam cutting 电子束切割 electron beam cutting 喷气激光切割 gas jet laser cutting 碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting 水下切割 underwater cutting 喷水式水下电弧切割 waterjet method underwater arc cutting 氧矛切割 oxygen lancin
17、g; oxygen lance cutting 溶剂氧切割 powder lancing 手工气割 manual oxygen cutting 自动气割 automatic oxygen cutting 仿形切割 shape cutting 数控切割 NC (numerical-control) cutting 快速切割 high-speed cutting 垂直切割 square cut 叠板切割 stack cutting 坡口切割 beveling; bevel cutting 碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging 火焰气刨 flame gouging 火焰表面清理 s
18、carfing 氧熔剂表面修整powder washing 预热火焰preheat flame 预热氧preheat oxygen 切割氧cutting oxygen/ cutting stream 切割速度cutting speed 切割线lone of cut/ cut line 切割面face of cut/ cut face 切口kerf 切口上缘cutting shoulder 切口宽度kerf width 后拖量drag 切割面平面度evenness of cutting surface/ planeness of cutting surface 割纹深度depth of cutt
19、ing veins/ stria depth 切割面质量quality of cut face 上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder 切口角kerf angle 缺口notch 挂渣adhering slag 结瘤dross 割炬cutting torch/ cutting blowpipe/ oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch 割枪cutting gun 割嘴cutting nozzle/ cutting tip 快速割嘴divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle 表面割
20、炬gouging blowpipe 水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe 水下割条electrode for under-water cutting 粉剂罐powder dispenser 数控切割机NC cutting machine 门式切割机flame planer 光电跟踪切割机photo-electric tracing cutting 火焰切管机pipe flame cutting machine 磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels 焊接结构welded structure/ welded con
21、struction 焊件weldment 焊接部件weld assembly 组装件built-up member 接头设计joint design 焊接应力welding stress 焊接瞬时应力transient welding stress 焊接残余应力welding residual stress 热应力thermal stress 收缩应力contraction stress 局部应力local stress 拘束应力constraint stress 固有应力inherent stress 固有应变区inherent strain zone 残余应力测定residual stre
22、ss analysis 逐层切割法Sachs method X射线衍射法X-ray stress analysis 小孔释放法Mathar method 固有应变法inherent strain method 消除应力stress relieving 局部消除应力local stress relieving 应力重分布stress redistribution 退火消除应力stress relieving by annealing 温差拉伸消除应力low temperature stress relieving 机械拉伸消除应力mechanical stress relieving 应力松弛s
23、tress relaxation 焊接变形welding deformation 焊接残余变形welding residual deformation 局部变形local deformation 角变形angular distortion 自由变形free deformation 收缩变形contraction deformation 错边变形mismatching deformation 挠曲变形deflection deformation 波浪变形wave-like deformation 火焰矫正flame straightening 反变形backward deformation 焊接
24、力学welding mechanics 断裂力学fracture mechanics 弹塑性断裂变形elasto-plastic fracture mechanics 线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics 延性断裂ductile fracture 脆性断裂brittle fracture 应力腐蚀开裂stress corrosion cracking 热应变脆化hot straining embrittlement 临界裂纹尺寸critical crack size 裂纹扩展速率crack propagation rate 裂纹张开位移crack o
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- 焊接 专业 英语