1、涉嫌性别歧视的词汇英文中那些“性别歧视词”! In countries like the US and UK, where political correctness and gender equality are a big deal, its often difficult to describe women. If you dont pay close attention, you can come off as impolite, or even worse if you are a man a sexist jerk. 在英美等国,政治正确与性别平等都是头等大事。用正确的词汇描述女性
2、并非易事,如果你不够谨慎,轻者将被视为无礼,重者(如果你是男性)则会被当做歧视女性的蠢货。 Facebook COO Sheryl Sandbergs ban bossy campaign intends to show people that it is unfair to use the word bossy to describe women who aspire to take up leadership roles at work. Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔桑德博格就发起了“禁用bossy(独断专横)”的运动,因为用这个词来形容有领导能力的女性并不公平。 In and out
3、side of work life, there are many other words that have sexist undertones. One of these words is feisty. 不论是在工作中,还是在生活里,还有很多英文单词隐含性别歧视的意味,“feisty(好争辩)”就是其中之一。 Feisty is often used to describe a lively woman with the implication that she is aggressive and gets on peoples nerves. “Feisty”常用来形容活力四射的女性,
4、但暗含“强势、令人心烦”之意。 UK actress Daisy Lewis plays an out-spoken feminist teacher in the hit TV series Downton Abbey. While Lewis admits her character is courageous and unconventional, she does not want to be described as feisty. 英国演员黛西刘易斯在热剧唐顿庄园中饰演了一位心直口快的女教师,刘易斯认为自己的角色颇具胆量,并颠覆了传统观念,但她并不喜欢用“feisty”来形容这一角
5、色。 In a recent interview with UK newspaper Daily Mail, she said: Feisty? My least favorite word. Have you heard a male character described as feisty? I think not. 在最近接受英国每日邮报的采访时,刘易斯说:“feisty是我最不喜欢听到的词。你有听说过哪个男人的性格被形容为feisty么?我猜没有吧” Kudos to Lewis who has uncovered yet another word that shows the vo
6、cabulary gender divide and a wider level of everyday sexism, says a column from UK newspaper The Telegraph. 英国每日电讯报在一篇专栏文章中称赞道:刘易斯又发现了一个带有性别歧视的词汇。 Feisty 争强好胜 Feisty, like bossy, is one of these words that once had the same meaning for both men and women, but evolved to mean something usually negati
7、ve when applied to women. The Telegraph column lists a few of them. 和“bossy”一样,“feisty”曾同时用于形容男性和女性,含义并无差别,但随着它更多用于女性之后就含有了贬义。每日电讯报的专栏文章还列出了其他一些与之类似的词语: Ambitious 野心勃勃 When applied to men, the word describes a positive trait. But when describing a woman, it becomes a dirty word. Even Madonna, in an
8、interview with Harpers Bazaar, has said she felt being openly ambitious is frowned upon. 这个词用在男性身上时,多含褒义。但用于形容女性时,却成了难听的字眼。就连麦当娜在一次接受时尚芭莎的采访时都表示,她认为“野心满满很让人反感。” Emotional 情绪化 Every human being has emotions. While emotional can be applied to men, the word is commonly thrown at any woman who dares men
9、tion how she feels, or raises her voice, says The Telegraph column. 是人都有感情,因此“emotional”也可用来形容男性,但正如每日电讯报在专栏文章中所写,“这个词通常用来形容女性,只要她们稍微提及自己的感受或是说话声音大一些(就会被称为emotional)”。 The word, together with moody and hysterical, often appear in the crazy woman stereotype, says a Time magazine article. 而时代周刊的一篇文章也写
10、道:这个词还与“喜怒无常”以及“歇斯底里”连用,是形容“疯女人”的典型词汇。 Being a woman, it is impossible to avoid the crazy label, says the Time article: What even is crazy? A woman who expresses opinions? Am I crazy if I yell? Am I crazy if I act like a leader? Whatever it is, it usually doesnt refer to any kind of real life mental
11、 illness. 女人似乎总是逃不开“疯子”这个词,可是什么叫“发疯”?女人发表个观点?还是她大叫一声?或者表现得像个领导?不管是哪一种,反正都和现实中的精神病相去甚远。 High-maintenance 金贵难养 The high-maintenance girlfriend with her manicures and love of shopping is a modern day trope firmly rooted in sexism, says The Telegraph column. A guy may be demanding, but he is never high-maintenance. 每日电讯报在其专栏文章中写道:做美甲、爱逛街的女孩子被称为“难养的女朋友”,这正体现出当今时代仍然根深蒂固的性别歧视。男孩子也可能有很多花钱的需求,但是他从来不会被形容成“High-maintenance”。 Pushy 爱出风头 Closely related to ambitious and bossy, pushy is another word that sums up gender inequality in the workplace. 与“ambitious”和“bossy”相似,“Pushy”也是一个在工作场合带有性别歧视的词汇。