1、毕业晚会主持稿毕业晚会主持稿 A: B: C: D: 1、开场 A:六月,日月湖畔的微风情深意暖,校园涌动的花海流溢飘香; A: In June, with pleasant breeze blowing from the Sun Moon Lake, we can smell the fragrance of flowers far off. B:六月,想起毕业带来的奔忙,满怀即将失去的无限感伤; B: In June, filled with feeling of upcoming loss, we are busy dealing with things associated with
2、graduation. C:六月,拾起曾经蕴藏的过往,体味相伴四年的欢欣成长; C: In June, reflect on the days that we treasure, we are appreciating our happy growth in the past four years. D:六月,让你我懂得了珍惜,珍惜在校的每一段岁月流光。 D: In June, we all learn the meaning of cherish and begin to treasure every period of time in this university. A:四年的大学时光,
3、我们从青涩的少年蜕变成成熟的学长; A: In the past 4 years, we have been transformed from young boys into mature upperclassmen. B:四年的大学时光,我们似乎再也回不到那绑着马尾的年纪。 B: With the passing of college time, it seems that we can never back to the age with hair tied in ponytails. C:我们感叹光阴的匆匆,今天的一句毕业了,就成为我们去追寻彩虹背后成功的力量。 C: Time flie
4、s. After yelling out we have graduated, we are prepared to pursue the success lying ahead. D:最后以一名学生的身份行走在校园,似乎只有即将失去才能体会到她的优美。 D: It is the last time that we walk around our campus as a student with the feeling that we just can not learn her beauty until we are going to leave. A:尊敬的各位领导、老师, A: Dist
5、inguished guests, teachers, B:亲爱的同学们, B: Dear fellow students, 合:大家晚上好! All: Good evening! C:欢迎大家来到 C: Welcome to D:莅临本场晚会的嘉宾有 D: Tonight, we have many distinguished guests present. They are A:欢迎! A: Welcome! B:感谢的大力支持! B: Thank for their great support. C:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! C: Once again lets exten
6、d our warm welcome to all of them. C:总有人喜欢用飞扬的汗水来展现激昂的青春乐章。 C: There will always be people who like showing themselves with sweat in their cheek. D:我们通过肢体的变幻来彰显律动的年华音符。 D: Wed like to displays the vigor that belongs especially to young people through body movements. C:充满力量的舞姿,必定让今夜的舞台更加闪耀。 C: It is
7、doubtless that the gorgeous dance will contribute to a marvelous performance tonight. D:下面请欣赏舞蹈Team。 D: Lets enjoy the dance Team. A:喜欢夏夜在校园中的路灯下慢行,看着被灯光拉长的身影。 A:I like walking slowly under the streetlight in campus, gazing at the elongated shadows. B:喜欢在蝉鸣声中静静回忆,回忆曾经的自己,回忆校园中的点点滴滴。 B: I am fond of
8、recalling quietly myself once and everything happened in our campus in the song of the cicadas. A:用纯色的影像表达纯粹的不舍; A: The video indicates that we are reluctant to leave. B:用纯色的影像传递着我们的怀念。 B: The video shows that we miss the moments very much. A:下面请影子舞再回首,恍然如梦。 A: Then,its time for the Shadow Dance. Le
9、ts welcome! C:我们的青春,在一个又一个的背影当中,渐渐远去; C: As time goes by, we leave youth behind gradually. D:我们的未来,在一声又一声的呐喊中,无线延续。 D: Our future continues in the cheers of others. C:时光荏苒,光阴在我们的歌声中,随着背影远去。 C: Little by little time slipped away in our songs. D:下面,请欣赏歌曲串烧。 D:Then, lets welcome the medley of songs. A:
10、优美的歌声,萦绕于心间,不禁让我回想起大学四年的生活。 A: The lovely songs,which resonate within our hearts, remind me of my college life. B:总有一首歌,触动我们的泪点,也总有一段舞蹈,让我们怀念。 B: There will always be a song that moves us and a dance which is worth recollecting. A:我们来自不同的地方,却因为相同的生活而磨合; A: We are from different place but get togethe
11、r because of the similar life. B:我们拥有不同的民族文化,却能够相处悠悠的四年。 B: Although our culture differs, we get on well each other in the last four years. A:下面请欣赏苗族舞山花烂漫。 A: Lets appreciate the Miao dance. C:舞蹈引人入胜,举手投足尽是柔美的展现。 C: The dance is attractive. The dancers movements indicate the beauty of softness. D:对呀
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