武汉大学研究生英语课文原文 Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication.docx
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1、武汉大学研究生英语课文原文 Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural CommunicationStumbling Blocks inIntercultural Communication 1. Why is it that contact with persons from other cultures is so often frustrating and fraught with misunderstanding? Good intentions, the use of what one considers to be a friendly approach a
2、nd even the possibility of mutual benefits dont seem to be sufficient to ensure success-to many peoples surprise. Sometimes rejection occurs just because the group to which a person belongs isdifferent. Its appropriate at this time of major changes in the international scene to take a look at some o
3、f the reasons for the disappointing results of attempts at communication. They are actually stumbling blocks in intercultural communication. 2. Assumption of similarities One answer to the question of why misunderstanding or rejection happens might be that many of us naivety assume there are suffici
4、ent similarities among peoples of the world to enable us tosuccessfully exchange information or feelings, solve problems ofmutual concerns, cement business relationships, or just make the kind of impression we wish to make. The tendency for all peopleto reproduce, group into families or societies, d
5、evelop a language, and adapt to their environment is particularly deceiving because it leads to the expectation that the forms of these behaviors and the attitudes and values surrounding them will also besimilar. Its comforting to believe thatpeople are peopleanddeep down were all alike,but a determ
6、ined search for proof of this leads to disappointment. 3. Promising are the cross-cultural studies seeking to supportDarwins theory that facial expressions are universal and researchers found that the particular visible pattern on the face, the combination of muscles contracted for anger, fear, surp
7、rise, sadness, disgust, and happiness is the same for allmembers of ourspecies, but this seems helpful until it is realized that a persons cultural upbringing determines whether or notthat emotion will be displayed or suppressed, as well as on which occasions and to what degree. The situations that
8、bring about the emotional feeling also differ from culture to culture, for example, the death of a loved one may be a cause for joy, sorrow, or some other emotion, depending upon the accepted cultural belief. 4. Since there seems to be no universals of “human nature” that can be used as a basis for
9、automatic understanding, we must treat each encounter as an individual case, searching for whatever perceptions and communication means are held in common and proceed from there. If we realize that we are all culture bound andculturally modified, we will accept the fact that, being unlike, wedo not
10、reallyknow what someone elseis. 5. The aura of similarity is a serious stumbling block to successful intercultural communication. A look-alike facade is deceiving when representatives from contrasting cultures meet, eachwearing Western dress, speaking English, and using similar greeting rituals. It
11、is like assuming that New York, Tokyo, and Tehran are all alike because each has the appearance of a moderncity. Without being alert to possible differences and the needto learn new rules for functioning, persons going from one city tothe other will be in immediatetrouble, even when acting simple ro
12、les such as pedestrian and driver. 6. Theconfidence that goes with the myth of similarity is much more comfortable than the assumption of differences, the latter requiring tentative assumptions and behaviors and a willingness toaccept the anxiety ofnot knowing.Only with the assumptionof differences,
13、 however, can reactions and interpretations be adjusted to fitwhats happening.Otherwise someone is likely tomisread signs and judge the sceneethnocentrically. 7. The stumbling block of assumedsimilarity is a “troublem,”as one English learner expressed it, not only for the foreigner but for the peopl
14、e in the host country with whom the internationalvisitor comes into contact. The native inhabitants are likely to be lulled into the expectation that, since the foreign person isdressed appropriately and speak some of the language, he or she will also have similar nonverbal codes, thoughts and feeli
15、ngs. Thus, nodding, smiling, and affirmative comment will probably be confidentlyinterpreted as meaning that they have informed,helped, and pleased the newcomer. It is likely, however, that theforeigner actually understood very little of the verbal and nonverbal content and was merely indicating pol
16、ite interest or trying not to embarrass himself or herself of the host with verbalized questions. 8. Language Difference The second stumbling block is so obvious that it hardly needs mentioning-language. Vocabulary, syntax, idioms, slang, dialects, and so on all cause difficulty, but the person stru
17、gglingwith a different language is at least aware of being in this kind oftrouble. A worse language problem is thetenacity with whichsomeone will cling to just one meaning of a word or phrase in thenew language, regardless of connotation or context. The variations in possible meaning, especially if
18、inflection and tonal qualities are added, are so difficult to cope with that they are oftenwaved aside. The reason this problem is worse than simple struggling to translate foreign words is because each person thinks heor she understands. The nationwide misinterpretation of Khrushchevs sentence Well
19、 bury you is a classic example.Evenyesandnocould cause trouble. When a Japanesehears,Wont you have some tea?he or she listens to the literalmeaning of the sentence and answers,No.Meaning that he orshe wants some.Yes, I wontwould be a better reply becausethis tips off the host or hostess that there m
20、ay be a misunderstanding. Also, in some culture, it is polite to refuse the first or second offer of refreshment. Many foreign guests have gone hungry because their US host or hostess never presented the thirdofferanother case of “nomeaningyes. 9. Nonverbal misinterpretations Learning the language,
21、which most visitors to foreign countries consider their only barrier to understanding, is actually onlythe beginning. The third stumbling block is nonverbal misinterpretations. People from different cultures inhabit different sensory realities. They see, hear, feel, and smell only that which has som
22、e meaning or importance for them. They abstract whatever fits into their personal world of recognition and then interpret itthrough the frame of reference of their own culture. For example, a Saudi Arab would nonverbally signal that he liked a girl by smoothing back his hair, which to an American gi
23、rl would be justa common nervous gesture signifying noting. 10. The lack of comprehension ofnonverbal signs and symbols that are easy to observe-such as gestures, postures, and otherbody movements-is a definite communication barrier. But it is possible to learn the meanings of these observable messa
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