1、新视野大学英语第二第二册第五单元My daughter smokes. 我女儿抽烟While she is doing her homework, her feet on the bench in front of her and her calculator clicking out answers to her geometry problems, I am looking at the half-empty package of Camels tossed carelessly close at hand. 她做作业时,脚搁在前面的长凳上,计算器嗒嗒地跳出几何题的答案。我看着那包已抽了一
2、半、她随意扔在手边的“骆驼”牌香烟。I pick them up, take them into the kitchen, where the light is better, and study them theyre filtered , for which I am grateful . 我拿起香烟,走到厨房里去仔细察看,那里的光线好一点谢天谢地,香烟是有过滤嘴的。My heart feels terrible. 我心里十分难过。I want to weep.我想哭。 In fact, I do wee a little, standing there by the stove hold
3、ing one of the instruments, so white, so precisely rolled, that could cause my daughters death. 事实上,我确实哭过。我站在炉子旁边,手里捏着一支雪白的香烟,制作得非常精致,但那可是会致我女儿于死地的东西啊。When she smoked Marlboros and Players I hardened myself against feeling so bad; nobody I knew ever smoked these brands . 当她抽“万宝路”及“普雷厄尔”牌香烟时,我硬起心肠,不让
4、自己感到难过。我认识的人当中没有人抽这两种牌子的香烟。She doesnt know this, but it was Camels that my father, her grandfather, smoked. 她不知道我父亲、也就是她外公生前抽的就是“骆驼”牌香烟。But before he smoked cigarettes made by manufacturers when he was very young and very poor, with glowing eyeshe smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled
5、 himself.但是在他开始抽机制卷烟之前那时他很年轻、也很穷,眼睛炯炯有神他抽的是用“阿尔伯特亲王牌”烟丝自己手工卷的香烟。I remember the bright-red tobacco tin, with a picture of Queen Victorias partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane .我还记得那鲜红的烟丝盒,上面有一张维多利亚女王丈夫阿尔伯特亲王的照片,他身穿黑色燕尾服,手里拿着一支手杖。 By the late forties and early fift
6、ies no one rolled his own anymore (and few women smoked) in my hometown of Eatonton, Georgia. 到 年代末、 年代初,我的家乡佐治亚州的伊腾顿已没有人再自己手工卷烟了。The tobacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys, completely won over people like my father, who were hopeles
7、sly hooked by cigarettes. 烟草业,再加上好莱坞电影影片中的男女主角都是烟鬼把像我父亲这样的人完完全全争取了过去,他们无可救药地抽烟抽上了瘾。He never looked as fashionable as Prince Albert, though; he continued to look like a poor, overweight, hard-working colored man with too large a family, black, with a very white cigarette stuck in his mouth. 然而我父亲从来就没
8、有像阿尔伯特亲王那样时髦过。他还是一个贫穷、过于肥胖、为养活一大家人而拼命干活的男人。他是黑人,嘴里却总叼着一支雪白的香烟。I do not remember when he started to cough. 我记不清父亲是什么时候开始咳嗽的。Perhaps it was unnoticeable at first, a little coughing in the morning as he lit his first cigarette upon getting out of bed. 也许开始时并不明显,只是早晨一下床点燃第一支香烟时才有点微咳。By the time I was si
9、xteen, my daughters age, his breath was a wheeze , embarrassing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step. 到我 岁,也就是我女儿现在这般年纪时,他一呼吸就呼哧呼哧的,让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一会儿,It was not unusual for him to cough for an hour. 而且,他常常一连咳上一个小时。My father died from the poor mans
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- 新视野 大学 英语 第二 第五 单元
