1、新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册第五单元Unit5download 1 Unit 5 Education in Cyberspace I. Difficult Sentences 1. A peculiarly honest answer came out of my mouth before I could think. (1) Paraphrase this sentence. (=Without thinking, I answered him frankly.) (2) Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=我不假思索,老老实实地答道。) 2. Wh
2、ere I teach is inside that electrically charged space that lies between my phone jack and the home computers of a group of generally older-than-average college students. (1) Paraphrase this sentence. (=My students are generally older than the average college students. I teach them not in the traditi
3、onal lecture rooms, but on the Internet where I am linked with them via their home phone lines and modems.) (2) Translate this part into Chinese. (=我的课堂是在充满电荷的空间里,其间一端连着我的电话插座,另一端 连着一群年龄偏大的大学生家里的电脑。) 3. The mans face remained as blank as a clear summer sky. (1) What figure of speech is used here? (=
4、 simile. More examples: sing like an angel sleep as sound as a log be as brave as a lion) (2) Translate this part into Chinese. (=那人的脸上仍旧一片茫然。) 4. the Sage on the Stage (1) What does “the Sage on the Stage” mean? (=This is a term commonly used in the teaching research field to refer to the teacher w
5、ho plays a dominant role in the classroom. Its opposite term is “the Guide on the Side,” which suggests a learner-centred teaching approach.) (2) Translate this part into Chinese. (=讲坛上的圣人。/课堂教学的支配者。) 5. What they know, they must communicate to me in words. Whats the grammatical function of “What th
6、ey know” ? (=“What they know”, which serves as the object of the verb communicate, is put at the beginning of the sentence to achieve emphasis.) 1 Unit5download 2 6. They cannot sit passively in the back row twiddling their mental thumbs as the clock ticks away. (1) What does “twiddling their mental
7、 thumbs” mean? (=to do little or nothing; be idle) (2) What can we infer from the sentence? (=Studying online is different from that in the conventional classroom. Students should do something actively instead of sitting in the back idling.) (3) Translate this part into Chinese. (=他们不能坐在后排座位上,无所事事地打
8、发时光。) 7. who might be tempted to step in to “calm down” or “refocus” an otherwise wonderfully enlightening classroom debate. (1) Paraphrase this sentence. (=who might feel like interfering with the students debate to make them calm down or to change the focus of the debate. In that case, the classro
9、om debate might no longer be so enlightening as it should be.) (2) Translate this part into Chinese. (=可能会情不自禁地介入他们的争论,把原本很有启发性的课堂讨论“平息”或者“引到别的话题上去”。) 8. its just what a classical philosopher like Plato would have practicedhad there been an Internet way back then. (1) Why does the author use subjunc
10、tive mood in this sentence? (= It emphasizes the advantages of the virtual education.) (2) Translate this part into Chinese. (=虚拟大学兴许正是柏拉图这样的古典哲学家喜欢授课的地方假如他 那个时期有因特网的话。) II. Words and Expressions 1. think highly of: have a good opinion of someone or sth. *She thinks very highly of her boss. 我们及其欣赏王教
11、授的意见。 (= We think highly of Professor Wangs opinion.) Patterns: think highly of 对及其赞赏 speak highly of 对极为称颂,非常赞同 2. peculiarly: adv. especially; strangely *The streets were peculiarly quiet for the time of day. 他奇怪地看着我。 (=He looked at me most peculiarly.) 3. counsel: v. to give advice, especially on
12、 social or personal problems 2 Unit5download 3 *The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by the tragedy. 听从长辈的劝告吧. (= Listen to the counsel of your elders.) CF: counsel, advise, caution, warn 这些动词均有“劝告”、“忠告”、“警告”之意。 counsel 正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。 advise 普通用词,
13、泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。 caution 主要指针对潜在危险而提出的警告,含告诫别人小心从事的意味。 warn 含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指就某个严重的后果给人警告。 (Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. (1) Put that ball down and come over here, Laura Im _ you. (=warning) (2) Theyre _ that children be kept out of the
14、sun altogether. (=advising) (3) My job involves _ unemployed people on/about how to find work. (=counseling) (4) Id _ waiting until tomorrow. (=advise) (5) The newspaper _ its readers against buying shares without getting good advice first. (=cautioned) (6) We were not to eat the fish which might gi
15、ve us a slight stomach upset. (=warned) 4. flunk: v. (infml) especially. AmE to give someone low marks on a test so that they fail it; fail (an examination or study course) *I flunked my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college. (= Her not following the instructions flunked he
16、r.) Pattern: flunk out 除名,退学 5. for want of: for lack of, because of a lack of *If we fail it wont be for want of trying (= We have tried even if we fail). 因无事可做,我只好待在家里看电视。 (=For want of anything better to do I watched television for a while.) Collocations: fill/meet/ satisfy a want 满足需要 minister t
17、o sbs want 满足某人的需要 in want of 需要 3 Unit5download 4 6. virtual adj. made, done, seen etc. on the Internet or a computer, rather than in the real world *He has made some friends in the virtual world through the Internet. 网络购物/银行 (=virtual shopping/banking) 7. be the case: to be the actual state of aff
18、airs; to be true *He said hed been cheated out of all his money, but thats not the case. (=If that is the case then I will be very disappointed.) Collocations: a case in point 有关的实例, 例证 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in case of 假如,如果发生 in no case 无论如何不,决不 8. decline: (1) n. a period or process of going from
19、a better to a worse position *Our business has gone into a decline this year and we have to dismiss some employees. (=She seemed to be recovering and then she went into a decline.) (2) v. to gradually become less, worse, or lower *His interest in the project declined after his wife died. 我谢绝了他们提出的帮助
20、。 (=I declined their offer of help.) CF: refuse, decline, reject 这三个动词均含“拒绝”之意。 refuse 语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑地拒绝。 decline 指婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等。 reject 多指由于某物、某事、某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。 (Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. (1) The appeal was _ by the High Court. (=
21、rejected) (2) We asked them to come to our party, but they _. (=declined) (3) I applied for a job as a mechanic in a local garage, but I was _. (=rejected) (4) He asked her to marry him but she _. (=refused) (5) Hes in trouble but hes _ all (my offers of) help. (=refused) 9. hit on/upon sth: find by
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- 新世纪 大学 英语 综合 教程 第三 第五 单元
