1、急危重症护理学简答分析What are the clinical monitoring contents for patient after shock? 1)神志 2)皮肤 3)毛细血管灌注情况 4)脉搏的性质和速率的改变 5)血压 6)呼吸 7)尿量 8)体温 9)皮疹或哮喘 10) 其他临床表现,如腹痛. Please state the indications of endotracheal intubation. 1)维持气道充分开放. 2)为机械通气提供气道. 3)直接清除或吸出气管内痰液. 4)防止胃内容物、分泌液的反流而进入上呼吸道. 5)为心脏骤停的患者提供急救给药的途径.
2、What are the indicators of effective CPCR? 1)Aortic pulsation. 2)Pupils turn to small. 3)Complexion and lips become ruddy from cyanotic. 4)Consciousness. 5.)The presence of spontaneous respiration. 1)大动脉搏动。2)瞳孔由大变小. 3)面色、口唇由发绀变成红润。4)恢复神志. 5)出现自主呼吸. What are the commonly used ventilation modes in cli
3、nic? 1)辅助通气(AV) 2)控制通气(CV) 3)辅助-控制通气(A/CV) 4)同步间歇指令通气(SIMV) 5)压力支持通气(PSV) What are the basic functions of ICU? (1)有心肺复苏能力。(2)有呼吸道管理及氧疗能力。(3)有持续性生命体征监测和有创血流动力学监测能力。(4)有紧急作心脏临时性起搏能力。(5)有对各种检验结果做出快反应的能力。(6)有各个脏器功能较长时间的支持能力。(7)有进行全肠道外静脉营养支持的能力。(8)能够熟练地掌握各种监测技术以及操作技术能力。(9)在病人转送过程中有生命支持的能力。 Briefly state
4、the nursing interventions of hypertensive crisis? 答:严密观察病情;迅速降压;一般护理;对症护理;病因治疗。 What approaches are there in psychological interventions for pain management? 1)Relaxation 2.)Guided imagery 3) Distracion 4) Biofeedback 5.)Cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT). 6)Hypnosis 1)放松疗法 2)诱导想象疗法 3)注意力转移疗法 4)生物反馈疗
5、法 5)认知-行为治疗 6)催眠该药对光反应敏感,应现配现用,注意避光;输液容器上注明硝普钠,不与其他药合用;一般采用输液泵调速;治疗期间若出现血管过度扩张征象,如出汗、不安、头痛、心悸等,应停止输液;硝普钠在体内被代谢成氰化物,故不可长时间使用,以免引起神经系统中毒反应 Briefly state treatment principls of acute poisoning. (1)立即终止接触毒物。(2)清除尚未吸收的毒物。(3)促进已吸收毒物的排除。(4)应用特效解毒剂。(5)对症治疗。 Briefly state treatment principles of coma. (10 po
6、ints) (1)维持呼吸道通畅,保证充足氧供。(2)维持循环功能,抗休克。(3)补充葡萄糖,减轻脑水肿,纠正低血糖。(4)维持水、电解质和酸碱平衡。(5)积极寻找和治疗病因。 Briefly state nursing emphasis for drowning patient? (8 points) (1)密切观察病情变化。 Closely observe disease condition.(2)输液护理。 Transfusion nursing. (3)复温护理。 Rewarming nursing.(4)做好心理护理。 Psychological nursing. Briefly s
7、tate key points of nursing for shock patient?(12 points) (1)维持生命体征平稳(2)密切监测病情(3)开放静脉通路,进行扩容治疗(4)应用血管活性药物的护理(5)预防感染(6)心理护理 How to improve gas exchange in patients with CO poisoning? 。 What is significance about Glasgow Coma Scale? ; Chronic pain: Normal pulse, Normal blood pressure; Normal pupil size
8、; Normal activity, perhaps; Limited in nature; May not even mention pain unless questioned. 血压、脉搏正常;瞳孔大小正常;有可能活动正常;除非被问及可能都不会认为疼痛。 What are the key points when caring a drowning patient? (1)密切观察病情变化 保持呼吸道通畅 心理护理 输液护理血容量不足;创伤;感染;过敏;心源性因素;神经源性因素;呼吸频率超过20次/分钟或过度通气,动脉血二氧化碳分压低于32mmHg;实验室检查:血象白细胞计数超过12109
9、/L或低于4.0109/L或不成熟白细胞超过10%第二阶梯中度疼痛给予弱阿片类加减非甾类抗炎药和辅助止痛药。常用药物有可待因等。第三阶梯重度疼痛给予阿片类加减非甾类抗炎药和辅助止痛药。 Write down the indications(适应证) of ventilator application(呼吸机应用). 1)急、慢性呼吸衰竭 2)心源性或非心源性肺水肿 3)ARDS 4)胸部创伤、多发性肋骨骨折、连枷胸 5)呼吸中枢控制失调、神经肌肉疾患 6)呼吸性酸碱平衡失调 7)大手术后通气弥散功能障碍等 8)敌氧血症 9)呼吸困难 10)应用呼吸机进行呼吸道药物和气溶胶治疗 A tibeta
10、n man , 50 years old, was injured in collapsed house during the earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai. He was admitted to the hospital in 1 hour after injury. Physical examination: T 37.6, P 100 timesmin,R 27 timesmin,BP 9060mmHg. X ray shows the right thighbone(股骨) is broken.The incoagulative(不凝固) blood is
11、found by diagnostic peritoneocentesis(腹腔诊断性穿刺). The ultrasonography(B超) detects the left liver lobe(肝叶) is fractured. 1. What is the patients diagnosis? (5 points) 2. What are the medical and nursing management to the patient? (15 points) 1.该病人是多发伤。5分 2.救治与护理措施是:15分 院外救护: 1、预防再损伤 2、现场急救 3、快速转运及联络医院
12、院内急救?: 1、组织急救人员 2、确定急救先后顺序 3、保持呼吸道通畅,维持有效通气 4、止血,必要时手术止血 5、预防和抗休克 6、处理脑疝 7、处理颈髓损伤 8、尿管及胃管护理 9、病情观察 10、心理护理 A male patient, 76 years old, was diagnosed coronary heart disease(冠心病) and old myocardial infarction (心肌梗死) on anterior wall. On the morning of the fourth day after admitting, the patient lose
13、 consciousness suddenly, and the primary artery couldnt be palpable. ECG shows ventricular fibrillation. Questions: 1. What happened to the patient? (5 points) 2. If you are the nurse on duty, how to rescue the patient? (15 points) 1.病人出现了心搏骤停。5分 2基础生命支持:1)开放气道;2)用球囊-面罩辅助通气;3)胸外心脏按压,在人工气道建立之前,按压与通气比
14、为30:2;4)电击除颤。 进一步生命支持:1)进一步气道控制;2)正压通气;3)遵医嘱用药。 延续生命支持:1)保持气道开放;2)脑复苏;3)防治并发症。 Male, 20-year-old, suffered from pharyngalgia(咽痛), cough and low-grade fever on May 3th.On the morning of May 6th, he suddenly felt chilling(寒战), ardent fever(高热), headache and aching pain in muscles. Delirium (谵妄) occurr
15、ed at interval. He was sent to emergecy department in local hospital. Physical examination: T 39.6,P 128/min, R 29/min, BP 80/48mmHg. His face was pale, and the limbs are cold and cyanotic(发绀). Question: 1. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis in this case ? (5 points) 2. What are the treatmen
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