1、快乐的大脚中英文字幕华纳兄弟影业公司乡村路演影业公司曾经有一条,回家的路 Once there was a way To get back homeward今夜是否星光依旧? Are the stars out tonight?曾经有一条,回家的路 Once there was a way to get back home我只在意 I only have eyes睡吧,亲爱的,不要再哭泣 Sleep, pretty darling, do not cry为你 For you我会唱着摇篮曲 And I will sing a lullaby用我心中那首歌 With a song in my he
2、art快乐的大脚 告诉我,告诉我好消息 So tell me. Tell me something good告诉我你爱我 Tell me that you love me告诉我,宝贝 Tell me, baby告诉我好消息 Tell me something good只有你 Only you但你如何才能确定? But how can you know for sure?能让我的世界正常运转 Can make this world seem right真的只有那一个人吗? Is there really just one?我需要你的爱 I need your love歌声如此之多,但我依然寂寞难
3、耐 So many songs, but Im feeling so lonely.爱在哪里? Where is the love?想让我激情似火 You dont have to be beautiful你不必在意自己的外表 To turn me on我只需要你的身体,宝贝 I just need your body, baby哈罗 Hello从拂晓到日落 我就是你寻找的梦中情人吗? From dusk till dawn Is it me youre looking for?想让我高潮 You dont need experience来吧 Take你不必经验丰富 这受伤的翅膀 To tur
4、n me out These broken wings把一切都给我吧 You just leave it all up to me说说蛋宝宝,宝贝 说说你和我 Lets talk about eggs, baby Lets talk about you and me成为我的珍宝 You dont have to be rich给我你全部的爱 你不必很富有 Give me all your loving To be my pearl想主宰我的世界,你不必特意装酷 You dont have to be cool To rule my world没有比这更适合我的歌曲 Aint no partic
5、ular song Im more compatible with我只是需要你更多 I just want your extra.帅哥们,帅哥们 Boys. Boys.给这个小女孩一个机会 Give a chick a chance.自从那个女孩离开了我 Well, since my baby left me我来到了新的住处 I found a new place to dwell它就在孤独大街尽头的心碎旅馆 Its down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak Hotel我只能说“我是如此孤独,宝贝” And I said, Im feelin
6、g so lonely, baby“我是如此的孤独” Im feeling so lonely“我是如此孤独” Oh, Im feeling so lonely.我会活不下去的 I could die成为我的女孩,你不必多么富有 Dont have to be rich to be my girl想主宰我的世界,你不必特意装酷 Dont have to be cool to rule my world你主宰了我的世界 You rule my world你就是最适合我的那首歌曲 Youre the particular song Im compatible with我只是需要你 I just w
7、ant your更多的时间 更多的时间 Extra time Extra time还有你的亲吻 还有你的亲吻 And your kiss And your kiss他父母的邂逅跟别人没什么两样 His mom and dad met in the usual way.歌声带来了爱情 The song became love.爱情又产生了结晶 .and love became the egg.孟菲斯? Memphis?抓稳了吗,亲爱的? 嗯,好了 You got it, sugar? Yeah. Oh, yeah.它既安全又暖和 Safe and warm.抱紧了 Hold it tight,
8、now.哇,我觉得它动了一下 Whoa, I think I felt a move in there.和往常一样 And in the usual way.妈妈们在捕鱼期离开了 .the moms left for the fishing season.而爸爸们则呆在家里孵蛋宝宝 .while the dads stayed home to do egg time.你保证没事,孩子他爸? You gonna be okay, Daddy?噢,当然,亲爱的 我们会在寂寞大街这里等你的 Oh, sure, honey. Well be waiting for you, right here on
9、 Lonely Street.我越发的爱你了,告诉我这是为什么 I love you more and more, tell me why那再见了 Bye-bye, now.诺玛珍:活跃于六七十年代的美国乡村歌手 再见,诺玛珍,不用担心我们 Goodbye, Norma Jean. Dont you worry about a thing.不想让你走 Dont wanna let you go永远不说再见 I never can say goodbye, boy当别人都已离开 When all others leave.我们还在这 .we remain!当夕阳已然西下 When the sun
10、 vanishes.我们还在这 .we remain!我是如此孤独 我是如此孤独 Im feeling so lonely Im feeling so lonely.彰显智慧吧,弟兄们 大家挤在一起 Heed the wisdoms, brothers! Make a huddle!温暖蛋宝宝! Warm thy egg!挤在一起! Make a huddle!共同抵御寒冷! 共同抵御寒冷! Share the cold! Share the cold.要想在这漫漫长夜生存下来 Each must take his turn against the icy blast.大家就要轮流抵挡冰雹 .
11、if we are to survive the endless night.放开嗓子,兄弟们! Raise your voices, brothers!赞美伟大的企鹅歌神 Give praise to the Great Guin.是它让我们心中充满了歌声 是它让我们腹中填满了鱼儿 .who puts songs in our hearts and fish in our bellies!没有比这更适合我的歌曲 Aint no particular song Im more compatible with哦,宝贝,我现在想跳舞 Oh, baby, I think I wanna dance
12、now.不不不 No, no, no.兄弟姐妹们,对我们企鹅 There is a wisdom, brothers and sisters.有一条至理名言 .that stands above all others.那就是无论如何 没事的 Never, ever. Its okay.永远不要 没受伤,瞧 .no matter what. No harm done. See?让蛋宝宝掉下来 .drop your egg.我们没事,没事的 No, were cool. Were cool.数千只在漫漫冬夜中引颈高歌的企鹅中 Of the many thousands who sang throu
13、gh that long night of winter.孟菲斯唱得最有激情 .it was Memphis who cried out most fervently.是它的歌声转动了地球,带回了阳光 .to turn the Earth and bring back the sun.是个男孩 嘿,是个女孩 Its a boy! Hey, its a girl!多么苗条! 多么粗犷! What a peach! What a bruiser!过来,儿子 来爸爸这儿,过来啊 Come here, son. Come to Daddy, there you go.儿子,你太让爸爸骄傲了 Son,
14、you have made your daddy so proud.你知道吗,这都是遗传的 Its all genetics, you know.孟菲斯? Memphis?一切都还好吧? Is everything okay?我不知道,我什么也听不见 I dont know. I cant hear anything.是空包蛋? 宝贝儿 Is it empty? Honey.能给我吗? 葛露亚 Can I have it? Gloria.没事,莫里斯 Its okay, Maurice.有时候是这样的,孟菲斯 It happens sometimes, Memphis.是啊 Yeah.等等,你
15、听到了吗? Wait, you hear that?嗯 嘿,我听到你了,小家伙 Yeah. Hey, I can hear you, buddy.噢,爸爸在这儿,没事的 Oh, your papas here, its okay.噢,他没事,莫里斯 哈,他出来了 Oh, hes okay, Maurice. Whoa, there it is!那是他的小脚 Thats his little foot there.还有另一只 Theres his other one.怎么有点不大一样 Thats different.嘿,回来啊,曼波先生 Hey! Come back here, Mr. Mumb
16、le.葛露亚 Gloria.她总是这样随便给人家起名字 She can call him whatever the heck she likes.哦,小曼波 Whoa, little Mumble.曼波,曼波? 你没事吧? Mumble? Mumble? You okay?冷冷. Freezing. Freezing.哦,你会习惯的 Oh, youll get used to it.来,到爸爸这儿来 Come on. Come to your daddy.你看他是怎么回事? 好像站得不大稳 What do you make of that? Little wobbly in the knees
17、.他没事吧? 我也不知道 Is he okay? I dont know.你在干嘛呢,孩子? What you doing there, boy?我很快乐,爸爸 Im happy, Pa.你的脚怎么了? What you doing with your feet?它们也很快乐 Theyre happy too.我在别人面前不会这么做的,孩子 为什么? I wouldnt do that around folks, son. Why not?这个,这样不像企鹅,知道吗? 好吧 Well, it just aint penguin, okay? Okay.来,过来,到爸爸这里暖和一下 Yeah.
18、Hey, come on over here. Get under here. Get warm.小心尖嘴,小心尖 Watch the beak. Watch the beak. Beak!嘴 The beak.好了,乖孩子 Okay, good boy.这么晚了,她们遇到什么事了? So late. Whats keeping them?祷告吧,兄弟们 伟大的企鹅歌神不会用食物短缺来考验我们 Pray, brothers, the Great Guin does not test us with a lean season.为什么,诺亚?难道我们还不够恭顺吗? Why, Noah? Have
19、 we not all been dutiful?看到妈妈的时候 So when you see your mama.我要站得笔直 说对了 I stand perfectly still. You got it.但我怎么知道哪个是妈妈? But how will I know which ones my mama?哦,你会知道的 Oh, youll know.她走路时一摇一摆 说话时经常咯咯地笑 Shes got a wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk.她唱歌的时候 你的心都会被震颤不已 And when she sings, it darn
20、 near breaks your heart.嘿,等等,我看到她们了,看到了! Hey, wait. I see them. I see them!没错,是她们! Youre right! Youre right!老婆们,噢! Wives, ho!老婆们,噢! Wives, ho!老婆们,噢! Wives, ho!等等,不,曼波,回来 别曼波,回来曼波! Wait, no. Wait, no, Mumble, get back here. No, Mumble! Get back. Mumble!曼波,曼波! Mumble! Mumble!曼波! Mumble!蜜雪儿,蜜雪儿? Michel
21、le? Michelle?罗珊尼? 蜜雪儿? Roxanne? Michelle?阿尔菲? Alfie?莫里斯! 蜜雪儿,蜜雪儿! Maurice! Michelle! Michelle!妈妈! Mommy!噢,她太讨人喜欢了 Oh, shes so darling.借过,借过,打扰了 曼波,曼波? Excuse me. Pardon me, pardon me. Mumble? Mumble?曼波 Oh, Mumble.妈妈? 曼波! Mama? Mumble!妈妈? 曼波! Mama? Mumble!曼波! Mumble!妈妈,妈妈? Mama? Mama?曼波,孩子,你在哪儿? 妈妈!
22、Mumble, boy, where are you? Mama!孟菲斯? Memphis?噢,孩子他妈 噢,孩子他妈 Oh, Mama. Oh, Mama.噢,上帝 孩子他爸 Oh, my. Daddy.我们的孩子在哪儿呢? So wheres the baby?亲爱的,我会找到他的 Well, honey, Ill find him.你把宝宝丢了?孟菲斯! 没事的 You lost the baby? Memphis! Its okay.妈妈,妈妈? 站住! Mama? Mama? Stay!来妈妈这儿 不,曼波 Come to Mommy. No, Mumble.妈妈,妈妈 Mama,
23、Mama.嘿,他的脚怎么了? Hey, whats wrong with his feet?哦,一点小毛病,长大就好了 Oh, thats just a little thing hes got going. Hell grow out of it.妈妈! Mama!噢,孟菲斯,他太漂亮了 Oh, Memphis, hes gorgeous.可不是吗? 看看你 Isnt he, though? Look at you.我给你带了东西 I got something for you.张开嘴 Open up.哦,我就喜欢看你喂食的样子 Oh, I love the way she does tha
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