1、大众传播时代传统文化的命运 大众传播时代传统文化的命运 【摘要】 百家讲坛现象是2005、2006和2007三年的持续文化热点,引起了社会各界的广泛关注和讨论,尤其是栏目所推出的“学术明星”,在受到粉丝热捧的同时也遭受了学术圈内不少同行的批评,被人戏称为“冰火两重天”。本文尝试把这一现象作为一个特殊的文化事件纳入到当今中国社会历史文化的背景下进行分析,以揭示其深层次的意蕴。本文在绪言部分简单介绍了一下百家讲坛现象出现的背景及原因,并说明了自己写作本文的意图是要通过对百家讲坛现象的分析,揭示出其背后隐藏的深层次的精神、文化、道德和社会危机。正文部分分为三章,第一章的着眼点在百家讲坛的“变身”及其
3、分针对百家讲坛现象中出现的犬儒主义倾向进行了阐述和批判,提请知识分子警惕和反思犬儒主义出现的现实制度环境和土壤。 【Abstract】 Lectures Room is the continually hot cultural topic in 2005, 2006 and 2007,which holds grand public attention and attracts peoples fierce discussion. Theacademic stars arose from Lectures Room also face the double fate: on the one h
4、and,they are followed and supported by enthusiastic fans; on the other hand, they areseverely criticized by other scholars within the academic circle. The thesis tries toanalyze this phenomenon as a special cultural incident under the context of Chinesesocial and historical culture, then exposit the
5、 deep meaning of the phenomenon.In the preface part, the author will briefly introduce the background and reason ofappearance of Lectures Room. It will also reveal the hidden deep mental, cultural andmoral crisis through analyzing the phenomenon as the purpose of writing this thesis.There are three
6、chapters in body part. In Chapter one, I elaborate the adjustmentand variation when traditional culture coming up to the modern media. During theprocess of adjusting, TV media occupies the dominant position, which determineswhat to talk and how to talk when traditional culture on stage. As well as t
7、raditionalculture, scholars also change when they walk into the modern media. To some extent,they deviate from the traditional intellectual identity, and come close to“the new-typecultural media person”or“TV intellectuals”. And in Chapter two, the I take thevariation and the confining force behind t
8、he variation in mind, and point out LecturesRooms tough surviving condition-being between government and market.In Chapter three, I analyze the essence of the hot debating arose by LecturesRoom, and try to draw into Pierre Bourdieus theory of field splitting, then point outthat this is a crossing co
9、nflict among different field, then more or less, every sidemakes the mistakes in applying evaluation standard.In the concluding part, the author will explain and criticize the cynicism trendappears in Lectures Room, and remind the intellectuals on the alert for realistic systemenvironment for cynici
10、sm.【关键词】 传统文化; 现代传媒; 场域分化; 犬儒主义 【Key words】 culture; modern media; field splitting; cynicism 大众传播时代传统文化的命运摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 绪言 8-11 第1章 百家讲坛这张“魔鬼之床 11-20 1.1 百家讲坛栏目的变迁 11-15 1.1.1 栏目定位的变化 11-12 1.1.2 节目内容和形式的变化 12-13 1.1.3 “做营销一样做节目” 13-15 1.2 换位思考 15-17 1.2.1 魔鬼法则 15-16 1.2.2 魔鬼法则背后的制约力量 16-17 1.3
11、央视的特殊地位 17-20 第2章 传统文化走进现代传媒 20-31 2.1 媒介即信息 20-21 2.2 传统文化与现代传媒的交锋 21-24 2.2.1 冲突 21-23 2.2.2 妥协 23-24 2.2.3 融合 24 2.3 “学术明星”版传统文化的特点 24-28 2.3.1 故事化 24-25 2.3.2 简单化 25-28 2.4 学者的身份转换 28-31 2.4.1 “学术传播明星” 28 2.4.2 新型文化媒介人与电视知识分子 28-31 第3章 场间的交叉混战 31-42 3.1 “于丹热”中争论各方的主要观点 31-35 3.1.1 “粉丝团”的力挺 31-32 3.1.2 “十博士”的抵制和学者们的批评 32-34 3.1.3 学界前辈的中立立场 34-35 3.2 文化生产场域的分化 35-36 3.3 评价错位 36-42 3.3.1 百家讲坛的性 质 36-37 3.3.2 “粉丝团”评价标准应用的错位 37-38 3.3.3 “十博士”和学者们评价标准应用的错位 38-42 结语:关于百家讲坛的反思 42-46 参考文献 46-49 致谢 49-50