1、第一单元:Vocabulary Study:1. permanent 2.had assembled 3.discharging 4.meekly 5.apprentice 6.partiality 7.obscure 8.exalted 9.intruding 10cordially 11ambition 12.gallantlyCLOZE:BDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCB、Translation:1. His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2. A Boeing 747 aircraft
2、 didnt gain enough height to climb the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived in the accident.3. Students have easy access to the library resource, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4. Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at the time, h
3、it an iceberg when she was under the way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5. Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing.6. They have been t
4、o St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonderful food, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches.第二单元:Vocabulary Study1. advocated2.extravagant3.vulnerable4.guru5.potential6.dispel7.shunne
5、d8.acclaimed9.enthusiasts10.stave off11.attendant 12.venturedII. l. eradicated 2. enthralled 3. obso1ete 4. disproved 5. foster 6. ludicrous 7. apparent 8. avert9. displaced l0. compatriots 1 l. endeavors l2. hailedCLOZE: CBDAD CDBAC BBCCD ABCAC.Translation:1. Some cyber gurus claim that the interne
6、t will prevent wars, reduce pollution and combat various forms of inequality.2. Although, the internet undeniable fosters communications, it will not put an end to wars, since wars are by no means caused by the failure of different people to understand each other adequately.3. The internet can help
7、reduce energy consumption and pollution, only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities.4. The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it efficiently. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for univer
8、sal literacy than universal internet access.5. Thanks to the internet, income inequality between people doing similar jobs in different countries has been reduced. However, the inequality between information workers in poor countries and their poorest compatriots has been increased.6. If human natur
9、e remains stubbornly unchanged, despite the claims of the techno-prophets, humanity cannot simply invent away its failings.课文参考译文:因特网不能做什么?1 在1858年第一根横穿大西洋的通讯电缆铺设成功时,维多利亚时代的积极分子们曾欢呼说:“像电报这种为世界各国交流思想的工具诞生之后;那些根深蒂固的偏见与敌意不可能再长时间存在了。”甚至在今天,人们仍以同样的口吻谈论着各种新技术生物工程被说成是解决温饱问题的妙方。人类基因组的排序据说可以彻底根治癌症和其他疾病然而,人们把
10、最盲目乐观的想法倾注在了因特网上。网络专家们的整个行业曾用令人驰神往的美妙话语(并因此而获得了不菲的收入)称,因特网可以防止战争、减少污染;还能克服种种形式的不平等。然而,尽管因特网出现的时间不长,依旧足以激起理想主义的灵感,但它存在的时间也已长得足以判断预言家的预言正确与否了。2所有的断言中最为美妙的便是J麻省理J学院的一些专家们所宣称的:因特网是一种潜在的和平力量。一位权威尼十拉斯 内格罗蓬特说,正是由于因特网的存在,来来的孩子们“将不知道民族主义为何物”。他的同事迈克尔 德托索斯曾写道,数字化通信将带来“计算机辅助下的和平”,它“有助于避免未来种族仇恨的爆发和国家分裂的发生”。他的理念是
11、改进了的通信手段将减少误解;避免冲突。3可惜啊!这种断言并不比有关其他新技术可能促进和平的说法新鲜到哪里去。在20世纪初,人们认为飞机的发明将有助于结束战争,因为它可以增进国际间的交往,使陆军变得陈旧过时(虽然这种说法不那么可信)因为陆军容易受到来自空中的打击。在第一次世界大战的现实使这些想法都成为泡影之后,人们又把希望寄托在收音机上。“国与国之间将和平相见;”这是英国BBC电台全球广播使用的一句很好的标语。可悲的是,卢旺达电台并不认为收音机生来是一种一劳永逸的和平力量。4 人们所犯的错误就在于他们认为战争的爆发是由于不同种族间缺乏充分的理解而引起的。其实;即使真的如此;因特网也同样可用于鼓动
12、冲突、充满憎恨的演说和偏狭的见解在阴暗的角落里滋生蔓延,政府却感到难以于预、不可否认,尽管因特网可以增进交流,它却无法消除战争。5. 但是因特网可以减少能源和消耗吗?能源与气候问题解答中心(CECS)华盛顿的一个智囊团,主利又据1997和1998两年能源消耗的数字,提出了这样一种说法该中心大胆地指出,虽然美国经济在这两年中以 9的速度增长;但它的能源需求却基本保持不变,原因就在于因特网的广泛应用,因为国特网片将纸张和光盘转化成电子信号,并且可以用光纤电缆取代卡车”、难怪报纸有一条充满激情的大字标题恳求人们:“网上购物,巴拯救地球。”6.令人悲哀的是拯救地球比这要难得多。当然;与驾车去商场购物相
14、能源。家用电脑正在成为日常生活结构中的一部分,而且其中越来越多的电脑始终处于开机状态、一次颇具争议的估算指出:在美国,足有 8的耗电量是由联网计算机所消耗的。建设好的一些规模宏大的划务器场区”摆满计算机及其辅助冷却设备的库房一已经导致电力网络的超负荷运转,这种状况已经引起了硅谷地区的用电紧张。8如何认识因特网能减少不平等现象的说法呢?美国商业部的一项研究表明,年收入在75万美元以上的家庭与最贫困的家庭相比,前者上网率是后者的周倍还多、比尔 克林顿吃惊于贫富之间的“数字鸿沟”;辩称大家都能上网将帮助缩小收入的差距。9 但是,由于使用因特网的费用不断下降(提供免费上网的服务已基本普及,现在购买一台
15、个人电脑比买一台录像机或一台大的电视机贵不了多少);贫富之间数字鸿沟的真正原因将逐渐凸现。穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,问题是他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它、因此,我们很难明白把穷人和因特网连在一起怎么就能改善他们的经济状况。提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。IO 然而,即使是在关于因特网的非常荒谬的说法中;也可能有一些合理的成分、这种开放的网络,一个对政府来说非常难以控制的网络,可能确实能帮助给予每个公民更多的权利,并促进民主。由于民主国家间很少发生争斗,所以开放性的网络可以促进和平。就环境问题而言,因特网将使我们可以从远处对多部机器进行更为精确的监控和调试,这将提
16、高能源使用率。对污染税的征税或仅对其检测,其成本将会降低,而且易于为政府所承担。11 在某些情况下,由于有了因特网,不平等现象也有可能会减少。一位在班加罗尔或是西伯利亚的电脑编程人员。在足不出户的情况下,可以用因特网为一家在西雅图的软件公司工作;并能期望得到一份与在网络另一端工作的虚拟同事们相近的收八。其效果是减少在不同国家从事类似工作的人们之间收入上的不平等,但这么做却拉大了贫穷国家中从事信息产业的人们与他们最贫穷同胞之间收入上的差距。12因特网改变着许多事物。它已对商务领域产生了巨大的影响、公司能够把它们的系统与其产品供应商和合作伙伴直接相连;可以在网上24小时地进行交易,可以比以往更多地
17、了解他们的顾客。经济的运行因此将更有成果。对个人而言,电子邮件已经成为自电话问世之后最为重要的新型人际交流方式。13 然而,我们还不清楚因特网能够在多大程度上改变人类其他领域的活动即使地球上的每个人都与因特网相连;战争、污染和不平等依然会存在、随着新鲜事物的交替更迭,人类的本性看来还会固执地保持不变Z 不管科技预言家的预言是什么,人类的发明绝对不能克服其自身的缺陷。因特网不是第一种被人们视为万能药的技术,也肯定不会是最后一种。第三单元:Vocabulary Study1.sank 2.clear 3.rainfall 4.drought 5.Flowering 6.loose 7.pores
18、8.graze 9.spine 10.trapped 11.venture 12.fertileCLOSE: CBDAB DBCCA ACDAC CADABTranslation:1. Many studies indicate that the desert air is so dry that it contains hardly any moisture.2. Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain according to the laws, about 1% of the children
19、 still can not read when they leave primary schools.3. After hearing the news, I knew that within a fortnight I would feel restless again.4. We think unanimously to answer the question, we must look more closely at the facts.5. Throughout the world, governments at all levels are taking effectively m
20、easures to prevent environment pollution.6. Some people think that the objective items such as multiple choices should be used for an examination, others dont agree because they believe that this kind of test has some bad effect on students leaning.第四单元Vocabulary Study 1. Physical 2.accumulation 3.d
21、iversity 4.precipitated 5.muscular 6.pathological 7.symptomatic 8.vigorous 9.psychologically 10.Anxiety 11.restored 12.refreshedII. l. manifestation 2. resume 3. precipitate 4. consequence 5. diverse 6. a skimpy 7. taxing 8. prolong9. overlooked l0. vigor 11l. enhanced l2. relapse CLOSE: ACDCB BCCBD
22、 CDCBA ADCDBTranslation:1. I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment from a days sedentary job.2. Exercising and relaxing yourself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3. The less active you are, the faster the aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable
23、you became to physical and psychological problems.4. Even if you keep dieting, you cannot reduce to the point where you achieve the kind of body-shaping you want.5. People thought he had happy late years during which time he did little but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed.6. In th
24、e past when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a wash board, people seldom complained of tiredness. However people fed dragged out and complained a lot in the modern time of labor-saving devices and convenient transportation.论三种疲劳 1 疲劳是人们向医生、朋友和亲戚经常抱怨的问题之一。或许你会认为在这个拥有各种节省体力装置和方便交通设施的时代,没有
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