全国职称英语考试职称英语神表 掌握必过 孙伟.doc
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1、专业第30课 总结孙老师特别提示:通过职称的三个要素1. 选择一个好的适合自己的方法2. 认真练习与总结3. 运气一、 押题-阅读与完型二、 出题人的人品 最后要做的三件事1. 牢记神表,熟练应用。2. 充分准备押题。3. 淡定的应试心态。很多人在做题时反复地犯着同样错误,并不是因为他们没有记住-神表!而是匆匆忙忙,慌慌张张, 心态已乱!每篇文章平均有20多分钟完成,何不气定神闲,从容面对!职称英语考的不是英语,是悟性与心态 在这个世界上,我们永远不要过分相信技巧。也就是说,没有人可以摆脱环境而生存。当我们都面对恶劣环境的时候,就要看我们内心所酝酿的心境如何。当一个人的心境可以抵消外在恐惧的时
2、候,这个人才成为真正的勇者,这个人的技巧才有发挥的空间。如果你的心境已经被环境挫败的时候,你做任何事情都将一事无成。职称英语考试六大题型解题顺序1. 第2部分 阅读判断 (共7分) 时间 0分钟 分数 3 分2. 第4部分 阅读理解(共45分) 时间 65 分钟 分数 ?3. 第6部分 完型填空(共15分) 时间 10 分钟 分数 15 分4. 第1部分 词汇选项 (共15分) 时间 15分钟 分数10 分5. 第3部分 概括大意 (共8分) 时间 10分钟 分数 ?6. 第5部分 补全短文(共10分) 时间 10分钟 分数 ? 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 3 - 4
3、分军有所不击,城有所不攻,地有所不争,将在外君令有所不受。 Kicking the HabitWhat is a bad habit? the most definition is that it is something that we do regularly, almost without thinking about it, and which has some sort of negative consequence. this consequence could affect those around us, or it could affect us personally. th
4、ose who deny having bad habits are probably lying. bad habit are part of what makes us human. Many early habits, like sucking out thumb, are broken when we are very young. we are either told to stop doing it by our parents, or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same
5、 habit, and we gradually grow out of it. it is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem. unless we can break that habit early on, it becomes a part of out life, and becomes “programmed” into our brain.A recent stu
6、dy of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change out habits, it is the old ways that tend to win, especially in situations where we are rushed, stressed or overworked. habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back. during the study program, the researchers showe
7、d a group of volunteers several pictures, and gave them words to associate with them. they then showed the volunteers the same picture again, and gave them new words to associate with them,A few days later, the volunteers were given a test. the researchers showed them the pictures, and told them to
8、respond with one of the words they had been given for each one. it came as no surprise that their answers were split between the first set of words and second. two weeks later, they were given the same test again. this time, most of them only gave the first set of words. they appeared to have comple
9、tely forgotten the second set.The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time. we may try to change out ways, but after a while, the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned. the more that response is used, the more automati
10、c it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way.The study therefore suggests that over time, our bad habits also become automatic, learned behavior. this is not good news for people who pick up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them. even when we try to put
11、new, good intentions into practice, those previous learned habits remain stronger in more automatic, unconscious forms of memory.16. Boys usually develop bad habits when they are very young. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned17. We can only break bad habits if others tell us to do. A. right B. wrong
12、 C. not mentioned18. Bad habits may return when we are under pressure. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned19. Researchers were surprised by the answer that the volunteers gave in the first test. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned20. The volunteers found the test more difficult when they did it the se
13、cond time. A. Right B. wrong C. not mentioned21. The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond what we learn first. A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned22. If we develop bad habits early in life , they are harder to get rid of. A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned 阅读解题四大原则: 此项特别重要4. 注意:(1) 绝对原
14、则:有all, every, only等绝对词一般为不正确!(但不是绝对的!) (2) 相对原则:有may, might, can, could, likely, sometimes,some , probably一般为正确!第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 2分 In Your Face16 Paul Ekman studies peoples faces in different cultures. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17 Ekman did research in several countries and got d
15、ifferent results. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18 Americans get angry more often than the Fore people from New Guinea. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned19 Ekman thinks that some basic emotions are the same everywhere. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20 Two people might feel different emotion
16、s about the same thing. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21 Fear is the most difficult emotion to change. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned22 People of different cultures smile when they understand each other. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 4分 Promising Results from C
17、ancer Study16 The vaccine cured all the participants in the trial. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17 Over forty people participated in the study. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18 Patients in the early stages of the disease recovered more quickly in the trial. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentione
18、d19 All the patients were from Dallas. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20 Every patient was injected with the same vaccine. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21 The vaccine activates the immune system. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned22 The vaccine may be useful for treating other cancers. A. Ri
19、ght B. Wrong C. Not mentioned第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分) 阅读理解解题程序当你拿到一篇文章时,应按下列顺序解题:先扫一眼文章中的中文注释。关键词附近有中文注解或答案中有中文注解应特别注意(很可能就是答案或在附近)。1、 抓中心2、 扫一下题干与ABCD。3、 分类解题。1中心思想题 2. 具体细节(查细节)3. 作者观点或文章结论4. 对错选择 , 提到未提到5. 解释词义孙老师特别提示: 第1篇很难, 2-3篇很简单,心态比技巧更重要。第1篇 Operation Migration迁徙 15分 本文是一篇说明文,最重要的信息在第一句。文
20、章中心思想是Migration,即鸟类迁徙。 做所有题应围着中心思想转。1. 文章的中心思想 擒贼先擒王 做所有题围着中心转 提问中有-main-ly , First paragraph如何抓住文章中心(1) 文章的中心思想第一句(如是否定,应在第二句),如第二句是 but,“:”, “.”, (破折号),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new, main.应在第二句。第一段中如有上述词也应特别注意。(2) 第二段第一句是 but,“:”,“”, (破折号),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,howe
21、ver,new.应在第二段第一句。如问中心思想,ABCD哪个有中心词先读哪个,是答案的可能性非常大。注意:1 如有两个选项中出现中心词-需认真推敲。 2 如有中心词的选项是否定时-需认真推敲,注重肯定句。 3 中心题最好放在最后做。一旦某一题不会做,跳过去,所有题选完后,最后做,你会发现原来很容易,万不可一棵树吊死! 如何抓住文章和句子的重心注意主从句 - 状语从句看主句 五. 如何抓住文章和句子的重心:1. 围着中心转-中心 ( 第一句), 第一句(如是否定应在第二句)。第二句出现but,“:”, “.”, (破折号),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,
22、however,new.应在第二句。第一段中有上述词也应特别注意。结论(最后一句)。2. 注意段落结构-段落中心(段落第一句),段落结论(段落最后一句)。 3. 第二段第一句是 but,“:”, “.”, (破折号),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new.中心应在第二段。4. 注意连词 - but,“:”, “.”, (破折号),today,this day,now,so,yet,therefore,however,new , that.5. 注意主从句 - 宾语从句看从句 that状语从句看主句 定语从句看主句(先行词与从句看懂一个就
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- 全国职称英语考试 职称英语神表 掌握必过 孙伟 全国 职称 英语考试 英语 掌握
