1、马克思主义中国化研究专业英语课程教学大纲课程名称:马克思主义中国化研究专业英语 英文译名:Special English开课单位:人文社会科学学院预修课程:基础英语、中国化马克思主义基本原理开课学期:3 课内总学时:30学 分:1 考核方式:考试一、教学目的及要求 1、教学目的:本课程是马克思主义中国化研究专业大二研究生必修的学位课。通过教学让学生掌握该课程常用的英语词汇以及一些习惯表达方式,提高学生对与专业相关英文文献的阅读能力,同时培养学生专业英语的翻译、写作能力和口语表达能力。2、教学要求:通过教学,让学生能较顺利阅读马克思主义经典文献和马克思主义中国化理论成果的英文版,能初步地用英语对
2、专业内容进行听、说、写的交流。 二、课程内容及学时分配1、课程主要内容第一部分:共产党宣言:Manifesto of the Communist Party第一章共产党宣言简介第二章 Preface 第三章 Bourgeois and Proletarians第四章. Proletarians and Communists第五章 Socialist and Communist Literature第六章 Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties第七章 Review of M
3、anifesto of the Communist Party第二部分:中国共产党十七大报告Report To The Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China:第八章 Thoroughly Applying the Scientific Outlook on Development.第九章 New Requirements for Attaining the Goal of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Respects第十章 Promoting
4、 Sound and Rapid Development of the National Economy第十一章 Unswervingly Developing Socialist Democracy第十二章 Promoting Vigorous Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture第十三章Accelerating Social Development with the Focus on Improving Peoples Livelihood2、课程具体学时分配章 节教学内容教学环节的学时分配讲授讨论试验上机其他第一章共产党宣言简介1
5、1第二章Preface4第三章Bourgeois and Proletarians4第四章Proletarians and Communists3第五章Socialist and Communist Literature3第六章Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties1第七章Review of Manifesto of the Communist Party1第八章Thoroughly Applying the Scientific Outlook on Developme
6、nt2第九章.New Requirements for Attaining the Goal of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in all Respects1第十章Promoting Sound and Rapid Development of the National Economy21第十一章Unswervingly Developing Socialist Democracy2第十二章.Promoting Vigorous Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture1第十三章Acc
7、elerating Social Development with the Focus on Improving Peoples Livelihood2Review1合 计30264三、教材1、Karl Marx & Frederick Engels著.Manifesto of the Communist Party.外语教学与研究出版社.19982、Documents of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.外语教学与研究出版社.2007四、参考文献1、马克思恩格斯选集(第2版).人民出版社.19952、For a short account of how a Marxist theory of imperialism might be extended to cover contemporary aspects of globalization see:A.Callinicos.An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto,Polity.London.20033、F.Fukuyama.Trust,Penguin,Harmondsworth.19964、A.Giddens.The Third Way,Polity,Cambridge.1998