1、合同翻译常用句型 所有权 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 所有权 1 Title/Ownership 所有权 All intellectual property rights which are in existence prior to the date of the commencement of this Agreement and which are proprietary to Party A are and shall remain the property of Party A. 本协议开始之日前存在的属于甲方 专有的一切知识产权现在是以后 仍然是甲方的财产。 Party A gran
2、ts Party B a non-exclusive right to use such intellectual property rights free of charge solely for the performance by Party B of the Service under this Agreement. 甲方授予乙方非独占权免费使用该 等知识产权仅仅是为了乙方履行本 协议项下的服务。 Title to the System or any of its components shall remain with Party A. 系统或其任何部件的所有权始终属 于甲方。 Pa
3、rty B and Party A therefore agree that no right, interest or title in or to the System is transferred to Party B hereunder, except as otherwise set forth in Section X of this Agreement. 因此乙方和甲方同意根据本协议 系统的权利、权益或所有权并未转让 给乙方但本协议第X条另行规定 的除外。 Party B agrees that other than provided herein, it does not an
4、d shall not claim any proprietary interest in the System. 乙方同意除本协议规定外其现在 不主张、以后也不应主张系统中的任 何专有权益。 All intellectual property rights subsisting in or used in connection with the Project, including all the documents and manuals relating thereto, and including all intellectual property rights owned by Pa
5、rty B prior to the execution of this Contract as well as all intellectual property rights acquired or created by 项目中存在的或与项目相关使用的 一切知识产权包括有关知识产权的 一切文件和手册及包括动方在本合 同签署之前拥有的一切知识产权和 乙方在本合同期间获得或创立的一 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 所有权 2 Party B during the term of this Contract, are and shall remain the sole property of Part
6、y B and/or its possible licensor(s). 切知识产权现在是以后仍然是乙 方和或其可能的许可人的独家财 产。 Party A shall not during the term of, or at any time after the expiry or termination of, this Contract in any way question or dispute the ownership of such intellectual property rights of Party B or its licensor(s). 在本合同期间或合同届满或终止
7、后 任何时候甲方均不得以任何方式对 乙方或其许可人的该等知识产权的 所有权提出质疑或争议。 Licensor shall have and retain sole and exclusive title to all inventions, discoveries, knowhow and patents which are made, conceived, reduced to practice or generated by its employees, agents, or other persons acting under its authority in the course of
8、 or as a result of this Agreement. 许可方对由其雇员、代理人、或经其 授权行事的其他人员在本协议过程 中或因本协议而作出的、构想的、付 诸实践的或产生的一切发明、发现、 诀窍和专利独家享有和保留所有 权。 Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensor may use, sell, keep, license, assign, or mortgage such jointly owned inventions, discoveries and knowhow, and otherwise und
9、ertake all activities a sole owner might undertake with respect to such inventions, discoveries and knowhow, without the consent of and without accounting to Licensee. 除非本协议明示规定许可方可使 用、出售、保留、许可他人使用、转 让、或抵押该等共同拥有的发明、发 现和诀窍并可如同惟一的所有人一 般就该等发明、发现和诀窍进行其 他一切活动而无须征得被许可方的 同意亦无须向被许可方作出解释。 The parties agree t
10、hat all ideas, knowhow, processes, information, drawings, documents, designs, models, 双方同意承包方在提供服务过程中 创作、筹划、创造、制作、交付、设 合同翻译经典句型荟萃 之 所有权 3 inventions, copyrightable materials and other tangible and intangible materials authored, prepared, created, made, delivered, conceived or reduced to practice, in
11、 whole or in part, by Contractor in the course of providing the Services, including without limitation computer programs, computer systems, data and documentation (collectively, the Works) are the sole and exclusive property of the Company and shall be considered works made for hire. 想或付诸实践的任何想法、技术、
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 合同翻译常用句型 所有权 合同 翻译 常用 句型
